Chapter 269 Escape (2)
Thinking of the grand and grand wedding, he said that he would take care of her for the rest of his life and never leave her. At that time, she was so moved that she burst into tears.

Thinking of my wife who still gave up her lucrative and stable job in order to take care of the family and resigned to become a housewife, she is so virtuous, hardworking, loves her parents, educates her son well, so that he has no worries.

Many people once said with envy that this is the way to marry a wife.

In the end, she ended her young and beautiful life for him.

Seeing that the general situation was not good, Ah Liang used all his supernatural powers to block the attacks of others. However, Song Junbo's ice system was so strong that he was overwhelmed after a few minutes of fighting and suffered multiple injuries.

Papa Pan knew that his life was not long, so he braced himself to protect his wife, daughter and grandson.

Pan Zhan roared suddenly, the wind broke out, flying sand and rocks, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, making people powerless to fight back.

When they woke up, they were nowhere to be seen. The four of them managed to escape with three corpses, but suffered heavy losses. A Liang was seriously injured, and A Yin suffered severe burns on his back, but there was no medicine to treat them.

By the time they escaped from the encirclement, the three of them were already out of breath.

Looking at the three corpses, Pan Zhan wailed loudly, and Ayin couldn't even cry. Pan Mu foolishly wanted to wake up his grandparents and mother who loved him, but there was no response, and he wailed loudly.

Under the auspices of A Liang, three people were buried.

Pan Zhan became very negative, blaming himself, hating himself for not dying and why he survived.Staying at the grave every day, just staying there, doing nothing, saying nothing, like a fool.

After Pan Mu was brought out, he didn't say a word for a while.

Day after day, Ah Yin's injury became more and more serious. One day, Ah Liang took some medicine back for Ah Yin. Ah Yin asked him where he came from, but he didn't answer.

Once, twice, three times, because of the tempering of the virus, Ayin's body became much stronger, and with the help of medicine, Ayin's injury gradually improved, and the burnt skin gradually grew fresh tender flesh.

One day, A Liang looked at A Yin hesitantly.

Ayin asked him: "What's the matter with you?" These days, thanks to him, otherwise they would have starved to death.

Ah Liang suddenly said: "A Yin, you have to live well." After saying that, he ran away, and A Yin went after him, but he could not be seen after a few steps, and he didn't look back no matter how much he called.

Since then, she has never seen Ah Liang again.

After a long time, until she recovered from her injury, she secretly went to the base to inquire about the news.It turned out that A Liang stole at the base because of her injuries. This kind of thing was fine once or twice, but three times was very dangerous. He also knew that someone was paying attention to him, and the medicine for treating burns made people understand something.

For the safety of the three of them, he could only leave them.

Not long after he left, his hiding place was discovered by someone with a supernatural ability. It turned out that someone had placed tracking objects on his body long ago, and his hiding place could be found, so he was caught, and because of He died tragically by their hands without confessing.

As for Song Junbo and the others, although they suffered heavy losses in that operation, they successfully squeezed out Pan Zhan, changed their behavior, and quickly accumulated their own wealth and resources.

I just vaguely heard that the relationship between Song Junbo and Mrs. Song is not very good, and I don't know if this is the good news among the bad news.

Ah Yin suddenly withdrew from her grief, maybe she didn't want Ah Liang to die in vain, maybe she understood that her life was given by someone else, maybe she suddenly became transparent.

In short, after returning, without any intention of staying, I immediately took my brother and nephew to start the escape trip.I'm afraid that Song Junbo and his party will slow down and track down their whereabouts. Anyway, it's the same job everywhere, so it's better to stay away from them.

She beat Pan Zhan several times before letting him leave the three graves. They stopped and went all the way, which was very bumpy. They passed through several bases, experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter, and finally arrived here. can be stabilized.

Pan Zhan still looked half-dead, while Mu Mu was as silent as an autistic child.

Seeing Hu Jun, even though he was not familiar with him, he really felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

After listening to A Yin's narration, Hu Juan was speechless for a long time. Seeing them together at that time, he felt that they were not very harmonious. Unexpectedly, something happened just like her flashing thought.

She wondered if she should have reminded them then, maybe it wouldn't have happened today.

However, even if time goes back, she will still sit idly by.Because, even if you say it, no one will believe it.

"You guys live well here. The living conditions in the base are still very good. According to the abilities of you and Pan Zhan, it is not difficult to find a way out." She paused, and suddenly thought of Leng Kechen. Like an active volcano, it will erupt against Hu Jun from time to time.

Because he has too many chores, and he is responsible for all the life problems of the base, and he is not worried about the leakage of information when he hires ordinary people. Even if Hu Jun gives him a lot of points, he can't finish the daily tasks. do.

Ayin is a mind-reading person, with a condensed personality, safe work, and the ability to protect himself. It can be said that he is the best person to assist Leng Kechen.

Thinking of this, she immediately asked, "Do you intend to change jobs?"

"Change jobs?" Ayin asked back in confusion, and for a moment still didn't understand Hu Jun's meaning.

Hu Jun nodded and said: "That's right, if you change jobs, your mind-reading skills are useless against zombies, but I happen to have a job that suits you. It's not only safe, it can exercise your abilities, and it can make you earn Get more points."

Such a job is naturally good, she blinked, waiting for Hu Jun to reveal.

Hu Jun smiled and said, "Registrar."

It turned out that Hu Jun planned to let her be responsible for the registration, the registration of outsiders, and the registration of everyone's career choices. People who looked extremely vicious or who were uncertain could be identified by her ability.

Greatly reducing Leng Kechen's burden, and getting more points, isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

Sure enough, Ah Yin agreed.

After leaving Hu Jun's office, Ayin non-stop went to hand over work, register, and immediately started working at Leng Kechen's side, and followed him to familiarize himself with the work process.

Leng Kechen is very careful and patient towards her, once he thinks that he can liberate himself, he has no reason not to teach seriously.

Others may think that a piece of fat has been lost, but there is no such thing as oil, water and shady scenes at all in this base. Hu Juan is very strict, and there is a hidden little guy like Dongdong. Once he has a bad idea, Hu Juan will beat him immediately. .

Everyone is forced to work hard, and besides, it is really hard work and no gain.

(End of this chapter)

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