Chapter 270
People who are tired from work get extra points, and over time, everyone accepts such a peaceful and shining living environment.

Leng Kechen was naturally happy that someone would share his work.

After returning home, Ayin rubbed her sore neck and arms, copying all afternoon, and her body was extremely stiff.

"I've changed my job. I'm working in an office. I'll get more points in the future." Ayin said to Pan Zhan who was lying on the sofa.

A Yin asked again: "Have you eaten?"

Pan Zhan still didn't respond, like a wooden man. A Yin could only sigh, and pushed open the door of his nephew's room. The child was locked at the foot of the bed, motionless. Open the windows for ventilation.

She pushed open the window with a bang, and fresh air poured in, making Pan Mu shiver in fright.

At this moment, many residents on this floor began to cook, and the smell of rice wafted in the corridor. Ayin reluctantly picked up her own rice and walked out. The experience of life gave her cooking skills that she had never had before.

"Ayin, why are you here so late today?" The neighbor lady on the same floor greeted her with a smile, and she was even more amiable than her previous neighbors.

Yes, I used to live in a high-rise building, but I didn't necessarily know the people around me, but now I can't look up and look down, especially during meal time, we must meet each other.

Ever since the accident happened, the cruel Ayin has learned to talk and chat with others. Otherwise, no one will care about the accident at home. The term "distant relatives is not as good as close neighbors" is the first time she understands the importance.

She smiled and replied: "Yeah, I'm back late today." She didn't say much, anyway, these aunts are just asking casually, no one really cares about your answer, she has already started washing rice up.

The aunt laughed and started chatting with her about the housework, the parents and the west were short, and they talked with joy and enthusiasm, and then abducted to other places: "Ayin, I think you are not young, do you have any idea to find someone?" One. We women are looking for a reliable person all our lives, especially in the last days, we need someone to rely on." The gossip woman turns into a matchmaker in a second.

A Yin smiled and said nothing, the rice was already cooking.

Seeing that she didn't refute, the aunt felt that there was something interesting and continued: "I know a young man, he is nice, honest and reliable, and he is also a person with supernatural powers. How about you find time to meet him someday?"

"No need, my brother and nephew still need me to take care of them, I don't think about anything else for now." A Yin politely refused.

"Hey, he is also alone. You are together, and you just live together. He can help you share a little bit. I didn't say that, your brother is like this. Hey, you can't live with him like this for the rest of your life." What the aunt said was the truth. , although he is a bit lenient, but his brother has a gloomy face every day, like a ghost, no one in the corridor will say anything.

A Yin shook her head and said goodbye: "Auntie, I'll go back first." A Niang could only nod, and A Yin returned with the cooked rice.

But I thought in my heart, looking for someone?There is no longer anyone who would risk her life for her.She didn't mention it to Hu Jun. In fact, when she just had the supernatural power, she learned that A Liang liked her by chance, but at that time, she didn't love him, or she had always been a comrade in arms. Once they become boyfriend and girlfriend, they pretend not to know.

Later, whether she escaped from prison, rescued her, or took the medicine, she knew in her heart that it was all because Ah Liang liked her, so she did it.

It's a lie not to be moved, and it's a lie not to be moved. In such a predicament, he chose to be with them, and she decided to be with him at that time.

It's not for repaying kindness, but to really feel his manly side. I always think he is clever, smart, and a smart partner, but now I see his responsibility, courage, and strong arms that can be relied on.

It's a pity... He went for her in the end. She didn't know if she would regret it. She took his medicine and didn't try her best to prevent his second action. Some things, once they happened, they couldn't recall them anymore.

However, Ah Yin understands that there will be no one who treats her as well as Ah Liang, and no one who treats her like Ah Liang and gives her peace of mind.

She can only be strong now, life has to go on, her brother and nephew still need her, she pushed the door open and said, "Let's eat."

After Hu Jun finished dealing with this matter, he continued to devote himself to his work.

Some distance away from here, the cavemen who had been in contact with Hu Jun and others fell into chaos and collapse.

The reason why the black-faced village head made that unbelievable request was because he was forced to do so.

Not only was the New Hope base threatened by people from that base, but they were also in trouble. After they discovered the location of the cave, the black-faced village chief immediately waited for someone to transfer it, and they managed to transfer here.

How could they still want to go to those bases? Small bases composed of ordinary people are completely powerless, and the black-faced village chief probably understands their intentions.

They have strong abilities and there are so many people, they have no choice at all.

The residents looked sad to death, as if what they were facing was not moving but death. Well, in fact, going to some bases would be worse than death.

It was those little brats who reminded him that he could choose a base not far away. They seemed to be alive and well, and they gave them food.

The black-faced village chief felt that this proposal was good, and it was better to choose one than to be forced.Based on the principles of freedom, democracy, and non-restriction, he fired Hu Jun with unimaginable conditions.

As a result, it was obvious that Hu Jun disagreed, and he came back alone.Unfortunately, before he could choose, he was forced to surrender and went to the old base.

He just realized how dark it was, and it was too late when he regretted it.A group of them have long been assigned to different positions, doing lowly jobs, and the food they have accumulated is looted as soon as they enter the city. Naturally, those hens and young cocks that have not been raised will not be left behind.

I started to repeat the previous work again, from misery to happiness and back to misery again, such ups and downs made people extremely uncomfortable.Many people died of physical problems while being tortured.

It can be said that the days were bleak to miserable.

"Hey..." The former black-faced village head, now the old black, sighed during the break.

Immediately someone missed it out of boredom and said, "Why, you know about that too?"

then?What is it?Old Hei didn't know what this person was talking about at all. The reason why he sighed was because he was worried about those people, and he didn't know how his life was, so why couldn't he find it.

The visitor is born with a big mouth, and he can't wait to talk about everything in the world. The greatest pleasure is talking about others. He is a very rare person among men who vent his anger.Hearing that someone didn't know at this moment, his face immediately glowed, and he vomited quickly: "Oh, you don't know, let me tell you, I heard that this base can't be kept, and someone else is going to call!"

(End of this chapter)

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