Chapter 240 New Hope Base (2)
Ji Jin will be the first to praise, "This idea is very good. It just so happens that Lily studies civil engineering and can enter the Ministry of Infrastructure." He pointed to a girl next to him and said that the girl had a ponytail, big eyes and a high nose, and a curvy figure. Absolutely beautiful.

The girl looked at Ji Jinjiang first, then nodded arrogantly and reservedly, with an indescribable temperament, she was not an ordinary person at first glance.

"That's just right. Hou Shen also understands this aspect better, so he can join in. As for the captain." Hu Jun paused and scanned for a week, but there seemed to be no suitable ones.

"I think he's pretty good." Ji Jinjiang looked at Wei Tian, ​​which really shocked everyone, and Wei Tian himself couldn't believe it.

Hu Jun nodded. Wei Tian was upright, down-to-earth, and reticent. Standing there, he also had prestige and aura, and he couldn't be more suitable for project management.

"I think that's not the only thing. There are many children and teenagers in the base, so we should pay attention to education. Women are not only cooks, they should also be able to protect themselves. We need to set up departments related to education and training. Moreover, scientific research is very important in the last days. , the research department is indispensable, and in addition, regarding the registration issue you just mentioned, a special personnel department should be established to share it." Ji Jin will slowly add many departments, all of which are small details, but are very important, for example Well, the children of Hu Jun's family were taught by Sun Aixia, but what about the other children.

"That's right." Hu Juan nodded again and again, as expected of a professional background, he thinks comprehensively.

The two of them decided the matter of the base just like this, and the others were just decorations. Although they tried to intervene, there was no room for them to join in.

But fortunately, the power is still in hand.

Lu Jingsheng was still in charge of the search outside, and Qi Zhejun was responsible for the internal patrol, but Ran Tao and Sun Aixia were in the medical team, and there was also a man next to Ji Jinjiang, a real surgeon named Yidao.

The education is provided by Lele, Fang Jia, and Ami, a lovely girl next to Ji Jinjiang. She is very attractive to children.

Xu Langyu is fully responsible for the training, and Hu's father is still in charge of the logistics.

As for other people's arrangements, you have to go to Leng Kechen, who is in charge of personnel affairs, and let him be in charge of personnel affairs arrangements. It breeds what Leng Kechen said before to seize power, but this cannot be changed.They have worked so hard on the base, are they going to kill the donkey now?
As for medical care and education, there was some confusion. Hu Jun didn't dare to give too much power to one family, so it was better to do it this way.

Leng Kechen has a cold personality, and it is most suitable to manage personnel affairs. Although people with good faces seem to be more able to play around, but this is the base of the end of the world, and what she wants is everyone's ability to maximize their abilities, not us being glib every day.

The most important supervision department, she unexpectedly handed it over to General Ji Jin. Facing everyone's puzzled eyes, Hu Juan announced the end of the meeting without saying a word.

It's not that she's stupid, it's that she really understands what Ji Jin is going to give up, but she is reciprocating, even though this idiom is so inappropriate here.

There was a meeting in the morning, and everyone took office in the afternoon, but Hu Jun forgot to publicize this matter. Fortunately, Leng Kechen did it himself, and posted big-character posters in the small square of the base.

The content is concise and clear, and the names of all departments and recruitment requirements are written out according to the ideas of each department.

He and Leng Qingcheng moved a table, sat down next to the big-character poster, and waited for people to 'cast themselves into the net'.

After one afternoon, more than 80 people signed up, which is a lot of people, after all, some old people, children, or disabled people can't sign up for the time being.

Hu Jun took the list, and was surprised that Xiaoxia asked to go to the search department. Leng Qingcheng did not follow his brother, but went to the search department. Hu Yue chose the patrol department. There was also a name in it, Ding Ding, the female alien who could fly. Those who are capable also chose the search team, but to everyone's surprise, Leng Kechen agreed.

"She can fly, so it's more suitable for exploring some hidden areas." Seeing Hu Jun's suspicious gaze, Leng Kechen explained the reason, Ding Ding and Xiao Xia's functions were similar and reasonable.

Many people went to the Ministry of Infrastructure, most of them are skilled workers who know how to operate circuits and pipes. Even if they don't have special abilities, it's good to have such skills.

"Based on their ability, you count the points, and don't discriminate against the labor of ordinary people." The general list is still good, and the base is considered to be on the right track.

Leng Kechen nodded, and asked again, "Monkey asked me to ask you, what is the name of the base, and he wants to get a plaque."

"It's called, New Hope Base." Here is a brand new Hope Base.

"Boss, why are you..." The man with the scar asked Ji Jinjiang unwillingly, why should he delegate power to Hu Jun, she obviously knows nothing, and she is obviously nothing, even if she stays here, you should be the master .

Leaving that aside, it is simply unreasonable why they should be asked to enroll in those departments.

Ji Jinjiang shook his head and looked solemnly at the 50 people in front of him. He didn't bring many people with him to the meeting this time, only 5 people, and many people were waiting for him here.

As soon as I learned of this decision, although I obeyed and signed up, my heart was not smooth.

"I know, it's not easy for everyone to follow me all the way up to now. At that time, I decided to leave there, and you also resolutely left with me. Since then, we are no longer the relationship between superiors and subordinates. It is very good here, quiet , Anwen, Hu Jun will be a good boss, I hope everyone can accept this place and live a normal life, if you want to leave, I will not stop you."

"Boss, that's not what we mean!" The man with the scar quickly explained that they were willing to come out with him because they recognized him, and it was just because he wasn't worth it. It didn't matter what happened to them at all. Life, I don't know what it will be like.

Ji Jin shook his head, "Following this base is my idea alone, you have the freedom to choose."

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. They have been with BOSS since they were young, and never thought of leaving him one day. They feel that they will not be healthy without him.

They all shook their heads, if the boss is going to be here, then they are here.

"I hope that you can obey the base's arrangements." Ji Jin will be with them for nearly 20 years. He has experienced many unimaginable things and is very emotional. I hope they stay here not for personal reasons, but because , he knew that this base would get better and better, and he would work hard for Hu Jun.Although, this base will always belong to Hu Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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