Chapter 333 That's all (1)
As soon as he heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes unconsciously, looking around, looking for the backbone.

"Oh, you just came here and you probably don't know about our base. Our New Hope base has just dealt with a large wave of zombies. I don't like the things that are sneaky and hidden. The methods are quite cruel. You should think about it. If we hand it over to find it, we will confiscate it, and it will not be easy to search it out." Cheng Feng threatened them.

I have to say that this kind of threat is actually very effective. Many people are relaxed, for fear that they will really cause trouble.

One person stood up silently and handed out his luggage, followed by a second, and a third.

Sure enough, what was in their bags was the dangerous item that they had been asked to hand over just when they entered the door-guns.

In the base, individuals are not allowed to have guns in their hands, not only to protect everyone's personal safety, but more importantly, to avoid gangsters and the like.The bows and crossbows in the base are all registered, and the arrows are also numbered. The murderer can be found immediately after the incident and severely punished.

After checking one by one, the logistics staff began to register them to enter the city, but everyone's files were marked heavily, and they refused to obey the request and tried to bring guns into the city.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to enter government departments such as the search team, and they are not eligible to receive the favor of God. I don't know if they will regret crying as much as they do now when they know that this incident has brought such a big evil in the future.

Soon, after choosing their residence, they began to slowly enter the base, and the flow of people gradually dispersed. When Hu Jun was about to leave, he saw a person who looked very familiar to him.

He was unshaven, skinny, and his body was so dirty that several layers of skin could be peeled off.Keep your head down and move forward slowly, isn't this, Niu Yong!
Rumble, Qingtian thundered, it was him!Hu Jun looked at him, not knowing what to do for a while.He killed his uncle's family, but he was still alive unexpectedly.

Hu Jun's daily workload is actually not that big. For example, he just signed a few documents today and he will be fine.In normal times, Hu Juan would sometimes take a walk outside, or go to the scientific research building to chat with them and ask about their progress, or play with the old men.

Now, Hu Jun entered the scientific research building with ease, and the researchers inside greeted her with a smile, and continued to work. The construction of the base is a big project, and they are very busy.

When I came to the office of a group of cunning old men, they were arguing with their beards blowing their beards and staring at each other, just like children, all of them blushed and had thick necks, as if whoever had the loudest voice must be right.

Seeing Hu Jun who had entered the door suddenly, an old man quickly pointed at her and shouted, "Come over and comment, who is right!"

Hu Jun has encountered such nonsensical things a lot, and the way to deal with this group of people is also very simple. She nodded perfunctorily, "I think it makes sense." Then she went to another room, leaving them to continue arguing.

In another room, several old men are playing Go leisurely, with decent teacups beside them, which looks like a retirement scene.In fact, there is white water in the teacup, and how many people can't play Go.

"Are you putting on a show again?" Hu Juan broke it down with one sentence, completely ignoring their image.

A thin old man coughed twice, and pretended to say, "We are cultivating sentiment."

"Cultivate sentiment?" Hu Jun glanced at him, "Have you cultivated the sentiment of electric circuits? I think you said that you can build a power station. Have you figured out which one is more suitable? "

After listening to Hu Juan's words, the old men quietly dispersed and were scolded again.They are also Taishan Beidou in various fields!Why doesn't this bear girl understand, she picks things up every now and then!Really, sooner or later we have to find our way back.

After the old men left, Hu Juan sat down by himself, propped his chin, looked at the black and white of Qipanshan, and began to be dazed, dazed until he got off work, and then went home.

When Hu Jun returned home, he was doing the same things like every day, eating, washing, and relaxing.

But at night, she called Hu Dong to her room.Hu Dong, who was sitting and doing his homework, didn't understand what was going on, "Auntie, what do you want from me?"

"Your father has come to the base." Hu Juan got straight to the point, without a word of nonsense, and directly stated the purpose of the conversation.

Hu Dong, who was still smiling just now, froze in an instant, not knowing what to think, how to say, or how to do it.He looked at Hu Jun and wanted to ask, but he couldn't ask anything.

Hu Jun patted him, and said lightly: "I know you definitely don't understand what you are going to do now. I told you because I saw him enter the base today. He will know your existence sooner or later. I'm afraid he will find you. When you were here, you were dumbfounded. I specially called you here today to tell you about this and make you prepare again. "

Hu Jun paused and continued: "I will not interfere in your affairs with him. You are grown up, not the little boy you were back then. Believe in you, you can handle this matter well, just like the fish ponds and chickens you manage now. It's good to leave."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and asked Hu Dong to go out without giving him any chance to speak, because it was unnecessary.No matter what uncle did or what Hu Qian did, she would never forgive such a man who abandoned his wife.He even wanted to coax him out of the base, but the people who came to the base can guarantee that no one has done vicious things, all they can do is limit their present.Therefore, she will not drive Niu Yong away, but Hu Dong must make a decision.

What she did today is the result of her deliberation, and Hu Dong will make all decisions. Only in this way, he will not regret it when he grows up.

After leaving, Hu Dong was very confused, and for the first time, he had the troubles that adults have.

He sat on his bed, in a state of disarray.He remembered everything when he was a child. He hated his father because he broke up his family and almost killed the whole family, and his mother wanted to sell him before, so he completely understood what it was.

After growing up, he went to school and learned to honor his parents, but he felt that all of that had nothing to do with him, but his father came. Should he honor him or not?How should we treat him?
He looked at the furnishings in the room, as well as those comic books, and quickly made a decision.

When Niu Yong came to the base, he looked at other people's eyes carefully at the beginning to live his life. Even if there was a house for him to live in, a job to do, and points for him to get, he always felt uneasy in his heart. Frame yourself.

One day, two days, three days, gradually he found that this place is different from other places, it seems to be more humane, friendlier, and life is happier, but so what.

(End of this chapter)

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