Chapter 346

"It's okay." Hu Juan smiled and shook his head, unwilling to say anything more, "Mom, I'll take a shower and change my clothes first, and I'll be out later." Not wanting to talk any more, Hu Juan pushed the door to the bedroom to get the clothes and left go to the bathroom.

When she came out after washing, it happened to be dinner time.The whole family sat around the table in a harmonious atmosphere.

"I just heard that something happened to Hu Yue?" Papa Hu couldn't help asking Hu Jun halfway through eating. His brows were full of worry, and it seemed that something had spread.Yes, how could such a big thing not spread.

Hu Jun nodded, obviously unwilling to say more, Hu's father saw her like this, so he didn't ask any more questions, hey, my daughter can't control it when she's older, let alone a nephew, hey...

As night fell, there were still the sounds of workers going to work.Hu Jun just felt very annoyed, she didn't know what to do with Hu Yue.

Mother Hu suddenly asked, "Junjun, do you want to tidy up Xiaoyue's room?"

"Clean it up, I'll help you." Saying that, Hu Jun came over, and the two opened Hu Yue's room.

Obviously it should be hot in August, but there is a different kind of coolness in the room, no, it is cold, how could it be like this?Hu Jun stopped his mother and said, "You will be admitted first, and I will go in and have a look."

Mother Hu nodded in confusion, "Ah, good."

Walking into the room, the temperature in Hu Yue's room was even colder, the moonlight was bright and clear, the room was clean and tidy, but there was an unimaginable gloom.

Hu Jun walked around the room for a week, but he didn't find anything weird. Just when he turned his head, he suddenly saw a potted plant. The potted plant was very small with unknown green leaves. He didn't know what it was, but It always feels wrong.

No matter what it is, Hu Jun wants to move it out and talk about it later.

Holding this small white flowerpot in my hand, carefully observing the little leaf, I suddenly found that it is so delicate and cute, the tender green leaves are dancing gently with the breeze outside the window, lively and shy, approaching When it smells lightly, it has a faint vanilla scent unique to plants, which makes people feel refreshed.

I don't think so, Hu Jun has a happy smile on his face, and his mood is also lifted. This kind of refreshing feeling cannot be obtained even by soaking in the pool water.

Just as she was indulging in happiness, suddenly a voice broke it like a devil, "Junjun, what are you doing?"

Hu Juan, whose dream was shattered, glanced over at once, and there was still a hint of hatred in the coldness, which made Hu's mother take two steps back unconsciously. What's the matter?She just looked at her daughter a little dumbfounded, and called her kindly.

"It's okay." Hu Juan said in a cold voice, and was about to return to his room with the small flower pot in his arms. Xiao Kong appeared from nowhere, looked at the potted flower with some displeasure and said, "Why are you holding it?" ?”

"What do children know, go back quickly." Hu Jun was a little unhappy, and unconsciously put the flower pot into her arms. She didn't know why she did this, it was just a subconscious behavior.

Xiaokong looked at her carefully, and said word by word, "This is the ecstasy grass, which captivates the mind and enthralls people. You have already been bewitched."

After hearing this, Hu Juan felt an unexplainable anger in his heart. He felt that Xiao Kong was confusing the public, and when he was about to do something to him, he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

No, what happened to me?
She looked at this flower, the more she looked at it, the more she fell in love with it for no reason, but there was a voice deep in her heart telling her that something was wrong, that her body was not her own, her eyes were full of this strange plant, she opened her mouth , turned around with big strides, threw the plant back to Hu Yue's room, and came out quickly without any hesitation.

It was just a few simple movements, but she was already sweating profusely, as if she was tired from fighting a battle.The love of love gradually dissipated, and finally Hu Jun remembered his purpose of entering Hu Yue's room, but how did Xiaokong know this thing?
Before she could ask, Xiao Kong had long since disappeared.

Seeing Hu's mother who was still anxiously waiting for Hu Jun, thinking of her behavior just now, she said apologetically, "Mom, you go back first, there may be something wrong with this plant, I have to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and planned to enter the room for the second time. This time, she had made a complete plan, and immediately froze it as soon as she entered, and then entangled with layers of vines, and finally threw it directly into the space.

After she made the arrangements, she returned to the room, and saw Xiao Kong sitting on the edge of her bed with dangling legs, ahem, it was very cute for him to do so when he was young, but he is so old, it really doesn't fit his age "Get off soon, why do you go to bed as soon as you enter the house, how old are you, this problem needs to be corrected."

Xiao Kong continued to dangle his feet without knowing it, and looked at her with some contempt, "Isn't the bed just for sitting on? Look at your room with only a small broken mat, so I don't want to sit on it!" He also has an identity How can a person like me be a little Maza? It's really funny.

Seeing Xiaokong's proud expression, Hu Juan shook his head, he really couldn't talk about him, he couldn't control him when he was young, and he couldn't control him when he was older, he was simply a bully.

"How do you know that is the ecstasy grass, and what is its effect?" The most urgent thing is to ask clearly. If there are too many things like the base, terror will have a very bad effect. In fact, now, she is already guessing Hu Yue. The big change in temperament is the problem with this thing.

Xiaokong blinked, and said cutely, "It's the charming mind, which makes people very strange."

"Then, is this a plant or is it?"

Before Hu Jun could finish asking, Xiaokong interrupted decisively and said, "Of course it's a plant!"

It’s good if it’s not a zombie. In comparison, zombie plants are relatively scary. Since they are plants, their existence makes sense. Take them to study and know their functions. Maybe it’s good to study new things.

Before she could finish being happy, Xiao Kong broke her good mood and said, "But this thing is rare, why is it here? It's so strange."

"rarely seen?"

Xiaokong nodded, "Of course, it's very rare, because the conditions for its growth are very harsh, and generally it can't survive."

That being the case, how did Hu Yue do it?A big question mark was drawn in Hu Jun's heart, and it seemed that he could only ask clearly when he saw him in person.

"By the way, will this plant be confused when you touch it?" Hu Jun asked a little worriedly. If this is the case, it may be inconvenient to study it.

"Well, it's not just that, something will happen if you live with it for a long time." Xiao Kong replied with a smile, and rolled his eyes, "Otherwise, give it to me, and it's useless for you to respond."

Although he still didn't know how to deal with this tricky thing, Hu Juan still gave him a blank look, "How can you handle it?" His tone was completely disbelieving in his rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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