Chapter 281 Old Men (1)
The man was a little stunned, but Kecheng retorted blushingly: "We have the freedom of marriage, even if you are the leader, you have no right to control me! Anyway, there is no civil affairs bureau now, at worst, I will take her out to live!"

When he said this, he still knew that Hu Juan was the leader, and he didn't just let her go, but the other leaders, who had already had ugly faces, probably understood something.

As the person in charge of the patrol department, Qi Zhejun, before he could open his mouth, Hu Jun laughed out loud, as if he had heard some big joke, and said bluntly, "My base, you actually said that I can't control you? Return to the Civil Affairs Bureau, why don't you go to the police station to call the police!"

The words "my base" sound like thunder. Hu Jun has never been so arrogant. She always let everyone do it silently, and she is also used to family-style management.

The man wanted to argue, but Hu Juan had already sternly said: "You just like the new and dislike the old, you like young and beautiful girls, you think you are a small captain, and you have some power in your hands, so you want to do evil?" She sneered, " Really ignorant, who do you think you are, dare to play this game in my base? Do you think I am blind, or am I deaf? I am not a place to raise scum like you. Stop staring with your eyes Me, don’t think that a small wind-type supernatural being is so great, the base uses you, it’s not that you can’t transfer without you, it’s just that it needs to operate normally. If you don’t accept it? If you don’t accept it, get out!” Hu Jun said at the end with a very serious tone , The word "get out" is even more domineering, directly expressing her position, she has a lot of ability, and she is not afraid of you leaving at all, she will still play by herself.

She suddenly looked up at all the crowd watching, and said seriously, "Remember, this base belongs to me, every brick, every tile, every plant, every tree, grain, eggs, chicken, duck, fish, all I gave it to you! Without the base, you are nothing! Don’t play tricks on me, form a party for personal gain, whoever let me know, I will tell you to get out immediately!"

"Those women who are mistresses," she violently pulled mistress out, pulled her hair, and dragged her on the ground, mistress screamed in pain, but no one dared to stop her ferocious eyes, "don't think that the mistress A man can do nothing with his legs open, and the base does not support useless people, once he finds out that there is a woman who has such an idea, he will definitely end up in an extremely miserable end."

"By the way, wives, don't think this is a special protection for you. You'd better be virtuous and virtuous wives. If you are a hag, use this to threaten your husband. I solemnly warn you, whether you are Anyone, I will turn my face and don't know."

Hu Jun's words simply shocked the audience, and he mentioned "my base" many times to imply anything, and after this series, the people who watched the excitement were naturally frightened, and they knew what they did. very.

I've never seen her be so ruthless, and what she said was simply horrifying.

The people following him showed their expressions one after another. The most powerful people in the two bases, Lu Jingsheng and Qi Zhejun, had different expressions. Their wives all looked as they should, and even Lele joined Lu Jingsheng He whispered in his ear: "Xiao Jun is really cool, isn't he?"

Lu Jingsheng reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth, "Are you dissatisfied with what you are like? You still want to go out and find my mistress!" Lele said viciously.

Of course Lu Jingsheng didn't mean that, but what Hu Jun meant this time was to beat those who followed her all the way, who didn't want to make more preparations for the retreat, but she obviously didn't want them to have private strength, and felt that they had power Too big, and looking at Lele's bright smile, he suddenly shuddered.

He suddenly understood that his wife Lele knew all of this, and looking at Sun Aixia who was also calm, the two of them knew what happened today!

Hu Juan had told them a long time ago that the three women did not know what kind of agreement they had reached before this matter happened today. Really, I didn't expect it.

Indeed, as he expected, Hu Jun found two people the day before.

I talked about many things openly and honestly. Lele and Sun Aixia are women, so naturally they care more about family than rights.

With the continuous increase of the husband's power, there are more and more women around the two. If they don't cheat now, what will happen in the future?What about the future?What about when they gradually grow old?
Therefore, the two agreed with this approach, and they didn't feel that there was any loss at all. Originally, the family had a lot of points, and Hu Jun promised to increase the points for them. The normal arrangement of work is a right, so why pursue too many things.

Coupled with the fact that Hu Jun's ability has never been understood, and Ji Jin will be there to assist, it is better to obey her. If they don't dissuade her husband, I am afraid that Hu Jun will not die well.

That's why today the two wives held down their husbands and listened carefully to Hu Jun's speech.

Leng Kechen, Xu Langyu, Wei Tian, ​​Fang Jia, A Yin, Hou Zi, etc., as long as they are not stupid, they all understand a lot.

Only Chen Lei breathed a sigh of relief, luckily she guessed right.

The crowd dispersed quickly. After all, the man loved points more than mistress, and went home with his wife.

The newly released law of the base has long been hung in the small square, with dense words restricting everyone's behavior, and the supervisory agency that has not acted until now has officially started operating.

As long as there is a report, there will be an investigation. Mind readers are simply the perfect weapon. False reports will be punished, true reports will be rewarded, and true violations will be punished.

Some people are angry and restrict their freedom, but more people choose to obey them honestly. Compared with being a cow and a horse, it is just some constraints and guidelines. Why should they resist?
A major event has been completed. At least, Hu Jun knows that no one will make decisions without authorization or use power for personal gain in the near future. The power of the base is highly concentrated in her hands.

Looking back at those comrades who obviously had a sense of distance from her, she could only sigh helplessly in her heart. She didn't care what they were doing at the base, and she also knew that they would not act excessively.

However, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, maybe this is a bad word.

But the fact is that a little slack from them will give the subordinates different imaginations, especially as there are more and more people in the base, and their thoughts are even more different, so she has to guard against it.

However, things in the world are not what you want to do, Hu Jun thought that he could sit back and relax, but it was not the case.

"Hey, why does this place look different to me?" Hu Juan looked at a building under construction, which obviously didn't look like the drawings in her cabinet.

The buildings in the base are all square, why is this weird?
Chen Lei was also a little surprised. As a secretary, she had to know a lot of things, but she really didn't know the strange appearance of this building.

Before Hu Jun could speak again, Chen Lei had already gone over to ask the workers about their situation. When the workers saw Hu Jun's beautiful secretary, they immediately stopped what they were doing, and the enthusiastic Feng answered every question.

(End of this chapter)

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