Chapter 241 Big Cock

Seeing the BOSS being so determined, they could only nod their heads, but the person they followed would always be General Ji Jin, not this New Hope Base.

Hu Jun stored a lot of food in the warehouse of the base. There were two keys in total, one for her and one for Hu's father.

"Dad, if you want to open the warehouse door, remember to ask someone from the patrol department, don't be alone." The last few times when Hu Jun opened the door, he was with Papa Hu. Tell Papa Hu to be careful.

Hu's father nodded, "Don't worry, I'll go find Xiao Qi when the time comes." My daughter has told me so many times, and he will definitely be careful. After living for so many years, I have failed my daughter's hard work.

After Hu Juan settled down with Hu's father and Hu's mother, he went out with everyone.

Many people saw that Hu Jun was about to go out, some were curious, some wanted to join in the fun, and some wanted to see Hu Jun's supernatural powers.

Cheering and joking, it feels like an outing, but such a hot day is not suitable for outings, Hu Juan thought silently.

"Where are we going today?" Someone came out and didn't know the mission at all, but just followed the crowd.

"I don't know. There are few zombies in this place. There are no people for hundreds of miles, not even a rabbit." The old team member who often came out to search shook his head.

"Don't come with a zombie rabbit, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it, and I'll be eaten by it instead." Zombie animals are really scary, but when it comes to meat, I haven't eaten it for a long time. Drooling, "I don't know if I can still eat meat in this life."

The resentment of wanting to eat meat immediately swept across the troops. Everyone complained about the damn god, jokingly saying, it would be great if that zombie tiger could be eaten as a meat tiger.

Hu Jun understood everyone's thoughts, turned around and said, "Our action today is to find meat to eat!"



Everyone's eyes turned green when they heard this, meat!Actually came out this time to find meat to eat!I am dreaming!
I didn't have any hope at all, but I just said it casually and nonsense. It is enough to be happy to be able to eat enough in the last days. The super luxury of meat only exists in dreams.

If one is not careful, such nonsense can get to the point. Is it because they themselves and Hu Jun, the great leader, are too close to each other, or is Hu Jun a temporary rise?

However, since everyone has a common goal, let's ignore the process, anyway, finding meat is making money.

Seeing that everyone suddenly regained their spirits, as if he had taken a stimulant, Hu Jun was almost overwhelmed by their majestic eagerness, "Ahem, everyone pay attention, listen to my command."

The eyes of the people were like wolves, scanning around viciously. After hearing Hu Jun's words, they glanced back neatly. Under the pressure, Hu Jun sighed inwardly. High blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, eat as much as you want, because you can't eat, "That's right, a week ago, when Ding Ding was flying at high altitude, he saw that there seemed to be small animals in the bushes over there. It is infested, about the size of a pheasant, but it is not guaranteed to be an adult animal or a cub. This time we came here to find it, and if it is a healthy small animal, we will bring it back to the base for breeding."

Everyone's eyes brightened, yes, although some animals have become zombies, but not all of them, even if you don't know if it has a virus, isn't there a detector called Xiaoxia.

Once animals can be raised, there will be a steady supply of meat.

"Look for the meat!" With a roar, everyone rushed towards the bushes excitedly.

"Well, animals may also turn into zombies." Lu Jingsheng followed behind, shaking his head. If they turned into zombie animals, the base would be destroyed soon?
"What if, that animal is a zombie animal?" Lu Jingsheng had to seriously think about many problems, he couldn't let go and fight boldly, just like the recent search mission, he chose very safe and safe, especially every time This time, he tried his best to follow the team, for fear that one of them would die, those dead faces were too familiar to him, and when he dreamed back at midnight, he always felt that it was his fault.

Lele once persuaded him to look away, but he really couldn't see it. It would have been better if he had been more careful at that time, and it would have been better if he had stayed behind.

Hu Jun, who didn't know that Lu Jingsheng felt deeply guilty, shrugged his shoulders, showed a bright smile and said, "What we have to do now is to make bold assumptions and carefully collect evidence. It's okay to eat a piece or two of cooked zombie meat."

What Hu Jun said was the truth. There is nothing wrong with supernatural beings eating zombie animal meat. Even ordinary people can eat zombie animal meat after processing. It's a pity that the processing process is so confidential, and it was not released free of charge in the previous life. .

Hu Jun's tone was unusually bright, and his decisive attitude left Lu Jingsheng speechless, "I hope." I hope everything will come true.

The weather is hot, I go out at 6 o'clock, and now it's 10 o'clock, and I haven't even seen a single animal hair. Someone imitated a chicken, "Cuckoo."

Being severely despised by others, the species has not been determined, what are you screaming for?

Before the crowing man had time to retort, "Ding Ding, go up and have a look." Hu Jun heard a little movement and directed Ding Ding's actions.

Ding Ding nodded, and flew into the sky in a flash, and quickly flew in the direction Hu Jun pointed.

She moved her body and lowered her head to look for it, but suddenly stopped in mid-air, raised her head excitedly, pointed to her body, raised her neck, and made a movement similar to a rooster crowing.

These more than 30 people, when they saw something going on, they were all arrogant and eager to rush over.But he was stopped by Lu Jingsheng, so reckless, it's no wonder he caught him!
"Let me go, I will be invisible." A clever boy came over, Hu Jun remembered that he was the person next to Ji Jinjiang, and now he was also in the search department, so it would be appropriate to let him go.

The big boy nodded and disappeared.

Everyone who couldn't take any action held their breath and waited for the good news of victory.

Ding Ding stared at the big flowered rooster under him without blinking. It has a big bright red comb, a colorful body, a small sharp beak that pecks the ground from time to time, and its powerful chicken claws grab the ground. It looks like a fighter jet among cocks. Europe also.

"Clack cluck!" Suddenly, the big chicken struggled violently, clucking and screaming. This is a typical sound like stepping on a chicken's neck, which is harsh.

The big boy showed his body and raised his hands with a smile. The big cock was in his hands. Angrily, he tried to peck his hand, but he was professional and he couldn't catch it. The angry big cock yelled, as if calling for beautiful women Just a hero.

(End of this chapter)

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