The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 274 Research Achievements

Chapter 274 Research Achievements (2)
Hu Juan is a cannon fodder in front of her eyes at the moment, and if she shows her skills, well, I believe, the effect will be very good.

The black-faced strong man has a serious face, constantly manipulating the strong wind, not paying any attention to the strong wind like a tornado, which is about to blow his own people away. They covered their heads and squatted on the ground, but the strong wind offset the impact of the earth on people. Attractive, full of energy until they blow away.

The ice curtain was big and thick, firmly resisting.

"Don't fall in love with fighting, fight quickly." Ji Jinjiang whispered in her ear.

Hu Jun glanced back at him and said, "That's inappropriate, and it can't train the residents of the base." That way there would be no cohesion.

Ji Jinjiang shook his head and explained: "For the first time, you must hit it with one blow!" Compared with Hu Juan's so-called foresight, Ji Jinjiang thought more simply, that strength proves everything.

Hu Jun nodded. Before she knew it, it seemed that General Ji Jin had manipulated her thoughts. No matter what he said, it seemed that Hu Jun would subconsciously obey him. Fortunately, General Ji Jin was doing it for her own good. He is a counselor, but I am afraid that Hu Jun himself did not realize this.

At this moment, she summoned an ice dragon out of thin air. The ice dragon is as domineering as ever, making other people have to look up in amazement. This is simply the creator's preference!

Not to be outdone, the black-faced mountain walked out of a wind leopard in the strong wind. Its whole body is made of wind, and if it gets close to it, it will hang people to death.

Such a scene, as expected, caused a huge commotion. People inside and outside the city, injured and healthy people all looked up at the sky, and even mischievous children looked up because they were attracted.

When the two collided, one relied on strength and the other relied on speed. I saw bursts of chirping from the sky, ice slag, and occasional falling or floating down in strong winds.The fight was fierce, and there was a tendency to fight for three hundred rounds.

At this moment, and at some unknown time, countless needles that were sucked into the yak sprang out from Feng Leopard's stomach, and rushed towards Hu Jun with the strength of the wind.

The needles are as hard as diamonds, especially the needle tips are extraordinarily thin, it is difficult to see the number with the naked eye, let alone resist all the needles.

Before they left, someone told Hu Jun that the leader of this base is a dual-element supernatural being, one is a well-known wind element, and the other is unknown. Legend has it that those who knew either turned into zombies or died .

This has also become a huge secret and a magic weapon for this person.

The secret was finally revealed today, a gold-type superhuman who can manipulate metal.

As I said earlier, there are many types of gold-type superpowers, and this is one of them. It doesn't seem to be very useful, but it is absolutely invincible when combined with the rapid wind.

But will Hu Jun make him happy?Will it be so easy to be killed?Of course not, she sneered, thinking it was some great ability, but it was a gold-type ability, and if it was a poison-type ability, she might be worried, but this little needle...

When the needles were about to approach her, there was already a layer of water quality film in front of her body, and the needles were swallowed up just now.

The moment the fast needle touched the water film, it quickly slowed down. It still sprinted hard, but the resistance of the water was getting bigger and bigger. It moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, the whole needle Came in and never rushed out again.

"Is there any other trick?" Hu Jun asked the black-faced Xiaoshan whose face was so dark that ink dripped out, very disdainful.

He didn't answer, but answered with his strength. Fengbao accelerated his speed and attacked desperately with his dexterity.

With a loud noise, the ice dragon exploded and turned into water. One stream enveloped the wind leopard, and another stream rushed directly in front of the leader, enveloping him. Hu Jun snapped his fingers easily.

The two disappeared with the water flow, it was as simple as that, disappeared lightly.

The scene was silent, no one spoke, and everyone was quiet, as if they couldn't believe what happened before them.

"Oh!" Suddenly, fierce cheers erupted from the crowd, and the people in New Hope Base were all rejoicing, while the people in J Base knew that something was wrong and wanted to flee.

Without Hu Jun's command, everyone rushed forward in a swarm.Soon, the leaderless J base was occupied.

Those who relied on the base to do evil did not end well, those civilians were handed over to Leng Kechen and A Yin.

Hu Jun strolled in the base, looked at this dilapidated house, and felt a little dazed for a moment, could this be her future life?

Kill zombies, kill enemies, kill sneak raiders?
Why, no happiness as expected?Why?
Just as she was thinking, a few people suddenly appeared in front of her. They were fairly well dressed and hurriedly passed by Hu Jun.

Hu Jun subconsciously looked back at the man in the middle, how could it be him!
"What's the matter?" Xiao Xia followed behind Hu Jun, following her eyes in confusion, looking at those people, "Is there a problem?"

Hu Jun shook his head, "No, no problem." It was her who had the problem.

"Let's go back." Hu Jun said in a low voice. At this moment, she was out of any mood, and she didn't even want to know how to go in the future.

It only took half a day for everything to be handed over smoothly, but the New Hope Base will not accommodate them so easily. One is that the number is too large, and the other is that their personalities are unknown. I am afraid that they will be psychologically distorted because of too much suffering.

After leaving a few people behind, Hu Juan went back first, and she was in no mood to sit down.

That night, General Ji Jin called Xiao Xia and asked, "Who did you meet while walking around the base today?" Hu Jun's abnormal reaction immediately attracted the attention of General Ji Jin. Others believed that her so-called supernatural power was too effective. Uncomfortable, but Ji Jin will not believe it.

Xiao Xia looked at Ji Jinjiang for a while, and then said: "I haven't met anyone, but she seems to be very sensitive to someone." Xiao Xia is smarter than many people, or he has always maintained the most vigilant state, I have always maintained my original heart and never lost my mind.

Ji Jin will ask: "Who?"

"A man surnamed Yan." Afterwards, the cautious Xiao Xia made an investigation.

After returning to the base, she didn't go out of the room again, no one knew what she was doing, and she no longer went to the office to work, everything was handled by everyone.

Some people said that she was sick, some said that her abilities were seriously consumed, and some said that she was busy with mysterious research. Anyway, there were many rumors about the base, and it was refurbished every day.

What exactly is Hu Jun doing?

She was lying in the tan water of the space thinking, and she had been busy with various things recently, so busy that she almost forgot that she was a reborn person.

In the previous life, after her parents died, Hu Jun was harmed because of him who gave her the only warmth, and she met this person again in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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