Chapter 201 Haircut (1)
You Yefeng and Hu Jun just stayed outside the city like this, looking at the distant mountains, one was refreshed after tyrannizing others, the other was relaxed after thinking through it, the more they looked at it, the more they felt that today's sky was special. Well, I understand why some people like mountaineering and off-roading, it feels really good.

Qianjin Wanzhou hadn’t left for a while, Xiaoxia ran over on his back foot, followed by Xiaobudian Xiaoqiu, just out of curiosity, Xiaoqiu followed in, Hu Juan thought that there was nothing scary inside, so Xu Langyu let Xu Langyu take a good look at him, This little kid was a little scared at first, but he followed the adults closely, and now he is running away. It can be seen that courage needs to be exercised.

"There is a woman inside who says she knows you and is your friend." Xiao Xia hesitated to tell the reason. Hu Jun's friends should naturally be taken seriously, but it is difficult to tell the truth from the fake and needs to be confirmed.

"My friends?" Hu Juan was really surprised. There are only a handful of his friends. Well, there are only two in total, it must be easy to count. One is in City A, and the other, could it be her?

Hu Juan finally decided to take a trip, "Right, I'll go and have a look." Who the hell is she?
Why is Hu Jun so interested in this friend? Let's talk about Hu Jun's previous life, or she has never seen what kind of girl she was before the end of the world.

In the more popular words, she is a leftover woman, but no, it is said on the Internet that people who are over 25 years old and not married are considered leftover women. According to this posture, those who graduated from college without a diploma or a marriage certificate, in the new year, it is estimated that they will be considered as leftover women. There are leftover women, and Hu Jun himself is one of them.

Of course, apart from being a leftover girl or a home girl, she has average appearance, average family, average study when she was in school, and average job after work. She is just such an ordinary girl who doesn't know how to dress herself up, and spends all day holding her computer and mobile phone to watch Ah look, if you don't take the initiative to contact the society, you still expect Gao Fushuai to cry downstairs every day and beg to see if you come out to play?It's just a dream!

So, in the life of Hu Jun who is a house girl and a leftover girl, there are many relatives and friends in the circle of relatives and friends, but she only has two good friends, one is Zhou Yun, a classmate from elementary school, and the other is Chen Fei, a classmate from junior high school. This means that these two can be regarded as girlfriends, and the others can only be said to know each other.

Is this kind of Hu Jun a cruel girl? The answer is of course no. If it were anyone else, if she was reborn, she would definitely be a domineering and arrogant girl, and all kinds of tossings can't be explained.

But look at Hu Jun, she is careful every day, avoiding this and guarding against that. Well, the reason why she did this before she had no powers may be that she is timid because she has no powers, but now, with powers, she is still ice-type NO. 1 It is reasonable to say that she should do whatever she wants, but it still can't, she has a big family to take care of, if she gets angry and causes a mess, the gang of power grabbers get angry and want revenge, who will suffer?If you don’t turn yourself in, say from a distance, what about Qi Zhejun in the patrol bureau, what about your subordinate Lu Jingsheng, and talk about what to do with the old and young at home, it’s true that supernatural powers can solve many things, the end of the world However, this is only limited to a certain range, the supernatural beings can be arrogant, and the people above can turn a blind eye, but it does not mean that they are fools No, they are lunatics, lunatics who only have interests in their eyes.

Once they are angered, the anger and desire accumulated for 500 years is not something humans can bear. How determined is it to bite the bullet and give up the hereditary throne and become a top wealthy family? So, pretty scary.

Hu Jun can only rely on the base to live, honestly, because she can fight, escape, and live wherever she has space. One enemy is one hundred, even one enemy is one thousand, but can she guarantee their safety with this group of old and young, of course there is no such guarantee, so she really can only rely on the base to live, what she can do at this stage is to maximize Let them understand that I am not easy to mess with, so you should pay attention, don't play with fire and get on me, that's all.

Having said that, you can say that she is weak and cautious, but she has a heart full of brilliance at that moment, hoping that everyone around her is well, which is why the immortal left her space, hope, her This kindness will not change, but this seemingly fraternal love is actually a true conscience imprinted in his bones.

So, if this woman is Chen Fei, she will take her back to the base, and will not guarantee her food and clothing, but can arrange a job, and then the rest of the journey will depend on herself.

The sky failed as people wished, Hu Juan thought about how to treat her, but when he saw the person, I'll fuck it, it's not Chen Fei at all, okay? Hu Juan especially wanted to ask her, who are you?Because Hu Jun has no impression of her at all, she is a classmate, not like, a colleague, not like, only Hu Juan makes friends, there is no one else.

"It's me, I'm Zhou Huohuo, we left City I together!" The skinny girl in front of her saw Hu Jun's eyes glowing, she rushed over and grabbed Hu Jun's feet, and directly spoke about her relationship with her, hoping to get her attention.

Hu Juan looked at her and thought for a while. It turned out that it was the arrogant and domineering second daughter of the Zhou family.Hu Juan glanced at her indifferently, he didn't even want to say a word, because he didn't want to care about it at all, the relationship was irrelevant, and he was not being taken advantage of, thinking that Chen Fei was a waste of emotion, if he had known it would be better to look at the clouds outside Yes, it's really boring.

Looking at Hu Jun's expression, Xiao Xia knew that she was being used. This woman didn't want to be friends with Hu Jun as she said at all. If they were friends, Hu Jun wouldn't look so cold.

Zhou Nu couldn't see Hu Jun's indifference towards her at all, she didn't care that Hu Jun was pushed into the sea before, and even more forgot that the two of them had no friendship at all, she just felt that she had met her relatives, and she finally didn't have to suffer, she cried and babbled He started to tell about his own experience. The process of telling the story was very long. The simple summary is that their family was not doing well in T City. , and later the zombies attacked the Zhou family, and she was the only one who survived, but it was not easy to survive like this. After finally escaping here, she was rejected because of her identity as an outsider, so pitiful.

This kind of plot happens every day at the base. You can’t just say that there is nothing new, it’s that your ears will get calloused. The most important thing is that it’s about Hu Jun. Why do you have to kill a whole family and pretend to want my help? We two don’t have this, okay? Although Luan Wuye’s death has a little relationship with him, it’s okay to die, and he doesn’t do good things while alive. It’s better to die. You see how annoying he is bullying men and women , and also controlled the underground trading in T City, he was basically a local rich man, buying and selling by force.

(End of this chapter)

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