Chapter 275 Haunted (1)
Want to be happy?Still sad, want to be excited?Still depressed.

Her heart suddenly became chaotic.

According to her psychological age, she is already a half-century old man and should not care about love. However, she has a young heart in her 20s and a youthful body in her 20s. Especially under the nourishment of the pond water, she is more and more Young and full of energy.

She knew that Xu Langyu liked her, but she couldn't respond, so she learned to avoid it. She also knew that Ji Jin would treat her well, but she didn't want to fall in love at all.

Seeing that person, she felt a lot of strange emotions in her heart. It was like an overturned five-flavored bottle, and the taste in it was hard to explain.

The shock when he was rescued at the beginning, the happiness when getting along, the grief when being framed by others, the heartbreak of being captured and sold alive, and the despair of being a test product.

Now, seeing his emotions replying one after another, she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't face others properly.

Even, thinking of those dark days made her heart feel as if it was tightly held by a big hand, which could burst at any time.

She didn't even know how to face him, all she could do was hide.

When she worked up the courage to come out, the base had already changed a lot, with many strange faces pouring in, the building that was expanding again, and the noisy streets.

"This is?" She sat in the office, looked at Leng Kechen who handed him a stack of reports, and looked up at him in confusion.

He explained: "The list of newcomers, and the construction plan for the next three months, planner Anpa." It was a pleasure for Hu Jun to disappear, but it was hard for them.

Hu Jun pointed to the distance and asked, "Who made the building?"

"Ji Jinjiang, he said that there are too many people and the housing is saturated, so he started the construction ahead of time according to the drawings." Leng Kechen casually explained that the drawings of the building have been fully drawn, but because the weather is getting hotter, Hu Jun didn't let the construction start. In the past, I was forced to do my homework in Kuxia, but now... well, I am also forced to do my homework.

Hu Jun accepted this reality, General Ji Jin did it very simply, and two tall buildings have already risen from the ground.

"Is there anything else? If nothing else, you can go." Hu Jun began to read the report, wanting him to go out.

Leng Kechen got up and took two steps, then turned around and said: "I suggest you find a secretary, and you will have more and more things to do in the future." She worked for her for nothing.

Hu Jun looked at the pile of reports, there were indeed a lot of them, and she should find one, but unfortunately not now, as she needs to recharge her work now.

By the time she finished her work and the base was overhauled, it was already August.

Hu Jun was walking in the streets bored, not knowing if they had done a lot of blood work, but in just two months, everything was actually built, which shows that the temptation of the house has not diminished in the slightest.

According to Fang Jia's words: "If you know that there is a big house for nothing, a fool will not work hard."

With the rapid increase of the population, all walks of life in the base will soon be enriched, followed by various departments. Of course, Hu Jun suppressed the so-called management departments to the minimum, but this is also a very large group She couldn't manage one by one by herself, so she had several main managers.

Walking in the commercial street, which is already in its infancy, many shops are open for business. Among them, the business is good after all, a cold drink shop. Many people are willing to drink a glass of iced drink in such a hot summer when the temperature is as high as 40 degrees. Shaka fruit juice is refreshing and refreshing.

The owner of this store is Leng Kechen, and the two brothers are ice-type, so a large piece of ice is just a big piece of ice, which is not too much to use to open a store, and the price is cheap, so it can be regarded as a good thing for the people, so Hu Jun waved his hand agreed.

Monkey has handicrafts, and wants to follow Leng Kechen to set up a shop here and sell his own handicrafts, but Hu Jun asked him with a smile: "I rescued you and came here for your sake, do you remember? "

Hearing this, the monkey had no choice but to give up the idea silently. Hu Jun gave him a lot of points just for his handiwork and knowledge, and the handmade weapons he took away were distributed to each team for free.

If he relies on the store to sell, he is earning points for nothing and earning extra money.

So, he can only watch others make money, hey, it's a pity that he doesn't have superpowers to sell, even if he controls plants and sells small plants, it's good.

One day at noon, the man with the scar knocked on the door of Hu Jun's house and spread the news: "There is some progress in the laboratory."

Hu Juan's eyes lit up, and without saying a word, he ran straight to the laboratory, ignoring Hu's mother shouting from behind that it was time to eat.She has been paying attention to the progress of scientific research and understands the importance of drugs. She not only gives them a lot of points, but also arranges good care for the family members of the researchers. Their mental state has improved. The fastest one, It is already equivalent to a normal person, who can talk, chat, and go out for a stroll.

She did this to let them do research with peace of mind.

The scientific research building is very neat, there is nothing beautiful to speak of, but it is very strong, and the materials are the best.

Hu Jun went straight to the largest scientific research room. The faces of the scientific researchers inside were full of surprises, as if they had won 5 million.

As soon as Hu Jun came, they quickly dragged her over and said, "Look!" They pointed to a chicken, which was walking back and forth in the prototype glass in the middle, leisurely.


"It's like this. This is a chicken that was injected with our newly developed drug. After the injection, it successfully woke up one day after fainting. There was no adverse reaction within 10 days. We believe that our research is basically successful! "The leading scientific research leaders excitedly announced the good news.

Hu Jun's eyes lit up, "God's favor"?
"That means that human beings can use drugs to develop supernatural powers?" Hu Jun asked excitedly.

The man froze for a moment, shook his head, and explained patiently: "No, there are many differences between humans and animals. This should show that our research direction is correct. As for the advent of drugs, it is hard to say how long it will take. Science is rigorous. Yes, we must ensure that everything is safe." If another batch of zombies is created, it will simply wipe out the human race.

Hearing this, Hu Juan was a little discouraged. All she wanted was a result, not a semi-finished product.

Ji Jinjiang came over and said to her: "Don't be discouraged, this is already a great success." He understood Hu Jun's mood. People's views on the results of scientific research are actually different from those of scientists. Scientists' scientific research requires a process. , failure or success in the process is a great asset, because they are learning.

What ordinary people want is the result. He can't tell Hu Jun that his parents have left precious information, which has been proved to be the correct research direction.

(End of this chapter)

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