Chapter 336 Gossip (2)
Looking around at the men who were sweating profusely but still working hard, Hu Jun nodded, "Go to Wei Tian and ask if there are any honest, obedient, hard-working young men, and I will give you a few so that you won't be here. Squatting affects the image of the base."

Hearing this, the monkey drooped his eyebrows immediately, and muttered helplessly: "If this trick worked, I would have gone there long ago, but now he can't take care of himself?"

"What?" Hu Jun suddenly became interested. Could it be that there is something else that she doesn't know about?
"You don't know, Wei Tian is in a cold war with Ding Ding recently, and his temper is very bad. Last time, someone did not do a good job, and he punished him very severely. He is simply a devil, and I don't want to get into trouble. "The monkey shook his head violently, he would rather squat down than see him.

Hu Jun's eyes lit up, gossip is the most interesting, she asked curiously: "What's going on? Did Ding Ding do something?" Wei Tian's temper should not make girls angry.

"Where is it? It's really Wei Tian's business. Ding Ding wants to break up with him." Monkey was bored, and there was no one around, so he told Hu Jun what happened: "I heard that after the big battle that day, , and the two lost contact. Wei Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, probably sensed that something was wrong, so he went to find Ding Ding, but who would have thought that Ding Ding would ignore him at all. But Ding Ding just ignored him as if he was determined. Not long ago, I heard that the two had a big quarrel, and there was a lot of noise, but the specific reason for the quarrel was not very clear. Since then, Wei Tian never I never looked for Ding Ding, and Ding Ding never looked for Wei Tian, ​​the two of them just spent time like this."

Hu Jun blinked his eyes. Why did these two people quarrel? It felt so strange and curious, but seeing such a pitiful monkey, Hu Jun rarely said kindly: "I'll go and tell him about it, you go back and wait for it." let's go."

After finishing speaking, he completely disregarded the terrified monkey shouting from behind, "Don't ask him to mention this matter! Don't tell me what I said!" He calmly headed towards Wei Tian's location.

Walking down the dungeon again, it is different from the last time it was tidied up. It is dark, dirty and stuffy below, with only faint spots of light shining on each worker's own one-third of an acre of land.The surrounding area was filled with the sound of knocking and smashing, as well as the smell of sweat and soil, which was very unpleasant.

"Where's Wei Tian?" Hu Jun grabbed a person and asked, and the person saw that it was Hu Jun, and quickly shouted: "Minister Wei, Miss Hu is here to see you!" Then he said with a smile: "Go out and wait, here It's too dark and the smell is not very good."

Hu Juan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Alright, I won't disturb your work anymore, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard." The section chief shook his head again and again, his face full of glory.

Hu Juan went out not because he disliked this place, but because there were some things that were not suitable to be said there.

After coming here for a while, Wei Tiancai crawled out of the cave, and when he saw Hu Jun, he came over dumbfounded.

Hu Jun looked at his black face, and said with a teasing smile, "Hey, you look in a bad mood, what's the matter, your girlfriend doesn't want you anymore?"

Seeing Hu Jun with a smirk on his face, Wei Tian's face seemed to be frozen, and he asked expressionlessly, "What's the matter."

"Oh, it's nothing, I just stopped by to tell you, find a few honest, hard-working, hard-working young men from your infrastructure department and send them to Monkey. I want to train more plumbers, but there are too few of them. Can't keep up with laying, waste of time."

After Wei Tian listened, Kuku nodded, "Is there anything else?"

"It's all right." Hu Juan waved his hand, Wei Tian nodded as goodbye, and left.

Looking at the background of his going away, Hu Juan thought tut-tsk, it seems that there is a lot of noise, and now he is more silent than before.

Maybe everyone thinks that Wei Tian is abnormal, but he still has things to do, such as the supply of building materials, large quantities of building materials, which the base cannot supply at all, and many stones were thrown as weapons before. After going out, there are so few stone materials in the base, and even the surrounding area of ​​the base has been emptied, which is convenient for cleaning the road surface.

Not long ago, he had sent a report hoping that the search department could find some places with dense rocks when they went out, but there was no news so far.

Xu Langyu, the newly promoted head of the search department, was also bothered by this matter in the office. He sent out 5 teams 3 days ago, why only one came back now, and where did those two go?
He pressed his temple, a little worried, it took too long.

The secretary knocked on the door, and when he came in, he happened to bring news about the two teams, "I just got the news that one of the speed-type superpowers in the team of the 4th team has returned, but he was seriously injured and is being rescued in the medical department." .”

"What!" Xu Langyu was shocked, stood up suddenly, and continued to ask in disbelief: "Only one person came back from the two teams?"

The secretary answered firmly and firmly, "Yes, it is indeed the case at present."

"Go to Sun Cheng, no matter where he is or what he does, tell him to go to the medical building immediately." As he spoke, he had already lifted his legs out of the office and went straight to the medical department.

This is already a big accident. There are 20 people in one group, 40 people in two groups, plus several other departments, there should be 45 people. So many people came back only one person. How can it be!

When he entered the scientific research building, the only survivor was treated by Ran Tao. Ran Tao came out of the operating room, glanced at him, and shook his head, "Hurry up if you want to ask."


"He won't survive."

Walking into the operating room, I saw that the man was so miserable that he had nothing to say, his arms were gone, his head was exposed, and even his heart, liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys were faintly exposed. Under Ran Tao's treatment, his body had already recovered. No more bleeding, lying here dying, waiting for death to come.

Xu Langyu couldn't bear to disturb him, but he had to ask: "Xiao Lu, what happened to you?"

Xiao Lu opened his eyes slightly, and after seeing clearly that it was Minister Xu, he tried to hold his arm, but because he had no hands, he couldn't do anything, so he said intermittently: "No, don't go, east... the lakeside on the east... Well, there's... very, very scary stuff in there."

"What?" Xu Langyu continued to ask.

"No, I don't know." Xiao Lu's expression was very painful, and he tried to recall, but he couldn't get a good answer.

Xu Langyu looked at his haggard look, but still had to continue to ask: "Where are the others? Are they still there?"

"No, it's gone, they're all dead, you absolutely don't want to go there, absolutely not!" Xiao Lu suddenly raised his body, widened his eyes, stared at Xu Langyu full of fear and told him over and over again, don't go, don't go.

(End of this chapter)

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