Chapter 280
They accepted that it might be an accident, an accident, or they might make up the points, but they got it after all.

Everyone started to do things that were harmless to the overall situation and benefited themselves, or sometimes they acted first and then played, as if Hu Jun would definitely agree, and of course Hu Jun did agree.

Even Hu Juan's parents felt that many things were taken for granted. With a single word from them, Chen Lei became Hu Jun's official secretary smoothly. This is not a normal behavior of human beings.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. Shouldn't Hu Jun have noticed and corrected these things as early as when these things happened, instead of today, when everything is taken for granted?

Hu Jun, it is not selfish to treat this place as private property, but needs a kind of respect, rights, and understanding.

Ji Jinjiang, who was in stark contrast to them, suddenly stood up, and Hu Jun couldn't help asking this question.

Ji Jinjiang could see confusion, astonishment, bewilderment and even confusion from Hu Jun's eyes, and he said seriously as if reciting scriptures piously, "Because, these are what I should do."

What should be done?

Is it because it was done for the base, or is it supposed to be nice to me?Hu Juan opened his mouth and didn't speak. She didn't want to pierce this layer of paper. He paid a lot, but she couldn't return anything.

The two were silent for a long time, Hu Juan bowed his head in thought, Ji Jinjiang leaned on the back of the chair and silently looked at her quiet profile, sometimes he didn't know what he liked about her, there were people who were prettier than her, and there were people who were stronger than her , There are also people who are more docile than her, people who are cuter than her, and people who have known him longer than her, but his heart will always miss her unconsciously.

The two sat like this for a long time, and Hu Jun finally lowered his head and said, "Can we come now?"

"Of course, it's never too late."

Then, there was another long silence, when Hu Jun suddenly raised his head and said with a serious expression: "You come to set up the legal provisions and detailed rules."

Ji Jin will nod and send her out. In fact, he is very sorry. He obviously has a way to control everything so that they don't happen. Unfortunately, he wants Hu Jun to make a decision because the law is strict. The base is still a base full of human touch.

"BOSS?" The man with the scar walked up to General Ji Jin.

Ji Jinjiang looked at his subordinate with the lunch box beside him, Hu Jun was gone downstairs, "Leave it to Chen Xu."

The fact that Hu Jun went to those breeding sites was like a small drop of water, no one noticed in the vast ocean.

The day was as usual, one day, there was a commotion on the street, surrounded by many people, it turned out that the main room and mistress had fought.The pungent wife, the delicate mistress, and a middle-aged man with supernatural abilities who is the captain of the patrol department are in a dilemma.

The main room cried about the hardships along the way, the man's ungratefulness, the mistress shyly hid behind the man, lowered her head, and said nothing, the man's face was a bit embarrassed, just like what his wife said, he really did it in the most difficult time He survived by relying on his wife's body, but the more so, even though he feels sorry for her in his heart, there is still a pimple, the woman behind him is like a shy flower, pure, flawless, kind, and simple.

The crowd watched the farce of this family, the bustling crowd said everything, the wives helped the main room, scolded the man for his ingratitude, the men also complained about the head of the household, and some even defended the mistress with a few words, This is not surprising, the base is neither small nor big, and the life is quite rich, so there will naturally be acquaintances. Xiaosan is a young girl in her 20s. She is shy and polite, not like a bad girl.

In fact, this is not the first time this has happened.

According to the normal rhythm, the people in the patrol department will make adjustments. If the mediation fails, there will be two maids and one husband, or the man will give the woman some compensation, and the two will separate, which is also considered a divorce.

But today, "What's the matter, it's so lively here today." Before the people from the patrol department came, Hu Jun, the top leader of the base, led a large wave of high-level officials over.

Speaking of it, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or fate. Yesterday was the day of the meeting, and someone talked about the construction of the base house. I was going out today to inspect the open land and decide how to build a new house. I didn’t expect it. Before leaving the city, I encountered such a lively thing.

The crowd immediately flashed a passage, leaving this blinding army.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, the more than 20 people in this industry are the most dazzling existence.

The enthusiastic aunt clattered the matter over and over again. Of course, in her eyes, a wife is worth maintaining, and Xiaosan was said to be a vixen.

"No, it wasn't her who seduced me, yes, it was I who fell in love with her." The husband couldn't stand the slander, and immediately refuted loudly with his arms around Xiaosan, completely forgetting the existence of Hu Juan.

The most damning thing is that after saying this, he and the mistress in his arms looked at each other affectionately, the deep affection was really creepy.

"Do you love each other very much?" Hu Jun looked at the man and mistress and asked calmly.

Seeing that Hu Juan was not angry, the man nodded boldly when he thought that everyone had done it before, and Xiaosan nodded shyly.

The onlookers were curious to see how Hu Juan would deal with the two of them, but the people behind Hu Juan were more cautious than curious, because the way Hu Juan handled it would represent the consequences of such things in the base in the future.

"Since you are in love, I believe that as long as the two of you can be together, other things don't matter, right?" Hu Jun began to set a trap.

The two nodded immediately. The man had long been fascinated by Xiaosan. He only thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and she couldn't live without him. Xiaosan also enjoyed the life this man brought her.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't beat mandarin ducks!" When Hu Juan said this, many people were surprised. Is this allowing the existence of Xiaosan?Many men were overjoyed, but before they were finished, Hu Jun poured cold water on him, "From now on, all the points you two will get will be given to this woman," she pointed at the ass who was startled by Hu Juan's words just now. The woman who sat on the ground in a daze continued, "I believe that as long as you two have love, you can be full, but this woman won't be full without love and without a husband, so I will give you the points you don't care about." Let her make up for it a little bit." After Hu Jun finished speaking, he nodded his head self-consciously, expressing that he was just and liked it very much.

This, what kind of crooked ways is this, "Why!" The man became angry, then how could they live! , "I'll give her some food at most, nothing else!"

"Oh, no way?" Hu Jun looked at him with a half-smile, "Do you think this is your territory?"

(End of this chapter)

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