The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 273 Research Achievements

Chapter 273 Research Achievements (1)
This group of people quickly decided to help them, not entirely because of the good conditions. With their current level of mixing in the base, their living conditions are not bad. Although the number of supernatural beings is not many, their high level and ability can't help but make their legs tremble.

They will never fight a mobile bomber, absolutely not!

This group of people, very hopeless, expressed their willingness to submit to this place. Dongdong hid behind Hu Jun, and quietly told Hu Jun: "They are telling the truth, but they don't like this place," he continued with some grievances. : "They are still afraid of the supernatural beings in the base." Dongdong doesn't understand why everyone doesn't like this place. It's obviously very good here, with sunshine, food, and friends. You can learn knowledge, listen to stories, learn martial arts, and fight zombies. , Every day is very pleasant, very happy.The most important thing is that my aunt is very nice, she is not a female devil at all, shouldn't the female devil be the villain in those fairy tales?
Hu Juan exaggeratedly said: "You are awesome." Dongdong was a little shy, in fact, he had grown up a bit, he was much taller and grown a lot, but he always looked like the most open child when facing his aunt.

Thus, the planning began.

The people who came out to inquire about the New Hope Base successfully replied that everything was normal, and the people in power did not suspect him, so they let them go down.

For three days, base J seemed to be calm and everything was as usual. On the fourth morning, the sky was bright and it had just entered June, so the weather had changed.

The gate of the base was knocked bang bang bang, and after a while, someone came over to look in a panic. He was dressed in a mess, and it looked like he had just been woken up. Through the small door, he saw a mighty occupation outside. A large group of people, the huge momentum made him startled.

"Someone is coming!" He ran down the avenue in fright, yelling desperately, waking everyone up directly, not because he was timid, but...he was very timid.

As the boss of the base, he shouted after hearing the news from his younger brother: "What!"

After he was dressed and ready to go out to fight, an hour had passed, and the people outside were getting a little impatient.

When I first said it, everyone was excited, excited and a little nervous. I always felt that it was a life-and-death battle. All kinds of mysteries, heroism, and legends can’t be explained, but time will dilute many things, especially when you are waiting outside the city. It was quiet and scary. After a roar, there was a scream from inside, asking for help. In a word, they looked more nervous than the people outside, and they were in a panic without defense, as if the world was ending.

Inside, it will be like the panic before the big retreat. The lively appearance is in stark contrast to the quiet and serious appearance outside.

"This? Let's rush in?" Leng Kechen broke out in cold sweat.

Hu Jun shook his head, "No, we'll wait." This time she brought most of the people out of the base. Whether it was intimidating or well-prepared, there was only one reason for coming to her, and that was to inspire people.

During this period of time, people in the base were actually in a state of panic. There were always people who knew something, or were hinted in a vague way. Worried about the future, worried about the future of the base, and doubted the ability of the base.

Hu Juan had to set an example, show his strength, and shatter all their doubts. The thing under the fist is the last word. After seeing her ability, he will naturally suppress the unhealthy tendencies.

However, the black and white punishment of the so-called disloyalty killing is actually not good. When you think about it, the human heart is the most complicated thing. You never know its next direction and its future dynamics, even if you are the most powerful person. , I don’t know where my thinking will leap for. Instead of severely punishing the so-called loyalty, it is better to speak with the facts and use the heavy punishment on the order of the base.

After waiting for an hour, the door slowly opened, and a very burly man walked out from the inside. He was 2 meters 2. Standing in front of ordinary people, he was an insurmountable mountain. His forearm was stronger than a girl's thigh. It is a bulging muscle. If you touch it, you will find that it is harder than a stone.

With his dark skin, long eyes and pointed nose, and a crew cut, he looks like a villain.

There are many people behind, some with guns, some with knives, and some with bare hands.

The distance between the two groups of people is more than 200 meters, and it looks like the two armies are facing each other.

"Who are you!" the giant man asked, his voice humming and thick as a dull bell.

"Who are we? You dare to send someone to be a spy, but you don't even know about us?" Fang Jia asked with a smile, looking like an idiot.

The giant man's face was sullen, and he snorted coldly: "Since you know, then obediently hand over the things, so as not to trouble us!"

"Hahaha, did you hear how ridiculous what he said, and he obediently handed it in, hey, he thought he was a landlord!" After Fang Jia finished speaking, everyone burst out laughing, at his level It's really fun to dare to be so arrogant.

The giant man frowned, extremely angry, and said angrily: "If you don't eat the toast, if you eat the fine wine, give it to me!" After saying that, he declared war.The anxious one seems to be finishing the war and going to catch the train.

However, the people at the New Hope base did not show weakness, they were about to charge upwards, and the confrontation between the two armies must be full of flames, extremely ferocious, swords, swords, and blood everywhere, and they were no exception.

There are still people in the J base holding guns and wanting to shoot. Such an illegal behavior according to the rules of the last days was immediately killed by some plant-type supernatural beings using vines and the like.

Everyone relies on supernatural powers to fight with the physical body. The people in the attacking New Hope Base work all year round, have sufficient food, and live faster. The most important thing is that there are back doctors who treat them from time to time, especially Ran Tao, a big bug, who can be injured every minute. Okay, go back and kill the enemy heroically.

And those who came later were still very worried at the beginning and didn't dare to exert their strength. When they saw that they would not die, they immediately became brave and killed!
The battle situation soon became clear, the giant's black face became darker and darker, and finally he made a move, his eyes widened, like a tiger coming out of a mountain, but in fact he was unstoppable, a gust of wind came whistling, blowing his face to death.

Without realizing it, he closed his eyes and squatted down to block the huge momentum of the gust of wind.

When Hu Juan was blown at first, she was also a little startled, but immediately, she set up a huge ice curtain in front of her, no matter how strong he was, the wind couldn't blow it over.

Many ice-type supernatural beings followed suit, and the ice curtain quickly joined together. Through the crystal glass, one could see the flying sand and strong wind over there.

Sure enough, this person has a few brushes, and he is by no means an idle person.

As for Hu Jun's mood at the moment, it is a little excited, but it is definitely not the kind of excitement of being lonely and finally meeting a suitable opponent. To feel the joy of fierce battles, such a simple-minded confrontation is definitely not an ordinary one like Hu Jun's. people can control.

(End of this chapter)

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