Chapter 265 Traitor (2)
Seeing A Yin's performance, everyone knew about it. I'm afraid she is one of the very few, and everyone will stop asking about it as time goes by.Some people would even comfort her implicitly, saying that she would not be afraid of being bitten by zombies in the future.

Ayin didn't seem to hear it, and this matter was forgotten over time. After all, the end of the world is very busy, and trivial matters will soon be covered by major events.

One day, A Yin said to Pan Zhan: "Brother, you should pay attention to Song Junbo and the others recently."

Pan Zhan looked at A Yin in surprise and said, "What are you talking about?"

A Yin said seriously and earnestly: "Do you know what my supernatural power is? It's mind reading. Although I can't know what they thought in the past, just now, I read it from A Pang. They have plans without telling us. .”

Pan Zhan shook his head with a smile, and while being happy for his sister's ability, he said disapprovingly, "Although you have this ability, don't think about it. Having a plan does not mean it is not good for us. Besides, you It’s not been a day or two since I’ve known them. Junbo and I can be said to be your elder brother, who raised you up. You are a bit afraid of being bitten by zombies. I’m thinking too much. Don’t go on missions recently, just stay at home have a rest."

Pan Zhan didn't believe it at all, and he wouldn't doubt his partner for any plan of mind reading, because such an approach was simply ridiculous. He knew Song Junbo better than himself, and trusted him better than himself. newcomer.

The two have experienced too many things, among which the hardships and dangers are beyond the imagination of others, how many times they have survived by relying on trust.Even if his parents betrayed him, Song Junbo would not betray him. This kind of thinking has been deeply engraved in his blood and bones.

"By the way, don't you intend to tell others about your ability?" Otherwise, why didn't you tell yourself until now?
A Yin nodded. She disagreed with her brother's thoughts. She could feel A Pang's malice at that time, but she couldn't explain this feeling to her brother.I can only be more careful myself, hoping that my ability will go wrong.

It is better to hide the ability, it might come in handy one day, if someone really intends to harm them, this mind-reading ability does not seem to be offensive, but it is only for people, maybe it can save their lives.

"Brother, when shall we do it?" A Pang followed Song Junbo and asked.

Song Junbo shook his head and said: "Hey, after all, he is a brother who loves brothers, how can I do anything?"

Upon hearing this, Aaron stood up excitedly and said, "Brother, we respectfully call you Big Brother, you must not ruin your plan because of those personal affairs."

"That's right, Pan Zhan is no longer suitable for this society. We do this so that everyone can live on. We can't stay with him like this. Sooner or later, he will be swallowed up by others." Ah Zhe who was speaking said, "Say something too."

Ah Zhe raised his head, glanced at Song Junbo, and said, "Since we have all planned, let's do it."

Song Junbo nodded, agreeing, Aaron sighed and said, "It's a pity, A Liang is a deadhead, but he wants to follow Pan Zhan."

A Pang smiled coldly: "He, with such a temperament, likes A Yin very much, so he must not agree." But he cursed secretly in his heart, how stupid, is he afraid that he will not get A Yin if he catches them?
Thinking of the beautiful and heroic A Yin, A Pang felt that there was nothing wrong with following Song Junbo.

The three of them left after talking, leaving Song Junbo behind. Mother Song came out of the kitchen and asked a little nervously, "What are you talking about? Is it related to A Zhan?"

Song Junbo waved his hands and said impatiently: "It's nothing." He knew his mother, and he always talked about the old things. It was always the Pan family, and it was kindness. He was very unwilling to talk to her.

Sure enough, as Song Junbo expected, Mother Song said: "We are kind to Pan's family. Back then, your father left early, and I was sick. You had a high fever at such a young age. It was thanks to Lao Pan who took you to see a doctor overnight. People often help our family, and the oil and rice are not saved for us. Otherwise, you would have died of illness when you were young, and I would not survive. We can't do ungrateful things, we have to repay the kindness of others."

"Okay, I see, Mom, go and see Niu Niu." Song Junbo was grateful for his mother's sacrifice, and instead of remarrying, he took care of himself wholeheartedly. However, what happened to the Pan family happened many years ago, so why bother to talk about it every day? He has been assisting Pan Zhan for so many years, and he has repaid their family's favor. He can't be sold to them for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, he instantly felt at ease.

The plan was carried out as scheduled, but the Pan family didn't realize it at all, and lived a small life as before.

"I'm going out with A Yin to do a mission today. Stay safe at home and go to Junbo if you need something." Before leaving, Pan Zhan bid farewell to his family, kissed his lovely son, and did not forget to tell his beautiful wife.

"Don't worry, be careful on the road." The wife smiled softly, and after kissing goodbye, the two set off on the road.

As soon as Pan Zhan left on the front foot, Ah Zhe came to the door on the back foot and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not good, something happened to Brother Pan!"

"What?!" She was taken aback, full of panic and worry, how did this happen so quickly?
"Sister-in-law, quickly take the two old men and Mu Mu with me to Brother Song's place. As for the specific reason, I will tell you when the time comes." Apang looked anxious, as if something serious had happened.

"Okay, wait, I'll go with you right now." She returned to the house in a hurry, and immediately told the two elders the situation, and the four followed A Pang and left.

Ayin and Pan Zhan are doing tasks, but Ayin is always uneasy in her heart, and the murderous zombies are also particularly decadent. They will be encountered by zombies from time to time. Pan Zhan scolded her several times, but she never Practical.

The two had no choice but to come back as soon as possible. When they got home, they found that there was no one in the house, and the furniture was broken. It seemed that there had been a fight.At this moment, A Pang, who was covered in injuries all over his body, came in a panic, clutched his arms and said in pain, "Brother Pan is not well. After you left, the other party suddenly attacked us and arrested everyone! I It was hard to escape."

"What! How did this happen?! You were the only one who escaped? Were they injured, were they arrested or something?" Pan Zhan asked nervously and hurriedly, his voice full of unseen panic.

A Pang nodded vigorously, and confirmed: "They came with more than 100 people and dispatched all the supernatural beings. At that time, A Ying and I happened to be at Brother Song's house, and I was the only one who escaped under cover. Come here and inform my sister-in-law quickly, who knows, when I get here, my sister-in-law has been taken away, so I went to look for Aaron, Azhe and Aliang, but the residence of Aaron and Azhe was already dilapidated, and no one was there."

(End of this chapter)

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