Chapter 328 Success (1)
This Kaihui zombie was also unlucky. Other zombies planned to massacre the city and sent a large wave of zombies. They would succeed 100%, but it not only failed, but also lost its own life.Hey, come to think of it, he is also the leader of the most intelligent massacre zombie army. He at least adapts to the situation. He also knows how to enter the base and replace it with other abilities who do not have the strength of Hu Jun. Maybe he will fail.

"We won?" Fang Jia opened his mouth, looking at the layers of zombie corpses outside in disbelief.

Xu Langyu excitedly looked at everything in front of him and responded excitedly: "Yes, we have won!"

Words of victory, like a signal, spread throughout the base, they won!Victory!Victory!

The crowd erupted into violent cheers, and the loud voice resounded through the sky.

The disgraced soldiers finally showed their smiles again. The Zombie Massacre, which they thought was invincible, finally won with their persistence. Although they had gone through so much hardship, they finally survived.

I don't know who was the first to choke up, and then there were a lot of crying, crying about the hardships of these 24 hours.Desperate and desperate during the battle, even if you believe that you can win, but when the victory comes, you still can't believe the current result. This is a very contradictory and very real psychology.

If the original base was willing to try the war of resistance, it would be the end, would the tragedy of massacre of the city happen, and how many people lost their families and lovers because of the massacre of zombies.

The complex emotions spewed out together and turned into howling.

Those hard-bodied men actually shed tears, crying and laughing in the base, there were tears, sweat, and countless blood.

"We succeeded!" Hu Jun was full of excitement, dragging her tired legs back to the base. Seeing the faces of her parents, her heart was undoubtedly equally excited, not only because of victory, but also because she had found a trick to deal with zombies .

Hu's father and Hu's mother hugged their daughter, and the three of them hugged each other tightly. Everything was said without saying anything. Hu Jun's hard work as a parent can be seen in your eyes. You are proud of her and free for her. More is worry.

Countless families hugged and cheered like them.

The children ran towards their father who was struggling on the front line, screaming and excited, more enthusiastic and excited than ever before. They finally saw the battle scene for real and understood the hardships and dangers of living. Understand that happiness is hard to come by.

Brothers with no family background hooked up shoulder to shoulder, returned to the base with a smile, some shared skills, discussed skills, and some beamed with joy to satisfy their inner needs.

How many unmarried little girls looked shyly at the returning warriors, while their parents happily rushed to their favorite son-in-law, asking for their relatives, which made people feel creepy.

Cheng Feng looked at the strange uncles and aunts who surrounded him, and he couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body. Why did he feel like a piece of meat? There were a group of wolves with green eyes around him. He turned his head and looked, hehe, he instantly regained his balance.There were quite a few people around the bald head, and even an old lady was holding his hand, talking for some reason, anyway, his embarrassed appearance immediately calmed Cheng Feng's heart.

Pan Zhan stared blankly at the joy and tears erupting from the crowd, and for some reason, touching his own face, he also shed tears.

The bitter tears flowed down his cheeks slowly, condensing the tears of all the negative emotions recently.

A Yin was standing behind him, without speaking for a long time.

Pan Zhan suddenly turned his head and saw his sister, feeling a lot of emotion, finally walked over, silently said to her hair, "Thank you for your hard work."

Ayin felt her brother's thick palm, as if something had come out of her stuffy chest, she threw herself into her brother's chest and cried, "You finally woke up!" Those patience and helplessness broke the shell. out.

"Hey, it's my fault. It's my fault. I made you worry." Pan Zhan patted her on the back, feeling a little emotional. At that time, he seemed to be on the edge of a dead end. He was obsessed with ghosts and made his sister and son suffer.

Looking at the cloudy sky with Bixi in the distance, the world is beautiful, and he still has a lot to do.

For the first time, Ayin's heart found peace and comfort at the New Hope Base.

The atmosphere in the base was very good. General Ji Jin came over to see the time was about the same, and whispered in Hu Jun's ear, "You should mobilize everyone and talk about your future plans."

Hu Juan, who was still immersed in joy, looked at him in surprise, wondering what he was doing up there, but there was no doubt in his eyes.

"Now is a good time for cohesion, work harder." The meaning of Ji Jin's words is already obvious, now is a good time to buy people's hearts.

Hu Juan cleared his throat, and the crowd gradually quieted down. He looked at her intently, and her fiery eyes made her feel a little embarrassed, "This victory is due to everyone, and it is also the inevitable result of unity. The end of this suffering 24 hours, 24 hours of struggle, and 24 hours of persistence prove that zombies are not terrible, and zombie massacres are not a natural disaster that is difficult to deal with. As long as we believe in ourselves, as long as we are united, as long as we never give up and unite as one, nothing is impossible Sadly, there is no war that cannot be won."

Hu Jun paused, and after scanning for a week, he continued: "Today is a memorable day. I announce that from now on, today will be a festival for our base. Every year today will be a holiday, and work will be suspended! Starting today, Everyone wants to have a three-day holiday, and all those who participated in the battle will go to the fish pond to receive two fish for free!"

As soon as the benefits were released, more people applauded, and everyone started to discuss enthusiastically. As for Hu Jun, who wiped his head of sweat, he was already exhausted, his limbs were sore and swollen, and he really wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

Turning his head, he just saw that Ji Jinjiang was listening to something, and his heart felt a little sour. In fact, he was more tired than himself, busy with other things.

After this battle, the base is very different, the cohesion is stronger than ever, and the whole base is so harmonious.Just like a big united family, everyone is happy together, the supernatural beings have less arrogance, and ordinary people have more enthusiasm.

Seriously injured warriors, such as broken bones that cannot be healed with supernatural powers, are admitted to the medical department, which is also considered a rare patient other than puerpera and Lu Jingsheng.Because of their bravery in battle, they received a hundred times the care and care of doctors and nurses. The three meals a day were very happy, and they were all delicious. Of course, these foods were not given by the base, but many people bought them for themselves. , in order to let them recover as soon as possible.

Not only that, but the children also have a deeper understanding of zombies. Now that zombies are mentioned, their eyes are full of light, and they are eager to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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