Chapter 278 Secretary (2)
A little girl stood beside her and said angrily, "Sister, they ran out! You said that you will help me avenge my grandpa!"

The girl shrugged indifferently and said: "But, I have tried my best. If you are still not satisfied, go to Wang." In a blink of an eye, she disappeared.

Only the little girl was left, looked at the two viciously and swore: "I will definitely kill these two humans." The viciousness in her eyes is definitely not that of normal people.

When the two returned to the base, it was supposed to be mid-August, but it was already September. Where did that month go?
Regarding other people's questions, the two only said that they walked around the neighborhood. Hu Jun didn't even mention the weird incident to his parents. Save it as if nothing happened.

However, the facts are the facts, Ji Jin remembered Hu Jun's protection of himself at that time, and Ji Jin began to take this person into account.

"Queen, you're back." On the first day after returning to work, Leng Kechen came to the door very embarrassingly. How much Hu Juan missed his cold appearance at the beginning, and the gloating appearance now really deserves a beating .

Hu Jun looked at the N large stacks of documents in front of her, and then at another large stack in Leng Kechen's hand. She was sure that 80.00% of the documents on the table were given to her by Leng Kechen.

Hu Jun gritted his teeth and said, "What's the matter, you tell me." This table full of documents, do you want to work yourself to death?
"It's nothing serious," Leng Kechen shrugged, "I'm just here to send you documents." Pointing to the new stack.

"that's it?"

Leng Kechen nodded, seeing her like this, his anger from being exhausted to death before disappeared.

Hu Jun looked at the document and said seriously, "Find me a secretary immediately." Without a secretary, she would definitely die.

"What request?" I thought she would hold on to death.

"Preferably female, I am familiar with."

Leng Kechen acted quickly, and that afternoon, Chen Lei started working as a temporary secretary for a period of probation.

"You?" Hu Jun was a little surprised, she had almost forgotten her, "Is the child okay?"

Chen Lei nodded and smiled and said, "It's pretty good." Thanks to Hu Jun's deliberate care, her body recovered very well, and her child was also healthy. She looked at Hu Jun's suspicious eyes and said, "I was a secretary before. She has experience, the child is very good, and she is in school." She said that she has no worries.

Hu Jun nodded, but he didn't think she was bad. Even Hu's mother said that she was very kind, maybe because she had just become a mother, she was very kind, and she went to school to help if she had nothing to do.Anyway, there are no secrets, just some files, she should be competent.

"Okay, let's classify and bring up the important ones first." Hu Jun pointed to a pile of documents that had been moved to the ground.

Chen Lei nodded and went to work immediately, squatting on the ground to look through the documents.

"I heard that Xiaolei is your secretary now?" Mother Hu asked Hu Jun after dinner at night.

Xiaokong's eating habits are still basically non-existent, but Dongdong is very well-behaved and knows how to take care of Xiaokong.

Hu Yue's work is very smooth, he is cheerful and righteous, and has made many new friends.

Regarding Hu Jun's current state, Hu's father and mother Hu have long accepted and even encouraged them. They also understand that this is doing a good deed, and the only thing they can do is to take good care of themselves and their family members.

Every day at noon, Hu's mother would prepare meals and wait for Hu Jun to come back for dinner.

Hu Jun nodded, ate the food and said, "Yes."

"How is her work?" Mother Hu asked again.

Chen Lei was conscientious in her work, and optimized Hu Jun's time to the greatest extent, so that Hu Jun understood the benefits of a secretary. Hu Jun said: "She works very well and has helped me a lot. But, Mom, you Why do you care about her so much?"

Hu's mother sighed and said, "It's not easy for her to take care of a child by herself. Although she has a younger brother, that younger brother seems very unreliable. Helping will only help. I didn't have a job before, but now I finally have a job. I hope Take care of her more." Chen Zheng is a good person, but unfortunately he often does wrong things with good intentions.

Hu Jun nodded. It turned out that her mother wanted her to go through the back door, "Don't worry, as long as she doesn't do anything wrong, she will continue to do it." Now that her mother said something, it turned out to be a good thing.

Therefore, the temporary secretary soon became the real secretary.Hu Jun thought it was a very simple thing, but disappointed many secretaries behind. In fact, they could do it well, but unfortunately they didn't have the chance.

Hu Jun flipped through the stack of documents that Chen Xi brought up, and the new resident asked in surprise, "Why are there so many recently?"

Chen Lei explained: "Because the base is already well-known, many people come here admiringly."

"Fame? Where did we get the fame?" Hu Jun asked puzzled. The people in the base basically didn't travel far.

"Fang Jia set up a small broadcast to broadcast the situation of the base to the outside world. Refugees are welcome." Chen Lei was a little surprised that Hu Jun didn't know. She always thought that Hu Jun asked Fang Jia to be responsible.

Hu Jun rubbed the center of his brows, "I really don't know." It's not that she doesn't want others to come, but she doesn't want herself not to know all this.

Hu Juan skipped it directly, and looked at the following, "What kind of application is this?"

"Some old engineers came to the base. They thought the base wasted a lot of resources, so they applied to change the design drawings."

"It's impossible to change. I don't have such a great experience, but you choose a suitable day, and I want to see them."

Hu Jun asked Chen Lei again, "Is there anything wrong with the things I asked you to check recently?"

Chen Lei nodded, "There are some eyebrows, the situation does exist."

"The patrol doesn't care?" Hu Jun frowned, very displeased.

Chen Lei didn't say a word, "Forget it, you go, check it out and tell me."

It turned out that some people said that the women in the base did not go to work, and other people made up their minds. Young girls chose to be mistresses, and some even took it as a career.

This caused great harm to the base, and many men began to dream of living a life of three wives and four concubines.

From the standpoint of a woman, Hu Jun firmly opposed it, and as the manager of the base, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

It is not difficult to punish these people, but it is difficult to know who made them breed in the base and solve them from the source.

She has explicitly prohibited it, and everything that was illegal in the past is also not allowed in the base.

Reminiscent of Fang Jia's actions, Hu Jun knew that the base had changed and started to look like a real society, or in other words, it had changed since the Leng Kechen brothers opened the store.

Three days later, Chen Lei investigated the matter clearly and presented it to Hu Jun. Hu Jun did not lose his temper, but took her to the chicken farm.

(End of this chapter)

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