Chapter 217 New Life (2)
"Hmph." Hu Juan moved the corner of his mouth, disdainful, "Mom, let's go." Hu Juan stretched out his hand to hold Mama Hu.

"I..." Hu's mother looked at the ice sculptures in front of her, she couldn't tell what it was like, she was excited and excited, she was taken here and locked up, she knew something was wrong, seeing the way people like that looked at her, I thought it was hopeless, but I didn't expect my daughter to be so strong that she rescued herself abruptly.

However, these people are all living people. It is understandable for my daughter to kill zombies. In order to survive, she kills...

She couldn't accept it in her heart for a while. After living half of her life, killing is a blow.

But looking at her daughter's side face, after all, she is her own daughter, but her shy and quiet daughter has become what she is today. She knows that she was harmed by the end of the world, but her heart is suffering after all.

Hu Jun didn't know what Hu's mother was thinking. Although she killed people, she didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. The person she killed must be a person who deserved to die. She calmly led Hu's mother out of the base, and after she left, those The iceman turned into powder in an instant, as if it had never existed, leaving only traces of fighting in the house. People can't help but sigh, what kind of situation has Hu Jun's supernatural being reached?If the people at the base knew her current ability, maybe they would keep her even if they were killed, instead of doing something like killing a chicken to show a monkey.

Even if she is talented, there is always a limit. The move just now was too domineering, and Hu Juan hurt herself. Even if she knew this, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it was worth the effort. Thinking of leaving here soon, Hu Jun was really happy in his heart, finally, he could leave this cage.

She had already forgotten who she was going to kill, and she didn't want to pretend anymore.

Along the way, the ups and downs she has experienced have made her realize now that blind cowardice and dodging will never bring peace, only real strength, strong enough to make others think about themselves before doing things, not before doing things by themselves Don't worry about others, this is the real strength.

With her own base in the future, if the base doesn't come looking for trouble, then she is willing to live in peace and harmony, but as long as the base dares to send someone to seek death, she will definitely spare no effort to violently suppress it, and never do the tiring things after thinking about it .

A beautiful tomorrow is ahead, and Hu Jun is in a cheerful mood.

"She has rescued her mother, and the scene is clean." Hu Juan left the base with his front foot, and his whereabouts were reported afterward.

"Find a mind-system control plant power user to continue her actions." The BOSS ordered the mission. If she leaves like this and doesn't continue, I'm afraid the base will know what she said when she left, so she can only find a fake killer to attract the base's attention. up.

"But, this might expose our whereabouts!" The subordinate immediately retorted fiercely, it was too difficult for her to kill like that, and if she was careless, she would lose everything, since she left, there was nothing to cover up!
"What!" The boss's domineering temperament made the subordinates a little unbearable, but they still gritted their teeth and said: "Boss, you are not worth it at all, and she will never know everything you have done!" Not worth it at all!He would rather take the risk of angering the boss to remind him that the current boss is not right at all!
"Do it!" The BOSS was furious, the majestic aura made him unable to stand still, and it was hard to bear the aura in his heart.

"Yes." In the end, he respectfully obeyed, but hated Hu Juan so much that he gritted his teeth.

Soon, the news that Feng Yu was rescued spread. Naturally, some people suspected that it was Hu Jun, but the body could not be found, and some people thought that those supernatural beings were in collusion with Hu Jun. There were different opinions, but the most urgent thing is to find the spirit. As a person with supernatural powers, Hu Jun's matter was naturally weakened.

Yang Tao, who was waiting for a promotion to make a fortune, arrived at the unit and found out that the leader didn't talk about it anymore. Once he found out that Feng Yu had been rescued, the leader would naturally not give him a promotion. Many things were done on the spot. Yang Tao's mood It was really flying in the sky, from a red face to a downcast in an instant.

Naturally, it didn't go well for Feng Jianjun's rush, not to mention the fact that he had several chances to ask Yang Tao to transfer his son's job.

Hu Jun didn't know about these things. She was watching the children playing in the small courtyard of the new base. Lu Jingsheng's twins rarely had playmates. Suddenly seeing a group of friends was the beginning of the end of the world. The little girl Rao Rao is a The hot-tempered girl would fight with them regardless. The little boy Chenchen was more shy in his heart, shyly following behind his sister like a little girl to play with these friends he just met.

While accompanying the women to do needlework, Lele's arms are much better, but I am afraid that she will never have a pair of beautiful arms again. This long-sleeved jacket will probably never leave her body, but this does not prevent her from learning needlework , perhaps just like her name, she is a joyous woman.

If you want to talk about why you need to do needlework, it’s because winter is about to enter, and without eiderdown quilts, it is natural to rely on handmade cotton. Hu Jun is completely incapable of doing it. she does.

Yes, Hu Jun is the highest leader of this small base surrounded by mountains on three sides. He is called Village Chief Hu. Although it is a base, it is still a village in nature.

There are more than 150 people in the base, old and young, and there are more than 90 strong laborers. Most of them are family members who are dissatisfied with the management of the base. Lu Jingsheng is far better than Hu Jun thought. , finding someone, and relocating are all handled by him. It can be said that he is a veritable village chief. These villagers can completely trust Hu Jun and only him, even if he is afraid of Hu Jun's ability, they can come here. Two people share the power, but he did not do so. He handed over the power to others. He said that Hu Juan's kindness and compassion led the base to have a better future than him, and the villagers' lives would be better. Such a heart and courage It's really admirable.

Hu Juan has never been an official, and has no official addiction. It is reasonable to be angry, but she did not hesitate, and immediately took up the post. The first thing she did was to name the base. I hope that the base means that this will be the end of the world. The hope in the desert is called the oasis in the desert and the light in the dark, which makes people full of hope for the future. Although it is straightforward, it makes people full of strength in their hearts.

Hu Jun saw that the base was divided into three parts, one was the search team, which went out full-time to search for supplies, the second was the patrol team, responsible for the safety of the city, and the third was the medical team, which was the only logistics force.

The search team was led by Lu Jingsheng, the patrol team was headed by Qi Zhejun, and the medical team was headed by Xu Langyu. At the beginning, many people didn't understand why the number one ice-type supernatural being in a base lined up was staying in the medical team. Are you blind?

(End of this chapter)

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