Chapter 218
Hu Jun has a different idea. These three people are the only ones around her who can take on heavy responsibilities. Lu Jingsheng often leads a mercenary group on missions. Naturally, it is most suitable to stay in the search team. Qi Zhejun is a member of the patrol bureau at the base, and he is currently on patrol. The team was also very appropriate, but it was Xu Langyu's arrangement that made her hesitate.

It stands to reason that Sun Aixia, a pediatrician, would be the most suitable captain. However, the base will gradually grow larger. Hu Jun has never been an official, but he also understands the truth that one big one should not dominate. Only competition can motivate. It would be really inappropriate for Sun Aixia to be the captain of the medical team.Although Xu Langyu is not a doctor, she has also heard of his simple first aid methods during contact, and sometimes the members of the medical team have to go on missions with the search team, so it is not unreasonable for him to be the captain .

In addition to the above three teams, there is another very important task, which is to take care of the granary, which is undoubtedly the most important thing in the last days. Hu Jun must arrange the most trusted person, not only for the food in it, but also for her to take care of the granary. Things from the space are transported out and put in the granary. They can't hide their own base, but the problem that arises is trust and character. Unintentionally the most suitable human nature is Xiao Xia and Papa Hu.

Xiao Xia's loyalty to Hu Jun is obvious to all. No matter what task Hu Jun ordered, he never said a single word, and he is bold, careful, smart and clever, but he must do most of it in a few years.

Not to mention Hu's father, even if it wasn't a big deal, the people who did business before, but their accounting skills were top-notch, and they concentrated on integrity. In addition, Hu's father was upright, reticent and wise, Hu Jun was not worried about what he would do at all The most important thing for a small move is that even if he did it, Hu Jun would not blame him.

As for Hu Yue, Fang Jia and Wei Tian, ​​it was up to them to choose their jobs.As for Ran Tao, Hu Jun looked at the handsome man sitting beside him like a fairy, and sighed silently. Anyway, there is a lot of food in the space, so it doesn't matter if you have more people. It's all fine paintings, so beautiful.

The people in the village are now like grasshoppers on a rope. They are afraid that the base will find them, so they are very united. The neighbors have only been together for a week, but they have a sense of harmony that has been together for a long time.

"Village Chief, Captain Lu asked you to go to a meeting." Hu Jun was staring blankly, when a young man with a round face came to deliver a message. Now that there is no electricity, there will naturally be no electrical appliances born of electricity, such as mobile phones. The big weapon disappeared completely, hey, I really have to mourn in silence, even Lianliankan, which Hu Jun likes, can no longer be played.

However, everyone can't play now, and return to the original life of kicking sandbags and jumping stones. To use a slogan, since the end of the world, my mother no longer has to worry about my myopia!
Well, after running away, she smiled and said, "Got it."

The carrier pigeon boy nodded and ran away like the wind. The village head smiled at himself, he was so happy and excited. There was wind on the soles of his feet, and he ran fast. Many villagers who came out to play looked sideways at a young man running wildly. If it wasn't for the smirk at the corner of his mouth that gave away his mood, they would have suspected that something serious had happened!
Hu Jun then wandered to the office in the village. The office was a small yard with a few tile-roofed houses, and the only distinctive feature was the granary behind it.

There were three captains sitting in the main room, and the three of them were chatting with each other with smiles. Speaking of which, the relationship between Lu Jingsheng and the other two was a bit far away, but since we will be together in the future, it is natural to establish a good relationship to avoid embarrassment, so the three seem to have a good relationship. Very harmonious.

"The village chief is here." Lu Jingsheng happened to glance at Hu Jun who had just entered the door out of the corner of his eye, and greeted him with a smile. Hu Jun was a little embarrassed when he heard them calling him the village chief. The village chief was an old man under his impression, but Lu Jingsheng persuaded her, The rules can't be messed up, otherwise the base will be messed up, so she bit the bullet and agreed. It's okay for others to call her, but it's awkward for them to call her village chief.

Hu Juan nodded to the three of them, and after sitting down, he asked, "What's the matter today?" The base was in a state of waste, and naturally, the affairs were busy. The three of them kept their feet on the ground, and only the village chief was lucky. Drink big tea at home.

"We are here today to talk about the arrest of Mama Hu." Qi Zhejun frowned and opened his mouth. As a policeman, he has a natural sensitivity to cases. He was too busy to settle down before, but now Finally, the base had some clues and progress, so he naturally wanted to think about it.

The more I think about it, the more I am satisfied. This is not a matter of the patrol team, so I called everyone to discuss it together.

"That's right. If you all say that you didn't tell outsiders, they won't know about it." Hu Juan nodded affirmatively. She had identified it as a traitor before. Although she knew that the people in charge were Feng Jianjun and Yang Tao, the murderer and traitor behind the scenes really should Just check it out.

"What do you think?" Hu Jun asked.

Qi Zhejun said: "I think it's better to take the second batch of people into the base first, and see the people in the base first." The police must first handle the case based on clues, assume all people who have the opportunity to commit the crime as suspects, and carry out the investigation. The method of elimination, if everything is exhausted, and then re-find clues to repeat ideas, although it is troublesome, it can avoid the fish that slipped through the net.

Other than the Hu family, the people from the base knew about taking over the Hu family that day, because they needed to renovate the Hu family's current residence, lay bedding and add furniture.

It can be said that if the Hu family did not leak the secret, everyone in the village would be suspects.

Without waiting for Hu Juan and Xu Langyu to express their opinions, he nodded first when he heard the words. Even if Qi Zhejun didn't tell the reason, he could guess a little bit, and said with his own attitude: "Zhejun is right, We should first look at the personnel inside the base to ensure that there is no danger before slowly expanding the base." Lu Jing grows up with Qi Zhejun, who is two years old, and calling him Zhejun makes him more intimate.

Seeing that both of them nodded, Hu Juan was relieved. Just now she was afraid that the two of them would not get along, and she felt bad.

In fact, this concern is not groundless. Qi Zhejun's words sound reasonable. He must first make sure that the traitor is not in the city, and then pester other people who may enter the base. This means that Lu Jingsheng did not get angry when he heard it. Discuss with him.

The people in the village, except for the dozen or so members of the Hu family, are all from Lu Jingsheng, and the traitor is in the city. Doesn't it mean that the traitor is from Lu Jingsheng?This rational suspicion is a bit suspicious of Lu Jingsheng's face, but fortunately, Lu Jingsheng is not a small-hearted person. If he was a hegemon in his previous life, he would not share his dungeon.

Hu Jun once again personally experienced the demeanor of the king of the previous life, and he really should not be underestimated.

"However, I don't think the traitor is at the base." Anyway, Xu Langyu shook his head, disapproving of Qi Zhejun's opinion.

"Oh?" The three of them were a little puzzled, did he still know something hidden?
(End of this chapter)

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