Chapter 279
The chicken farm has begun to take shape, the chicken coop is well built, and there are more chickens in it. Many people come here to exchange eggs every day.

Hu Jun's arrival made the chicken farmers a little surprised, but they still warmly welcomed her.

While inquiring about the situation, she looked at the chicken coop. There was a chicken-specific smell in the chicken coop, but fortunately it was very clean, which showed that they were working hard. good.

Hu Jun praised them, took a basket of eggs, and walked away swaggeringly.

Afterwards, she went to the warehouse that was in charge of the grain and asked to see the reserves inside. The man in charge of the warehouse was a man with a disabled leg. He had followed Hu Juan all the way here, and the two of them could be regarded as acquaintances.

The man warmly introduced to her and said his thanks. Hu Jun smiled all the way. Before leaving, Hu Jun picked up a bag of rice.

The man hurriedly put a bag on her kindly, for fear of leaking.

Then I went to the fish pond, which was newly built. At that time, Hu Jun was busy with other things, so he came very rarely. Only on the day when it was built, he followed others to see it symbolically, and released fish and shrimp by the way.

Today is a real inspection. The fish pond seems to have been done well. Not only can the water be used rationally, but the fish are growing well.

"How big is this fish?" Hu Jun asked a person in charge with a smile.

She hurriedly replied with a little excitement: "It's been more than four months." She entered the base recently, and it is rare to see the queen so close. It's a lowly job, but when you come here, you can find such a job with more than 20 years of experience in raising fish. As long as you raise fish well, you can get points.

Hu Jun looked at her face and asked, "Can I eat it?"

"Yes, yes, of course." She and a few colleagues quickly found tools to catch the fish, and put the lively fish in the bag and handed it to Hu Jun.

Hu Jun naturally accepted it with a smile.

Hu Jun went around all the breeding bases, and at night, her and Chen Lei's hands were full of food.

Hu Jun smiled and said, "Okay, let's bring Chen Zheng and little Chen Xi to my house for dinner today."

"No." Chen Lei waved her hands repeatedly.

Hu Juan looked at her, obviously there was something in his eyes, Chen Lei said, "Don't worry, I know what to do." The word 'you' was used, which shows her attitude.

The first thing Chen Lei did when she came home was to say to Chen Zheng, "Be careful these days, work honestly, and never steal or play tricks!"

The elder sister looked very serious, Chen Zheng was a little angry that the elder sister didn't believe him, and retorted: "When did I cheat, I'm an adult!" Ever since the siblings depended on each other for life, he has completely reformed himself , How can you say that he is cheating and playing tricks, my sister is really annoying.

That night, Hu's family ate very richly. Hu's mother fried fish and prawns with a smile.

"What day is it today, such a sumptuous dinner?" Hu Yue who came back from the outside was a little surprised, but soon, he started to eat under the greeting of Hu's mother.

After the meal, Hu Jun packed the food reserved by his mother and went to Jiang Ji.

The distance between the two is not far, and they will arrive after a short walk.Ji's family has already finished their meal, and Ji Jin will be looking at something in the study.

As always, the man with the scar who didn't welcome Hu Jun welcomed Hu Jun, but luckily, there were still people in the Ji family who knew diplomacy and chatted with Hu Jun enthusiastically.

Hu Jun naturally took out a large amount of food he had prepared and greeted everyone.

"Wow, that's great."

"It's shrimp balls, my favorite!"

Everyone rushed over and ate without hesitation. Even the man with the scar caught a fish with the feeling that he would not eat it for nothing. Everyone was so happy that they ate, and the atmosphere of chatting naturally became more For enthusiastic.

After a while, Ji Jin will come out, he is wearing a thin sweater, slacks, and a pair of glasses, his eyes are a little tired, Hu Jun said with a smile: "Come, try the fresh fish, it is absolutely natural and pollution-free. "

Everyone put their heads down and ate hard, and when they saw the boss coming out, they immediately stopped talking, honestly seeming to say that they still kept a lot of watches.

"Fishpond?" Ji Jinjiang walked over with an unclear expression.

Hu Jun smiled and said, "Of course, I just caught it today, so it's very fresh."

"I remember that the fish pond has not officially entered the ranks of exchanging items." Ji Jinjiang's words made everyone's expressions look bad in an instant, only Hu Juan was still smiling.

They seemed to have eaten something they shouldn't have.

Some secretly wiped their mouths, some silently retreated, and some began to tidy up obediently, expressing that they would not eat any more.

Looking at their appearance, Ji Jin was really dumbfounded, as if he was bullying them. Since they came here with him, they are no longer the relationship between superiors and subordinates, "Okay, since you brought it, you can eat it." Turning his head to Hu Juan, he said, "Let's go to the study and talk." Hu Juan's actions naturally have her own meaning.

Hu Jun naturally followed him to the study room, and the friends at home opened the bag silently and continued to eat. Anyway... they were all caught, and I'm sorry for not eating too much.

Hu Jun came to the study room. This room was converted from a bedroom into a study room. The furnishings inside were very simple, with elegant mahogany furniture. The big bookcases were filled with all kinds of books. It must have cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, all of this is their own business. Hu Jun just appreciates it, but will not ask him curiously why he did this, or how he did it.

"I heard that many people have been to those breeding centers." Sitting on a chair, Hu Juan told General Ji Jin what she had learned today.

Ji Jinjiang poured her a cup of tea and nodded, he had heard this before.

"But, among these people, you and the people around you are not there." This is the purpose of Hu Juan's coming here today. She is curious and surprised, why is this?
Now there are not many so-called powerful people in the base, the main ones are those who have persisted with Hu Jun all the way to the present. Although Ji Jin will be regarded as a monk halfway, he should not have a trace of power.

As far as she knows, as a supervisor, he is very powerful in the base, which only shows that he doesn't want it.

But why not?
"Why are you so kind to me?" Why, never get involved in the light of the base, don't think about yourself, will accompany yourself, help yourself a lot of things, and don't ask for anything in return.

Compared with those who have been side by side with her for a long time, she is more considerate of herself, caring about herself, and strict with herself.

Hu Jun's eyes were confused. She saw these small actions of others, and she understood that they already had the so-called power in the base. It was just a subconscious behavior for those ordinary people to curry favor with them and curry favor with them.

(End of this chapter)

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