Chapter 277 Secretary (1)
The sound of laughter, chatting, and price bargaining came together, which were all beautiful things, but Hu Juan was unspeakably terrified. She took a few steps back and almost fell, but luckily Ji Jinjiang caught her.

Compared to her shock, Ji Jinjiang was much calmer. He dragged her off, forced her to sit up and said, "Calm down!" Now that he has come, he must face it.

Hu Jun looked at Ji Jinjiang in horror, pointed out the window and said, "They, they..."

Before he finished speaking, the girl came over with an iron plate. She didn't mind Hu Jun looking at her like a ghost. She smiled and said: "The freshest rose tea and pastries are made by me. Try it." Try it."

The sterling silver tray was put aside, and on top of the transparent crystal table was an exquisite porcelain teapot with lovely patterns painted on the white porcelain surface, and three small cups of the same style, in which tea had already been poured.

The fragrance of roses wafted through the air, and there were five small cakes on the same plate, with crystal-clear skins and a yellow light, and the aroma of food was very attractive.

Hu Jun couldn't eat it. She has supernatural powers, but she is not a god. The woman in front of her is obviously not a normal person. How dare she eat it without being poisoned to death!

Ji Jinjiang also didn't move, and asked a question, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The girl pointed at herself with her fingertips, giggled suddenly, and fell down on the sofa, indescribably cute.

After a while, she raised her body, took a cup of tea at her desk, took a sip and said, "Who am I? I'm just an ordinary person in this vast middle life." She turned the teacup and looked at it seriously. The pattern on the cup, and said: "Look how beautiful the pattern on this cup is, delicate and beautiful, as if alive, but it is just a pattern, attached to the cup forever, once the cup is broken, they Naturally it disappears."

The patterns are flowers, and the flowers are vivid, just like those living flowers outside.

Hu Jun and Ji Jinjiang didn't speak, they just looked at the girl.

The girl looked up and they asked a weird question, "Are you a couple?"

Both of them shook their heads subconsciously, they were naturally not a couple.

The girl propped her chin, and said with some pity: "Why not? You seem to be a good match. It would be great if you were a couple." The girl's tone was a little pity. !

dang dang...

The sudden loud sound startled the two of them. It turned out to be a big bell.

When she came back to her senses, the girl disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, turned her head to look outside, and the crowd also disappeared.

Only two people remained, "This?" Hu Juan was completely confused, looking at General Ji Jin, who said firmly, "Let's get out of here." After saying that, the two of them were about to get up and leave, but the door opened not open.

Ji Jin will immediately become a wind blade, and the wind blade that usually cuts iron like mud can't open a broken lock?
Hu Jun said: "I'll do it!" The ice skate shot was also ineffective. She opened her mouth and looked at the door in disbelief. What was the door built? It's so strong and illogical!

Afterwards, the two began to try their best to attack the doors and windows, but unfortunately, there was no effect, and there was no effect anywhere!No matter how they beat it, the house still looked like this, even the teacup, which was supposed to be extremely fragile, couldn't be broken, and the most frightening thing was that there was no other exit from the house, only the walls remained.

The two got together again, and their mood suddenly became uneasy.

Soon the sun went down and the moon came out, and the gentle moonlight shone on the street, but the two still couldn't go out.

The stomach growled, the sky was big, and the meal was the biggest. The two still took out the food and started to eat. After eating, they fell into silence. The two were relatively speechless, only the feelings that could not be expressed in their hearts.

Midnight falls, the claustrophobic space, lonely men and widows, a room full of crises, no romance at all.

dang dang...

The big bell rang again, and it was extremely scary in the quiet air. Suddenly, a black figure appeared outside, and Hu Jun grasped General Ji Jin's hand. Supernatural things were more terrifying than zombies!
Ji Jin will firmly hold back and give Hu Jun strength.

The ground began to be uneven, as if something was about to crawl out, and there were more and more black shadows on the street, and arms stretched out on the ground in the house, and began to grope, as if something was about to come out.

Hu Jun attacked the ice arrow fiercely, and Ji Jinjiang's wind blade did the same, it had no effect, and the supernatural power had no effect on them, what the hell are they!
With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ji Jin pulled Hu Jun onto the sofa, and the two stood on the sofa, watching the figures gradually appearing in the room, one by two, three until they were all there.

Hu Jun suddenly felt that she was so fragile, she was so scared, really scared, it was as if the fear deep in her heart had been brought out, if it wasn't for Ji Jinjiang's warm hand holding her, she might have collapsed and cried stand up.

Everything experienced in the last days is not enough to resist the things experienced today.

"I suddenly remembered something." Maybe it was because I was pushed to the extreme, but I would wake up instead.Hu Jun suddenly thought of the first time he and Ji Jinjiang were involved, a group of people went to rescue the professor, and when they went there, they met two strange people, an old man and a little girl.The old man uses plants, and the little girl will make people feel close to her.

Hu Juan tried his best to calm his mind, and after explaining the process to Ji Jinjiang in detail, Ji Jinjiang's eyes lit up immediately and said: "Illusion!"

How can there be so many strange things in the world, but there are spring-like cities in summer, empty streets are filled with people immediately, strange girls are full of affection, and houses that are not attacked at all.

"If it's an illusion, it means that everything in front of us is fake!" Hu Jun answered immediately, "As long as we break the illusion, we can go out?"

My heart suddenly brightened, and when I turned my eyes, the two of them actually appeared at the last camping spot, and they were dressed like they were sleeping yesterday.

They came out?
Could it be that they never entered L City?Just had a dream?The two looked at each other, obviously they experienced the same thing, it was weird, it was a dream prophecy, a warning, or they really experienced it, but they came back here in an unimaginable way, but Either way, it's creepy.

"Go and have a look?"

"it is good."

If you want to know the truth, you must go to see the L city base with your own eyes.

When the two arrived at the city, they found that the city had already been reduced to ashes. If it weren't for those big pillars that couldn't be burned, it would never have appeared that it was once a city.

However, what is surprising is that the big outline is the same as what the two of them have seen before!
In the distance, a girl in white looked at the two and said to herself, "How is that possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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