Chapter 271
Hei, who didn't want to hear it at first, immediately responded with interest when he heard this: "What's going on?" Maybe he can escape this time.

The man saw that Lao Hei was so cooperative, not to mention being enthusiastic, the main reason was that the news was very old, and everyone basically knew about it. Some people didn't know about the bad street. , Here, a lot of people were sent to try to eat them. Guess what, there is no news at all. Moreover, a week ago, a team that went out just disappeared. There are several supernatural beings in you Do you know what this means?" He looked at Lao Hei triumphantly, and before he could answer, he answered again: "This means that he was discovered by others, and he will call back!"

"Ah?" Lao Hei was stunned, the reason was a little far-fetched, "I can't come back even if I encounter zombies, how can it be said that I was killed by someone?"

"Tsk tsk, don't you understand that?" The man looked at him displeased, very displeased with his rebuttal, seeing that the old man was an amateur, he explained: "Our base often comes here to annex and occupy other countries. Otherwise, where would there be something to eat? Didn’t you see? A group of people suddenly disappeared from the base, and they were spies sent out. After that, the base didn’t go out to hunt anymore, it was all in cooperation with those people’s occupation Another base. Think about it, how can you find more things in three or two months than you can grab from other people's warehouses!"

Old Hei was taken aback. He turned out to be a habitual offender for his behavior, "But, where is there any base around here?" He came here and heard that there is no base around here at all.

The man looked at him with an expression that you are too outdated, with some disdain in his eyes, but he still said: "Of course, the K base in the south was occupied by some people, and I heard it was expanded."

Old Hei opened his mouth wide, surprised to be able to swallow a goose egg.

The man thought that Old Hei was surprised that there were people in the base of Zombie Siege, so he began to chatter about explanations, most of which were rumors, but Old Hei had been there himself. He didn't expect that he had actually been to that base.

For a moment, I didn't know how to feel, I should be glad that I have already arrived here, don't I need to carry it again?Still sad why not go there, maybe, there is still a little strength to resist.

The so-called killed people are being held in a temporary prison, which is actually a large warehouse. Some of them are trembling, some are ready to die heroically, cursing and threatening loudly, and some are already crying bitterly. Whispering that it was not easy for me, I was deceived.

The guards turned a deaf ear and stood guard seriously.

After a while, Hu Jun led Lu Jingsheng, A Yin, Qi Zhejun and Ji Jin to come.

They were led by Lu Jingsheng to capture them alive, and they captured 26 people in one go. Now they are all alive and kicking, listening to the shouts, how energetic they are.

He said to Hu Jun: "They have been wandering in the bushes for three days. As for why they came, they recruited themselves on the way, saying that their base has thoughts about us, and they came to observe us."

Uh, with such a weak mouth, Hu Jun felt that Ayin with mind reading skills, Qi Zhejun who was in charge of the city’s order, and Ji Jin, who was all-rounder, would be superfluous. To set an example, such a large-scale action is still necessary. After all, the people around here who are pointing fingers show that they already know something. They are curious about the response of the base, in other words, curious about the strength of the base.

On the other hand, since you have been recruited, you can talk more, why bother to hide it.

Hu Juan pushed the door open and entered, his aura was fully opened, his glamorous and noble domineering air leaked out, directly blinding the eyes of those people, this is too beautiful!
Hu Jun didn't know what they were thinking, so he reserved a certain amount of time for them to act as a buffer, and said directly: "I heard that you are going to occupy our base?"

Compared to admiring the beauty, being surprised by the appearance, or guessing their identities, they valued their own lives more. If it weren't for being tied up, several people would have jumped on them and cried.

Well, the action cannot be completed smoothly, but the talent of language is still there, "We are forced, if we don't come, we can't survive."

"Okay," Hu Jun said to them, "I don't want to hear such nonsense, who of you told me, where is your base?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I didn't expect this woman to be so tricky when she asked a question, shouldn't she ask why Lai chose this place?
"Why, no one knows?"

"Uh, I know, I know." A person answered, but his voice was not loud.

"Then tell me, where is it? By the way, don't tell lies. If you lie to me to go to some zombie city, I will throw you in." Hu Juan threatened with a smile. The devil king is obviously beautiful, but the words he speaks make people tremble.

He scanned the left and right, and someone gave him a wink. They came out to chat not once or twice. They have long had a habit of fixed common names for responding to emergencies, and there are naturally 'standard' answers to some questions. , standard does not mean true.

"Hehe, how dare I, our base is in L City." After thinking about it, this person said an answer as to whether the standard is standard or not.

A Yin told everyone the answer, "The base is in City J, right? One is in the south of the province, and the other is in the north. The city L you mentioned is a place full of dangers. No one will come back alive."

After A Yin finished speaking, the faces of the group changed drastically, and they didn't understand how this woman knew.The man who lied was even more frightened and trembling. He probably knew his fate, and he feared that he would not survive.

Hu Jun sighed, and said with regret: "It's really, what a pity, take him away." Immediately someone came in and beat the man away, and he shouted: "No, please let me go, I don't want to die! "But gradually the voice disappeared.

Hu Jun looked at the people in the room and said, "Why, don't you still want to tell the truth?" Ah Yin's supernatural beings only have one chance, and this time it can be counted as a deterrent to them. Sure enough, someone immediately told the truth: "I, I don't want to die, I can tell you everything you want to know, but you must let me live!"

Hu Jun nodded, the person before did not die either.

"What are you talking about!" Immediately, someone stopped his mouth in displeasure, for fear that he had said something more, with a ferocious expression, which made the person want to retreat in fright.Immediately, someone took this threatening guy away.

"Okay, you can talk now." Hu Jun signaled.

He has nowhere to go now, so he can only say: "We are indeed in City J." Hu Jun nodded, and continued to look at him. This news is not good, "Tell me everything you know."

(End of this chapter)

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