Chapter 345 Prison (2)
Xiaoxia looked confused, and waited for a while before saying, "Let's go aside and talk."

Hu Jun, who didn't know what was going on, nodded, and followed him to a corner beside him, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hu Jun's clothes still had many traces of battle left, dirty and wrinkled, Xiao Xia didn't want to tell her these things now, but she had to.

"Something happened to Hu Yue."

"What happened?" Hu Juan frowned, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Xia opened his mouth hesitantly and said, "He fought with others and beat them to death..."

Hu Jun almost uttered swear words. What happened to him? With the passage of time and the increase of age, will Chile be exhausted?To actually do something like a brawl, which is obviously only done by a hot-blooded young man, well, even if you do it, you can't beat people to death!
Xiao Xia, who was unfortunately selected as the representative, looked at Hu Jun with a gloomy face, and could only sigh inwardly for their unity and her own backlash. Could it be that she was easy to be bullied because of her young age, and she actually let herself say this? There is a feeling that Hu Yue will be 100% involved in the matter.

Regardless of whether Xiao Xia is now in tears with lasagna in his heart, Hu Juan turned his head neatly, intending to go downstairs, but did not say, "Let's go to the prison to see Hu Yue, and tell me what happened."

Xiao Xia nodded quickly, and Mother Hu, who had already seen Hu Jun enter the cave through the window upstairs, waited and waited, but she didn't see her daughter coming in, so she said to Xiao Kong who was at home: "Go and see, where is Hu Jun going?" gone?"

Xiao Kong spread out on the sofa, eating snacks and reading comics, without raising his head, he said: "Hu Jun was taken away by Xiao Xia."

"Ah?" Mama Hu, who had marinated the chicken, was stunned. Why did she leave without entering the door? Didn't she just come back from a mission?

Hu Jun followed Xiaoxia to the prison. The number of times the prison has been used can be counted on the fingers. There is a special air-cooled feeling. In addition, the base is being built recently, so everyone forgot to clean it. Now it is even more dusty.

There are only 4 temporary prison guards in the empty prison, guarding the fighting prisoners.The prisoners were all men, and they were locked up in a large room because it was not a serious crime like fighting. They were of different ages, ranging from big to young. The youngest was only 16, and the oldest was Hu Yue.

He lowered his head and sat in the innermost part of the room.It was difficult for the other prisoners to have a tacit agreement to make room for him.

Hu Jun glanced around for a week, and then said to Xiao Xia, "Bring him out."

Xiao Xia naturally understood who he was, and quickly asked someone to open the door, leading Hu to jump out.

When the other prisoners heard the voice and looked up to see Hu Jun, they were taken aback for a moment, as if they were a little careless just now, they suddenly became serious and wanted to stick to the wall and stand at attention.

Hu Yue was immersed in his own world, and only went out when he heard someone calling him. When he saw Hu Jun, he didn't show any expression, as if he didn't know her.

This separate small room was very empty with only a few chairs. Hu Yue stood in the innermost part, Hu Jun and Xiao Xia stood at the door, and other guards stood outside the door.

Hu Jun didn't speak to Hu Yue, but Brick asked Xiao Xia, "What kind of punishment will be given for killing someone at the base?"

"The base stipulates that, regardless of the reason, those who fight in the base, if they are employees of the base government department, will be expelled, and punished with 5000 points, and imprisoned for one month. If the circumstances are minor, they will be punished with 3000 points and imprisoned for one year. After being released from prison, they will be permanently banned from entering the government department of the base, and those with serious circumstances will be expelled from the base."

"Tell me, what kind are you?" Hu Jun looked at Hu Yue and asked him.

Hu Yue didn't speak, his face was indifferent, and he didn't explain, let alone explain. This attitude made Hu Jun very unhappy. If it wasn't because of his identity here, he thought he would stay in prison now?It was thrown out long ago!

The person who was killed was an honest passer-by, but that night his own child had a fever and was in a hurry to go to the medical department building to get medicine. He was in a hurry, and a bicycle accidentally touched Hu Yue's pants.

Hu Yue, who had just finished drinking and led a group of brothers and buddies, became angry on the spot. No matter how the man explained or how he pleaded, he directly led his subordinates to beat him to death, and then he went out of his way. Go, the arrogance is outrageous.

A well-meaning person saw it, and hurried to find the patrolling policeman, and carried him to the medical department, but by then he was already dead.There is no need to doubt the testimony of the witnesses, Ayin can tell the truth from a probe.

This is a malicious homicide.

"Hmph, hand him over to the department that should be in charge, let them handle the case according to law, and don't think about messy things." After finishing speaking, Hu Juan slammed the door hard and went out.

Playing with her like this, playing with your temper, thinking that you are easy to bully!
Xiao Xia sighed helplessly, looked back at Hu Yue, why did he become like this, then ordered someone to lock him back, and went out to find the supervisor.

For better or worse, this matter is not in his hands anymore, it is Qi Zhejun's turn from the security department.

Qi Zhejun was doing well in the office, but when he heard that he was going to take over this matter, it was really a big deal. Hu Yue and the Hu family's relationship was put there. Could it be that they were really dealt with fairly and kicked out of the base?
This is really a difficult problem, why did I get involved in this kind of thing, Hu Yue, what is she doing to kill someone if she has nothing to do?

He already knew that next time Hu Yue would sit in prison with a stagnant heart, or in other words, this was the result he wanted.

Since Xiaojie's death, Hu Yue has been very negative. Although he regained his energy after the war, his whole state is not right. I don't know if Xiaojie's death has impacted him too much.His temper became very irritable, a kind of uncontrollable irritable temper, he didn't see anyone instantly, he was unhappy when he encountered anything, his heart was full of violence, as if he hated the world.

Sometimes, he also feels that he has a bad attitude towards others, and he will reflect on it afterwards, but most of the time, he can't repent, but does things according to his heart as always. Only in this way can he make himself feel better, of course. The consequences are also extremely serious.

Later, he was forced to move out of the residential building. At that time, his heart became more and more irritable and angry, as if a flame was burning in his heart, making him very hot.

Things became more and more unscrupulous, and his behavior became more ridiculous and scary, pointing out that he had killed someone.

Thinking about it now, it would be better to leave here, to calm others, and to calm myself.

When Hu Jun returned home, although he no longer had a gloomy face, it was ridiculous and far-fetched.

When Mother Hu saw her coming back, she rushed out to greet her, "Didn't you just enter the building, why did you go out again, did something happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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