Chapter 224 Strange Fish
The idea of ​​this kind of relocation has actually been around for a long time. Hu Jun also talked to them when he has nothing to do in winter. Reasonable and long-term thinking, it is natural to move, and to move to a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Where there is no big base.

Start from scratch, build a base with certain protective measures and comprehensive, instead of such a rural model, such a yard cannot withstand the attack of zombies.

Moreover, here we have to face the time bomb of City A base forever, who knows when it will explode.Instead of being scared, it is better to act early.

But there are too many things to do about the relocation. On a larger scale, where should the relocation be chosen? Should we go to the base to select some new people to join? Whether they are trustworthy, whether they are spies, has become an element of worry again.

To put it in a small way, how to arrange the route, whether to bring things in the village now, and how to arrange the eating, drinking, and sleeping on the road are all important factors.

And the most important thing is whether everyone is willing to leave. Once they are forced to act, if someone dies on the way, they will probably arrive at the new base, and people will feel estranged from Hu Jun, the village head. Rebellion, she doesn't want to be with such a person.

Seeing that the beginning of spring is about to start, no matter how you think about it, it's not appropriate, Hu Jun simply doesn't want to think about it, and let's talk about the mission first!
The spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and everything is recovering. The various teams of the search team have started to go out to do tasks one after another. On the one hand, they are looking for resources. If I don't leave now, I will always be prepared, and I may leave someday.

After a month, everything in the base is normal, and the base in City A seems to be gradually calming down. I don't know if it is really calm or the calm before the storm.

"Doctor! Doctor!" At noon one day, a sharp call for help sounded from the base. The patrol team and the search team rushed out of their homes, and the medical team naturally prepared for first aid.

An expert guy ran towards Lu Jingsheng's house covered in blood, his expression panicked and frightened, followed by many members of the search team who were seriously injured. Seeing this, the members of the medical team rushed to respond and moved to the public health room for first aid. .

"What's wrong?" Lu Jingsheng held the young man down and asked for details.

He was a little out of his wits with fright, and tremblingly, he explained clearly that they were originally going to pick fruits in the mountains, but lost their way for some reason, and happened to see a river, and there was a fruit forest on the opposite side of the river.

The bottom of the river was not too deep, but it was a bit muddy, so the team members thought about crossing the river to pick wild fruits.

Lu Jingsheng once told them not to touch the water casually, for fear that the water would be poisonous, but they thought it would be fine to cross the river, so they acted.

At the beginning, they crossed the river cautiously, fearing that something unusual would happen, but the result was happy, nothing happened, and the fruit grove on the other side of the bank had already ripened a lot, so they picked some.

Who would have thought that something would happen when they came back. Walking in the river, they felt tingling pain in their ankles, as if they were bitten by something. Many people fell into the water directly in pain, but this time After sitting, they never got up again. The water was full of blood. They screamed and wanted to escape, but the sky failed, and soon only bones were left.

The lucky ones set off first and reached the opposite bank unscathed, but there were still some people who hadn't crossed the river and didn't know what was in the water, so these people really didn't dare to go, and they were all scared to death.

Except for the bones of Huawei, some people who were bitten escaped with pain. Although the medical team went there, there was no way to treat them in the fruit forest. They had to grit their teeth and persist in the village. Their legs were bones Jinlu is currently doing first aid in the clinic.

"How is it?" Hu Jun heard the news and hurried to the clinic. This was the first serious accident at the base, and she was very worried.

Xu Langyu came out of the room and shook his head, "I suspect that the ones biting them are zombies, or zombie animals."

"Are you sure?" If it was really bitten by a virus-infected zombie or a zombie animal, then if there are ordinary people among them, the next thing they will face is the test of life and death. It is death.

"That's right, the flesh of ordinary people among them is somewhat rotten, and their eyeballs are also congested, that's for sure. But compared to other superhumans, the situation is worse. Although their flesh is not rotten, they clearly feel that their body functions are rapidly collapsing , Many people have shortness of breath." Xu Langyu didn't understand, it's not that ordinary people with supernatural powers are bitten by zombies again, there is no big problem, as long as they are recuperated, can they recover completely, why is it so different today?
Hu Jun also frowned, thinking with Xu Langyu that there must be something wrong with the river, and also thought that there were people waiting to be rescued on the other side of the river.Then he said: "First bandage the wounds of those people and lock them up, then call all the earth-type and wood-type supernatural beings in the village, and find some supernatural powers with stronger supernatural powers, and set out to rescue them immediately." "Why are they called the soil type and the ice type? It is completely the most complete plan, and the earth bridge is built first to save people, and the ice type is just in case, so as to freeze the stream. Hu Jun himself has nothing to do with freezing the river. problem, but then there will be no sense of unity and belonging. If she is the only one to rely on, then the base will be over sooner or later.

Hearing this, many supernatural beings were willing to dispatch, except leaving a certain number of supernatural beings to protect the village, and set off to the destination in a mighty manner.

Although they lost their way and found it, some people were born with super memory and brought them to their destination very quickly.

Sure enough, the people from the base were on the opposite side of a small river, and they were looking forward to it anxiously. Seeing Hu Juan coming in person, they were even more at ease. One of the important reasons why Hu Jun was able to take over the base smoothly was that he was in many different places. In the hearts of those who are capable, Hu Jun is like a god, and the omnipotent has nothing to say, so it is no problem for her to pick him up at this moment.

"Those with abilities in the system build bridges, and the ice system is ready to assist at any time to freeze the lake surface." Hu Juan made a decisive decision and ordered the people to come over first. As for the things in the river, it is not too late for them to investigate after they are settled.

Hu Yue has already become one of the few powerful supernatural beings in the base, and at the moment he is cooperating with everyone in preparing to build a bridge.

In order to save abilities and build a bridge that can support normal people, they built a flat bridge instead of an arch bridge.

Hu Jun frowned, "This bridge is not very safe."

"No, our bridge is supported by supernatural powers, not according to architectural principles." Hu Yue waved his supernatural powers to build a bridge with all supernatural powers, while explaining to Hu Jun.

Hu Juan nodded, his words made sense, so he didn't ask any more questions.The reason why she chose to build a bridge in the soil system and not a frozen river in the ice system is that she is curious about what is in the river, whether it is a zombie animal in the ocean system. fear.

(End of this chapter)

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