Chapter 225 A Simple Monkey (1)
In just 10 minutes, a bridge was built.The supernatural beings on the opposite side had been waiting for rescue with great joy. After seeing the bridge, although they were a little nervous, some people still took the first step.

This person is the captain of this mission. He is enthusiastic and upright, and he blames himself a little. He feels that he did not listen to the advice and acted recklessly, which hurt everyone.

Walking on the bridge, he was relatively steady. He stepped hard every step he took to ensure that the team members behind could cross the river safely.The distance was not far, and soon he crossed the river smoothly, one and two.In order to prevent collapse, it is deliberately to finish one before walking the second.

A total of eight supernatural beings were waiting to be rescued. No. 3 supernatural beings got on the bridge, just took two steps, and saw something jumped out of the water and flashed in the sun, and saw A big hole was bitten into the bottom of the bridge. If it was a normal bridge, it would be fine, but this is a bridge built by supernatural beings. The body of the bridge shook after this biting, and the soil began to soften. go down.

Hu Jun was ready to freeze the lake at any time, but before she made a move, she wanted to take this opportunity to test the reflexes of the superhumans at the base. Of course, she would not use human life to do this kind of test, even if it was frozen If it doesn't work, she will also whip out the cane whip to roll him over.

To her delight, the ice-type supernatural power immediately made a move and froze the ice surface. Soon, a thin layer of ice condensed on the ice surface. In the warm spring, a deep chill was emitted. Those who can also start to re-strengthen the earth bridge for the sake of safety.

Everything returned to calm. Although the man broke out in a cold sweat, he still had the courage to move on.

The sharp sound of "cracking, clacking, clacking" and gnawing makes people feel a little creepy. What is gnawing on the ice?

He quickly walked a few steps to avoid this place, but it was a coincidence that the ice surface was penetrated, and something jumped out, and jumped onto the bridge all of a sudden, rushing towards him.

He is a wind-type power user, and the wind blade made a move. Everyone was beaten down before they could see what it was, but they didn't have to worry about not knowing the truth, because the ice surface was pierced soon, and countless of them jumped up. .

They are not unfamiliar, similar to the half-eaten fish commonly seen on the dining table, but they are not cooked, they still look like fresh fish, but the fish bones are clearly visible, and the sharp teeth are shining in the sun, making people People suspect that it is not a fish at all, but a monster!

He was only three or two steps away, and he could come over. Before Hu Juan could make a move, someone suddenly fell from the sky? !

She immediately picked him up and threw him on the river bank. At this time, the earth bridge was also smashed by fish and collapsed.

That person landed on the ground, it turned out to be a girl, she looked about 20 years old, not tall, thin, with a pair of big eyes flickering very cute, her long hair was twisted into a lovely bud head, Showing a smooth forehead.

"It's hard for you to get through like this. That thing has sharp teeth and can crush ice." The girl explained with a smile, then rolled her big eyes, blinked and said, "I think you must be saving the people on the other side. Well, why don't you hire me, and I can bring them over."


"That's right, it's me, I can fly." The girl nodded proudly.

"Okay, you bring them here, and we'll pay you." Hu Jun nodded. People with flying abilities are rare, but I don't know how this girl appeared so coincidentally, which made people suspicious.

The girls didn't care what they thought, after they happily concluded the deal, they turned around and flew across the other bank, bringing people over again and again. Although the fish in the river knew that there was food flying in the air, they couldn't touch it, and they were so angry that they bared their fangs. Overhead 'food'.

Soon, all the people were successfully transported and rescued successfully.

"Six people, six bags of rice." The girl patted her sore hands, smiled and reached out to ask for money.

"So expensive?" How expensive is rice now, and she gets six bags for flying lightly?This is too much.

The girl smiled and asked those who questioned herself: "Is it worth it? If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't be able to get through." As she spoke, she pointed to those who had just been brought here by herself, saying that the evidence was there .

"Of course it's worth it, but we don't have it right now." What Lu Jingsheng said was the truth. It's too strange that someone who came out to save people would bring food.

"Where do you live in the base, why don't we go back to the base together and send you the food?" Lu Jingsheng asked patiently and gently, but he was really looking for the bottom line.Look, who is she?

Not only Hu Jun felt that the appearance of the girl was a coincidence, but Lu Jingsheng also had this idea. As the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. I hope that there are so many people in the base. Master it well, so as not to cause problems.

The girl shook her head repeatedly and said, "I don't live there. If there is no food, you can give me those things." Then, she pointed to a first-aid kit, which was the medicine specially brought by the medical team this time.

This girl is smart, and now a board of medicine is probably worth a few bags of rice, and this big box is worth a lot.

Hu Jun naturally refused. She has plenty of space for food, but western medicine is estimated to be gone in the future, so she said: "We don't have six bags of rice, and I can't give you the contents of these boxes, but I can give you this , you can take it to the base to exchange." He took out two small bags of tea from his pocket, although the measurement is small, it is enough to exchange for rice, and the girl will not suffer.

The girl thought about it hesitantly, and finally made up her mind to say yes, and she will leave after taking her things.

"By the way, my name is Ding Ding, don't walk in the river anymore, it's very dangerous!" After finishing speaking, he flew across the small river and walked deep into the woods.

"This girl is interesting." Fang Jia looked at Ding Ding's back, and felt that she was very different, as if she was not living in the end of the world, and her whole person was abnormally full of sunshine and ability.

"Compared to being interesting, the zombie fish in this river is more interesting." Xu Langyu looked at the zombie fish that appeared in the water from time to time, and felt that life would be difficult in the future.

Although the zombie fish were terrifying, they couldn't leave the water. In addition to the large number, Hu Jun had no idea of ​​killing the enemy, and finally took everyone back to the base.

Ding Ding walked back happily, only thinking that it was worthwhile to come out today, and made a lot of money.

It’s true, she was single and had been to the base in city A, but it was really not suitable for him, so she might as well come out by herself, she flew away when she encountered zombies, plus there are countless wild fruits and vegetables in the mountains , live a happy life.

I came here today to pick fruit. Coincidentally, I saved someone and got two packs of tea. I will find time to go to the base in City A to exchange these two packs of tea for food.

(End of this chapter)

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