Chapter 216 New Life (1)
After a while, the door opened, and it was Yang Tao who came back. He was tall and burly with a happy expression on his face.

"How about it, isn't it..." As soon as Yang Tao entered, Feng Lan and Yang Qiaoqiao came up to him and asked him about the result nervously.

"This time we have been praised for our actions. Tomorrow I will be appointed to a new position and be promoted to a level and a half." Yang Tao was very happy to share the good news with his wife and daughter. Has entered the core camp, this is the real good news.

"That's really great." Feng Lan also agreed happily, the bigger her husband's job, the better, and the better he can live.

Yang Qiaoqiao was walking around the room happily, and it was already foreseeable that she would be unique among the women in the office. Hmph, even in the last days, only a proud girl like her can have smooth sailing.

"Thanks to my brother's quick cooperation this time, otherwise they would all have run away." Feng Lan said to Yang Tao with a smile. Of course, she was not taking credit for Feng Jianjun but for herself, because she was the one who quickly notified Feng Jianjun , and rented a car decisively at a high price. It would be impossible to intercept Feng Yu if she went there on foot.

"Haha, yes, thank you and brother-in-law." Yang Tao was in a great mood at the moment, and naturally said a lot of words of gratitude. It seemed that this family was so harmonious and united.

"By the way, there is one more thing you have to remember." Yang Tao suddenly became serious, and both of them pretended to be listening, "If Hu Juan comes to ask her where her mother is, remember to say that she was taken away temporarily by the people above. You have tried hard to find out, and it is actually in the prison of the army. Remember, you must tell Feng Jianjun's family this early tomorrow morning, and don't make any mistakes."

"Why did you tell her where she was locked up?" Yang Qiaoqiao suddenly complained a little unhappy. This cousin is more beautiful than her now, and has better abilities than her. She is very angry in her heart. Get up and tell her what's the point.

Yang Tao shook his head and explained: "This is a trap. As long as she shows up, she will be arrested." Originally, he only revealed this matter to Feng Jianjun, and he didn't intend to tell them the truth. .

"Yes, kill Hu Jun?" Feng Lan asked worriedly, a little hesitant in her heart. In fact, she didn't intend to kill Hu Jun. After all, she was her niece. She just wanted to exchange her future for her husband's. Anyway, isn't it the same wherever you go?

Yang Tao nodded, "The troops couldn't find the insane murderer, so they planned to take advantage of Hu Jun's restlessness to make the murderer understand the method of the base."

Perhaps, the base didn't even think that if Hu Jun was really killed, the murderer would naturally kill him too. They really hit the right track.

Hu Juan watched the family for a long time, then went into the night sky silently again, and went to the base prison, where Hu Juan stayed once, and once again he was very familiar with it, and soon found the prison cell where Hu's mother was, but because he knew that there was an ambush, so I deliberately used my supernatural eyes to observe the surroundings. Sure enough, on the surface, there was only one cell leader guarding the prisoners opposite Hu’s mother, but in fact there were dozens of supernatural beings around, and many of them had done missions with Hu Jun. Since you choose to accept this task, you should be prepared to kill yourself, so why not dare to kill them yourself.

In such a situation, Hu Juan understood that it was absolutely wishful thinking to secretly rescue his mother. Whether to fight or retreat was simply a question that did not require deep thinking.

Without further ado, Hu Jun rushed to the cage preemptively. At a distance of more than ten meters, he shot early. Dozens of whirling ice blades flew straight towards the crowd. Its speed was extremely fast, and it could not hit the target. One second, some reacted quickly or dodged or blocked, but there were also those who relaxed their vigilance. They were hit in a short time when they subconsciously looked back. The exploding ice bomb immediately made him bloody, lost their fighting power, and was eliminated. But after all, such a person is extremely rare and there is only one person.

At this moment, they knew that Hu Jun was coming, and they were ready to fight back immediately. Hu Jun naturally took advantage of this plan to make frequent shots. It has been decided to break through one by one first, and then to rescue Hu's mother.

To say that this group of supernatural beings is actually very strong, and they are all within the top 50 in the base, but they know that Hu Jun is NO. 1 Why not find NO. 1. The reason for sparring with her is that I didn't expect it and I didn't have the ability.

Who would have thought that Hu Juan would find the location so quickly and rush in in the middle of the night. According to the plot, he should find Feng Jianjun first, so there is also time to make arrangements here.

Big-name ability users are not always on call, and many big-name ability users are high-ranking officials of the base. They don't do night shifts or anything, and the fastest time to start work will be tomorrow.

Ever since, the angry Hu Jun flicked the ice whip with one hand, and froze the whole room from time to time with the other, narrowing their range so that they had nowhere to escape and could not report the news. Those so-called supernatural attacks were just like children's play, as if It doesn't work, only being beaten passively.

In just 10 minutes, this place has become an icehouse. More than a dozen people with supernatural powers have been beaten up, their noses and faces are swollen, and there are not a few people who are dying.

Hu's mother burst into tears when she saw Hu Juan at this moment, regretting that she should have followed her brother, hurt her daughter, and put her in danger.

At this moment, a supernatural person rushed towards Mama Hu, and Hu Jun stretched out his hand for an ice whip, but he used Mama Hu as a shield, and Mama Hu, who had no power to resist, could only do what he wished and was thrown around. Go, Hu Jun inevitably hit his mother, and was forced to withdraw the ice whip, looked at him fiercely and said: "Let her go."

As a prisoner, Mama Hu was strangled by the man, as long as Hu Jun dared to move, he would kill Mama Hu.

Seeing the dawn of hope, many supernatural beings got up one after another and surrounded Hu Jun, ready to hit him with a single blow.

Seeing this with tears in her eyes, Mother Hu shouted, "Leave me alone, go away!" Only after seeing it with her own eyes did she know how powerful her daughter's supernatural powers are. She believed that as long as Hu Jun wanted to escape, he would be able to escape. to go.

Hu Juan's face was abnormally stiff at the moment, the lines of his face were like a knife carving, and the storm was brewing in his eyes, just waiting for the final detonation. Seeing Hu Juan like this, the man became even more flustered, and all he could do was to strangle Hu's mother even harder. .

Hu Juan took a step closer to him, and he backed away again and again, and the supernatural beings around her also frequently moved their positions, and the person who caused the trouble kept threatening Hu Jun that as long as she dared to move forward, he would kill the old man. The life of a woman!
After recruiting, I just felt that the air was getting colder and colder, and Hu Jun's pupils were blurred into a piece like thick ink, which made people unable to see through. , the whole body began to stiffen, as if being tied up, unable to move, and then, a layer of frost began to appear on them from the feet, and gradually moved up, they watched their bodies bit by bit. Frozen, but they couldn't even express panic and fear, only a pair of eyes revealed endless fear and regret. They knew that Hu Juan was a supernatural being, so why did they fight her for money? , I regret it at the beginning, what a pity, but in just a few minutes, they became a human ice sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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