Chapter 264 Traitor (1)
At least, in her impression, the two siblings are good and capable.

A Yin's reaction to seeing Hu Jun was the same as Pan Zhan's, the difference was that the two chatted quickly, and the topic quickly changed from the joy of meeting to their experiences.

When talking about other people, A Yin immediately recovered the coldness and seriousness when he first saw her.

She lowered her head, whirled the cup, watched the calm ripples in the water for a long time, and then spoke slowly.

After Pan Zhan and his group left City I, their journey went smoothly, but it was as simple as killing zombies when they encountered them.

They went straight to the base in City A. When they got there, it was actually very difficult to make a living. The whole family, old and young, lived a tight life. Pan Zhan had the power of lightning, so he was able to reuse it very quickly. Unfortunately, the others couldn't They are ordinary people who are strong and strong, and have not made any progress for a long time.The original idea of ​​​​taking root there seems to be unrealistic.

At this moment, someone extended an olive branch to them and asked them if they wanted to develop in a new base, where they could find a good way out with only Pan Zhan, the only drawback being the long distance.

Everyone thinks, give it a go.

They followed the man and left the base in a mighty way, looking for Xintiandi.

But it's not as easy as he said, not to mention that there are many people on the road fighting each other for that little food, and zombies are rampant, and mutated animals appear from time to time.But there is no turning back arrow when the bow is drawn, they can only grit their teeth and persist.

It's a blessing in disguise. Although some people were scratched and bitten by zombies along the way, they were lucky enough to have supernatural powers.

When they arrived at the new base, including the original supernatural users, there were a total of eight superhumans, including two dual-line superhumans.They were immediately reused and life got better every day.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the future infinitely and the children were getting happier, life suddenly slipped. In a strange way, it made a 180-degree turn and came to a shocking ending.

In the evening, Pan Zhan was having dinner at home. The six members of the family were happy and harmonious. A man came in and complained: "Brother Pan, those bastards are here again today!"

After the Pan family greeted him, Pan Zhan's wife went to the kitchen to get him bowls and chopsticks. The man was not polite. He sat down and took the bowls and chopsticks and started eating. While eating, he complained bitterly, to the effect that he was being bullied. I am very angry and want revenge.

Pan Zhan didn't hear anything, and kept eating calmly, caring about his son's appetite from time to time. Mu Mu had a little illness before, and his appetite was not very good.

On the contrary, Ayin said displeasedly: "It's all right, eat your food and stop talking nonsense."

The man saw that Ah Yin's face was very fierce, so he shut up and started eating obediently.Finally, after Pan Zhan finished eating, he said to the man, "Aaron, come here."

Aaron was still eating and drinking wildly. Seeing that the boss had spoken, he hurriedly took a few more bites, and followed him to another room.

As soon as he entered the room, Aaron started to mutter again. Pan Zhan planned to say to him directly: "I said, I don't want to talk about these things at home."

Aaron groaned and groaned, but didn't say anything. Indeed, Pan Zhan didn't want his family to know about it, but he forgot all about it when he got angry, and it was his fault.

Pan Zhan also understood his silly and straightforward character, so he didn't hold him accountable, and said: "They are like this, don't confront them head-on, this is not our territory, it may not be good to be strong, I am afraid that the master will be the master of the game. Arouse the killing intent from above."

"However, they are too bullying. Brother Pan, I don't know what kind of master is so powerful. I know that they want to shit and pee on top of our heads now. I can't swallow this breath!" Aaron said angrily, what? The master of high meritorious service, if this place is occupied by us, then we have the final say!

What nonsense rules, what can't conflict, are all nonsense!But he looked at Pan Zhan's uncompromising eyes, forcibly held back other words, and agreed sullenly. The two talked about their recent work again, and Aaron left.

"Aaron seems to be in a bad mood." Pan Zhan was counting supplies in the warehouse, and his beautiful wife stood behind him, whispering to him.

Pan Zhan shook his head and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. I'm doing it for their own good." These people are friends who have lived together for many years. This was done for their own good, but he couldn't explain it clearly, but he believed that they would understand him when the matter was over.

The wife smiled softly, didn't say much, and lowered her head to help him clean up together.

Pan Zhan has always loved his sweet wife, she is gentle, considerate, and the most important thing about loving his family is that he is always so understanding, which makes him feel at ease.Although she comforted her like this, she was worried, not because of Aaron, but the whole base.

Aaron came out of Pan's house in a very bad mood, so he went to Song Junbo's house angrily. The Song family had already finished eating. There was one man and three women in the Song family.

The weather outside was fine, the three women went out to play, leaving Song Junbo alone.As soon as Aaron came, Song Junbo poured him a bowl of water without asking, and waited quietly for him to speak.

Sure enough, Aaron gulped and drank the water, and the anger was not extinguished at all, but it became more intense. He said angrily: "Brother Song, you don't know, they are here to make trouble again today. I am so angry that I can't wait to kill you with a knife." Kill them. I went to find Brother Pan at night, and guess what he said, it’s fine if he doesn’t help me, and he also said that there can’t be conflicts, NND, when did I suffer this kind of crime!”

"I know, he is the boss, wise and powerful, so we should listen to him, and we have been listening to him all the time. But when is this, it's the end of the world, it should be someone who has a hard fist, who said Forget it, this day-to-end tolerance is even more aggrieved than his mother's before!"

"When there were policemen before, we didn't suffer like this. Why are there no policemen now? Why are we not as good as ordinary people before?"

"Brother Song, you should say something." Aaron Balabala said a lot, and asked Song Junbo to join him in fighting against the enemy. Song Junbo smiled and responded: "I understand what you said, I understand, unfortunately, It doesn’t matter what I say, it’s useless for you to tell me more.”

"Then tell me, am I right?"

"That's right, but you still have to listen to Pan Zhan." Song Junbo obviously had something in his words, and not only did he not calm down Aaron's anger, he even felt even more upset inside.

After Aaron left, Song Junbo smiled.

Later, Aaron gradually stopped complaining to Pan Zhan. Pan Zhan thought he was thinking about it, but didn't think too much about it, because he had other things to do.

Once, Ah Yin was accidentally injured, and was carried back to the base only with Pan Zhan's guarantee. She woke up within a few days.When someone asked her about her supernatural powers, she would stare back coldly. Everyone knows that there is a kind of person who won't have supernatural powers even if he is bitten by a zombie and wakes up, but that kind of person is very rare, and very few people have seen it.

(End of this chapter)

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