Chapter 332 He's Dead (2)
The office building was empty. With her goal determined, she went directly to the archives room.

Because, after hearing Hu's mother's words, Hu Jun immediately thought of that man, the man who had saved him in his previous life and appeared in his base again in this life. He didn't know what happened to him. He was his first love...

Hu Jun rummaged through the files one by one, and when she found the records related to him, she suddenly lost the courage to open them, as if there was a devil hidden in it, once opened, it would come out, it was very scary.

She was getting more and more confused, she opened it suddenly, and looked at the records related to him.Suddenly, his pupils constricted, his expression was surprised, his hands lost strength, and the documents were scattered all over the place.

he died?Died in the battle of zombies massacring the city... He died like this!

Seeing such a result, Hu Jun was completely dazed. He didn't know what it was like. It wasn't sour, not bitter, nor painful, but even sweeter. It was just that something gradually left.

She twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and it was all over.

It's like it never started.That's right, in this life, he doesn't know himself at all, and he is also avoiding news related to him, ignoring him, that has become a dead spot for her, untouchable, untouchable...

She didn't know if she had any regrets, if she paid a little attention to him, he wouldn't be a part of the few deaths.

In the last life, he obviously lived for a long time, why, he died so easily.

Finally, she curled up, squatted down, and gradually burst into tears.Why did she have to die? She didn't want him to die, didn't want to, didn't want to, never wanted to.

It was just that she didn't want to see him, a kind of sadness and sorrow gradually swept through her whole body, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, she clutched her chest tightly.Finally, weeping loudly.

Crying heartbroken, as if there was endless sadness, grievance, sadness, depressing all the brains flowed out with tears.

Think of the details of getting along with him, his soft-spoken greetings, his maintenance and care, and his pulling her out in the dark.

It seems that only after people die, those good things in the past will come out, and people will only think about those bad things and negative things when they are alive.

After crying for a long time, I don't know how long it took, the tears gradually stopped, she wiped away her tears, packed up the documents, and walked out.

She didn't know that just as she left, someone came in sideways and opened the file she had just opened.

The base was in full swing, and the construction of the underground city basically started from the earth cave. A huge underground city gradually took shape.

Fang Jia still uses his radio to promote the base, and countless refugees may gradually pour in because they heard that the radio is always on.

It is a dream that you expect these outsiders to be obedient and obedient.No, there are people openly provoking trouble at the door right now.

Hu Juan looked amazed. They were so bold that people wanted to praise them. They were looking for trouble as soon as they came. Does it mean that they are fearless or stupid by nature.

She crossed her arms, watching the excitement, and wanted to test the processing flow of the base for a moment, and such things would be indispensable in the future.

A group of more than 20 people, mainly young people, mostly dressed in rags, was sitting at the gate of the base, crying and screaming, as if they had been wronged by the sky, it was simply pitiful.

Around, there were already a large number of people, some watching the excitement, and some entering the base on the same day as them.

Those more than 20 people blocked the gate of the city tightly, blocking the people who needed to enter the base behind.

Guarding their large group of people were four young gatekeepers from the base. They were helpless and could not persuade them, so they could only block them and prevent them from leaving.A guard at the gate saw the people blocking the back and said kindly to them: "Go to Li Nuo Nuo, let others come in." But they didn't listen at all, and lowered their heads, crying.

Gradually, I heard the reason from the cries. It turned out that the base was not as good as I imagined. It was clearly said that this is a homeland. Why didn't they let them bring their own food in.

The kind-hearted aunt spoke a local saying: "It's not that they won't let you in, but the little comrades want to check it. It's not good if you cooperate."

Immediately, people around echoed: "Isn't it, I will return it to you."

Some people who just passed the inspection held up their bags and said as proof: "I will return mine, nothing is missing." Said: "At the beginning, I didn't believe it, but I didn't expect it to happen." He rubbed the back of his head, really wrong, right? A good person is a bad person.

The other people all responded with kind eyes. Whoever entered the base is not the same as him. I always feel that when I come here, I don’t want any food. The so-called inspection must be confiscated. And it's nothing less.

"That's right!" The aunt held her head up in a proud manner, and said to the newcomers who had just arrived at the base with great interest: "You don't know how good the base is until you enter the base. You've come here for a reason."

Hu Jun nodded secretly inwardly, yes, everyone handled these minutiae policies very well.Maybe other bases are very good at food treasures, but it is really not a problem here with her. There is a lot of food in the space. In addition, the research of those old men has also achieved some results, and the real land planting experiment has begun. , Once successful, it will enter mass production. When the time comes, there is no need to worry about food.

However, no matter how others tried to persuade them, those 20 or so people just held on to the bags in their hands, not letting go, and insisted on their faces.

As time went by, many of the refugees behind became impatient.

Someone yelled directly, "Let them in, what's there to check!"

At this moment, a person came in. It was the chief of the security department, that is, the original team leader—Cheng Feng.He trotted a few steps, came over and asked, "What happened?"

The team members who finally had the backbone said helplessly: "We routinely assist the colleagues at the registration office to check the belongings of the personnel entering the base, but they just don't agree, and we have been deadlocked like this."

Cheng Feng nodded after listening, showing his white teeth, smiling brightly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Walked in front of more than 20 people in a few steps, after a few glances, he said clearly: "I know, you are worried about whether the supplies are replaced or reduced, but it doesn't matter, Xiaoding, you can find a clairvoyance person Come, take a look at what is in their pockets, if they are all food, then let them go, if not, hum." His snow-white teeth are like sharp swords, reflecting pale light in the sun, "Then If there are good-looking ones, the prison can be used.”

(End of this chapter)

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