Chapter 335 Gossip (1)
Lu Lechen left just like that, and Hu Dong also went home.

Xiao Kong, who was about to come down upstairs to call Hu Dong, also heard Hu Dong's words. He propped his chin and thought for a while, and felt that he should do something for this little kid who has always been nice to him, even if it is to repay him for using him today. The points bought myself a chicken.

Xiao Kong smiled, thinking that he was really smart and clever, and he was a genius boy.

Hu Dong, who has already been planned by others, knows everything. Seeing Xiaokong who is giggling, he is a little puzzled and says, "What are you thinking?" Like a fool.

They walked out of the base in a state of embarrassment. Although they thought about going back in vain, they didn't think the people at the base would recognize them, but unexpectedly, they couldn't be fooled at all.

They stayed not far from the base, very lonely.

The man with the sharp mouth and the monkey cheeks did not have the arrogance of that time at this moment, like a bereaved dog, poking at the small clods on the ground.

"Brother, what should we do?" Someone asked unwillingly. To be honest, it's really bad to leave there. It's not as comfortable to eat outside as it is in the sun.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man said angrily: "What to do, how do I know what to do!" How could he expect that this base is so strict and the law is so cruel, that he would be expelled directly, but it's just stealing, what's the big deal.

Seeing that he had asked the wrong question, the younger brother silently withdrew and sat aside.

Niu Yong stared blankly at the base, regretting that he didn't leave them after entering. The facilities there are very good and the laws are complete. If he didn't feel too tired to work at that time, he wouldn't have to be kicked out for stealing.

He sighed, really regretting, this is the only step he chose wrong.

"Old Niu, didn't you say that Hu Jun is your sister-in-law?" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man, seeing Niu Yong's energy all of a sudden, leaned over and said.

"I'm talking nonsense, if it's really her, how could she be kicked out." Niu Yong shook his head, obviously he didn't believe it himself.

As expected of being the boss, he immediately made a move together, and said enthusiastically: "Whether she is or not, let's treat her as she is, and rush back to the base in a while, and you bite and say she is, I want to see My brother-in-law comes to look for my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law doesn't care." Stealing is not acceptable, so it's okay to cheat, as long as you can re-enter, you can say anything.

"Then, all right." Niu Yong nodded.

Xiao Kong, who had been squatting aside to eavesdrop, shook his head, feeling a little displeased, thinking that these people are really annoying, trying to make connections indiscriminately, if that man is Hu Jun's brother-in-law, wouldn't that mean he wants to live at home?

Thinking of this, Xiao Kong became even more unhappy. He didn't like him, and he didn't like him to live at home. Anyway, Hu Dong didn't like him and hated him, so it should be fine if he disappeared.He nodded self-consciously, and then waved, and saw a pile of sand left in the place where 23 people were squatting just now, and soon the sand was blown away by the wind, as if they had never appeared before. Xiao Kong clapped his hands happily, thinking that he had solved a big problem, which was really witty.

Happily turned around and returned to the base.

Hu Jun only knew Niu Yong's immediacy and Hu Dong's attitude, and he felt a little relieved that he didn't love Hu Dong in vain, but he didn't know what Xiao Kong had done.

Even seeing the work, the mood is more sunny.

Today is to see the construction of the dungeon. The entrance is fairly narrow, but because there is no electricity, it is very dark, and we can only rely on torches for lighting.

Entering the real underground, wow, it is like entering a huge square. Although it is underground, it is well decorated. Looking up, the ceiling is like a sky, very bright, and the ground is an ordinary road.Hu Juan couldn't help but praised: "Well done."

The proud old men held their heads high and said proudly: "Of course, how can we do something that is not good enough." Hurry up and praise us violently.

It was rare for Hu Juan not to talk back to them, and said: "It's really good, but the whole dungeon needs to be this good."

The old men have a look on their faces, of course.

Soon, everyone spread out to observe the entire base to see if there were any deficiencies, so as to improve as soon as possible.

Rarely, Hu Jun and Ji Jin will walk together and look at the surrounding buildings.

Touching the wall, Hu Juan said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that a dungeon was actually built."

Ji Jinjiang smiled faintly, "Yes, I didn't expect that you would have such a wonderful idea."

Hu Jun, who obviously stole other people's ideas, brushed his hair a little embarrassedly, "By the way, I heard that you were sick before, are you feeling better?"

"It's just some physical discomfort, and I've been fine for a long time." Ji Jinjiang smiled lightly, but he was obviously in a much better mood.

Hu Jun's eyes wandered unconsciously, and he took out a lunch box from the big bag that had been hanging all the time, and said shyly, "This is something I made, you can take it back and have a taste."

The lunch box is double-layer white and looks very clean.

Ji Jinjiang took it over, in a heavy voice, "Thank you." His voice was very deep and mellow, very sweet.

Hu Jun cleared his throat unconsciously, strode away without even looking at his expression.

Leaving Ji Jinjiang alone, watching her background.

In the lunch box are a spare rib soup and a three-cup chicken, which Hu Jun personally made early this morning. Although the taste may not be very delicious, it is her heart.In fact, she herself didn't know why she was so busy doing these two things in the morning, she just felt that she was very happy to leave it to him like this, and then she did it for no reason, that's all.

"What are you doing? So focused." Hu Jun, who came out frequently to inspect the progress of the project, once again saw the monkey squatting aside anxiously, as if he was constipated, with a sad look on his face.

The monkey saw Hu Junqiang laughing. The construction of the base is continuing. Because the number of personnel has increased a lot, there are sufficient backup resources, and he is not worried that no one will do the hard work.

Even so, some jobs are very difficult for people, that is, practical technical workers, plumbers and so on. A master who has worked for more than ten years and more than twenty years is dexterous.

For this matter, the monkey worried a lot.Every day, I found professional technicians everywhere, no, today I was wandering outside, and was bumped by Hu Jun.

"Miss Hu, I'm here to see if I know anyone who is an electrical engineer." Monkey replied honestly, very obedient.

Hu Juan raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, "Is there not enough people? Can't the project keep up?"

"This," the monkey hesitated, sighed, and continued: "That's not true, but these skilled and capable master craftsmen are old, and they can't bear the physical load of working underground for a long time. , so I want to see if we can find some new people to take over."

(End of this chapter)

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