Chapter 327 Untimely (2)
I don't know if one of the zombies was injected with chicken blood, or if it took Dali pills. It seemed to go crazy. After a few strides, it suddenly went straight to a supernatural person. It was so fast that I almost doubted it. It's a speed zombie.

Unexpectedly, it slapped the supernatural user away, and the unlucky supernatural person flew into the air without knowing anything, and spun around in the air for several times before falling heavily on... well, actually fell on a Spread on the fine sand.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, they didn't fall to the ground, otherwise they would surely die.

The earth-type superhuman was startled, he didn't expect that he could do such a domineering thing at once, he grabbed his hands with some joy, just now his mind was full of thinking about catching him, catching him , Hey, it really succeeded.

But so what, that zombie was like a crazy bison, rampaging, terrifying to the extreme, everyone was suddenly disrupted by its attacking pace, frequently failed to guard properly, and were seriously injured.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Hu Juan quickly shouted: "All the injured return to the city, Ran Tao, go and bandage them!" Ran Tao originally wanted to try this strange guy with his own abilities, but when he heard What Hu Juan said, he looked back, Hu Juan pursed his lips, shook his head at him, his eyes were full of refusal, and his expression was obviously refusal.

However, on such a serious and murderous occasion, you look back like this, so handsome, don't you suspect that you are a bit of a show?
Well, I actually thought too much.Hu Jun threw out the ice chain and tried to bind the zombie while shouting: "This zombie is very unusual, their wounds are very dangerous, you go back quickly! Others leave this zombie!"

Although the ice chain covered with cold air is not a universal binding rope, after all, because of the special material, no matter how powerful the supernatural being is, it can be bound for a certain period of time, and the length of time varies according to different strengths.

But now, just as the ice chain trapped it, he suddenly broke it? !
Damn it, it actually broke!
The elegant, calm, domineering Hu Jun is about to swear, okay, where did this zombie come from? Could it be that there are many in one, speed and strength coexist?
The combination of strength and beauty, this is not a beauty pageant.

Seeing the unimaginable scene in front of him, not only the person himself, Hu Juan, was stunned, but everyone around him was also stunned. Many of you have experienced this ice chain. For example, once in a while, Hu Juan insisted on giving everyone special training, so he used it. Ice Chain, the effect is disastrous, and I can't bear to recall it.

The domineering zombie didn't seem to understand everyone's fear of it. Instead, it seemed to be irritated by the ice chain. Very flexible, one person and one corpse started the game of chasing each other.

Well, it’s actually not a game, Hu Jun only felt that his legs were about to break, where did this zombie come from, how could it be so nimble and as fast as the wind.

The zombie, who had been unable to catch it all this time, was annoyed. It raised its head to the sky and roared, and the sound wave was transmitted far, far away.

There were still some dull zombies just now, and they immediately rioted, and they attacked Hu Jun with their teeth and claws!This is too much to bully the little, right? When we are vegetarians?
Seeing this, the warriors at the base defended against these attacking zombies one after another, and fell into a frenzied chaotic battle for a while, and they cooperated no matter what, just killed.

Hu Juan's main accusation was to concentrate on dealing with that strange zombie, one with ice-type abilities and the other with metal abilities and acceleration abilities.

Sure enough, within a short while after you came and I went, Hu Jun gained the upper hand again, and the zombies retreated steadily after being beaten, and kept falling backwards.When everyone thought it was dead, it suddenly roared, and then rushed towards the base at high speed, the speed was almost the speed of light.

Hu Juan was beyond her reach, and zombies blocked her way.Watching the zombie suddenly jump onto the city wall, Hu Jun was frightened. She entered the city half a minute late, and what she saw was a blood-stained male corpse. To protect the onlookers, he The child died in the city.

He was still moving rocks and protecting the base just now, but now his body is like an old doll, lying there, with the child under the pressure.Blood trickled down and dripped on the child's face, and there was only fear on the child's face.

Hu Jun only thinks that it is a high-level dual-line zombie that can summon other zombies, that's all.But no one could have imagined that it was actually an enlightened zombie. It was so clever that it made people feel scary. It was impossible to imagine with its toes that this zombie would climb over the wall and enter randomly. It was so fierce and terrifying, with such thoughts and strategies.

It's not a zombie at all. Once the city is lost, it will definitely cause the supernatural beings to flee in. After opening the city gate, the zombies will be there all at once, and the failure of the base will be a matter of time.

Such bloodthirsty behavior and vicious schemes completely angered Hu Jun. Seeing it go straight to more people, Hu Jun swung the vines and tied up the zombies who were looking for the next target. Without saying a word, Just throw it out.

Domineering and intelligent zombies naturally won't let her wish, trying to break free, but the vine is unbelievably strong, Hu Jun is holding the vine tightly with both hands, with a sneer on his mouth, his disgust for zombies is soaring, she will not die It, she kicked her head like a ball!

Unexpectedly, all of this was done by this bastard. Not bad, the dual-element Kaihui zombie gave her such a big gift as soon as they met.

General Ji Jin who came after seeing this, shouted, "I'll take you out."

Hu Jun only felt his body was stunned, and he and the zombie both fell to the ground. The zombie obviously didn't realize what happened, and looked around wonderingly. He had eaten happily just now, so why did he come back again.

But after only a few tens of seconds of wondering, a heavy vine fell on it. It was so cruel that it was not like a normal person. After a second thought, it accelerated suddenly and wanted to run out. With great momentum, she let go, and she froze the nasty zombie directly, to see what it would do, escape, I see how you can escape if you can't move your feet.

The zombie's old trick was repeated, and it was about to raise its head to the sky and howl. Hu Jun whipped it around its neck, and it was separated from the family immediately. The skull rolled away like a ball.

Seeing this, Fang Jia stepped on it maliciously, headshot!
The zombie's body kept twisting, but it was just in vain.

The surrounding zombies were not summoned at all, and there were more and more, and everyone could hardly stand it any longer. Hu Jun quickly inserted the vine into its heart, and the zombie died just like that.

The zombies also consciously lost the motivation to fight, and the distant zombies gradually dispersed. Coupled with everyone's hard work, after a while, the zombies disappeared.

Seeing this, Hu Jun thought to himself: Hmph, the so-called zombies are nothing more than that. If the culprit is found, it can be easily resolved by killing it. There is no need to waste so much time and energy. It is only because the former base leaders never thought about it. Just resist.

(End of this chapter)

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