Chapter 351 The Scary Thing (2)
Finally, I saw a very big house. In front of the house was a small piece of cultivated land surrounded by a fence. It was very simple and defenseless. I really don’t know how they survived like this. I can only sigh with emotion. , probably there are no zombies here.

When Xiao Jing arrived home, she immediately changed from being tense to smiling, and her steps were much lighter. She knocked on the door a few times, and the door opened. 30 people.

Bang, the door shuts.

After coming over for a while, it opened again, and a strong man in his 30s came out. The strong man had a very fierce face. Those who didn't know it thought he was the boss of the underworld before the end of the world. He patted Xiao Jing on the shoulder and motioned her to go in. Cai smiled and said, "Welcome, come in quickly." Fuck, the contrast between such a face, such gentle words, and a smile is simply unbearable.

Of course, Hu Jun couldn't do such a thing as laughing, but took the lead, came over generously, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

The resolute man looked at Hu Jun who was beautiful and shy with a smile, and blushed unconsciously. He was really ashamed, ah, bah, isn't it because he looks better?Well, I can't judge a book by its cover.

He moved away from the door and motioned for them to come in.

As soon as you enter the house, you can see the bright and spacious living room, comfortable rural sofa, rattan chairs and tables, and you can vaguely see the complete kitchen from a distance. It can be said that everything is available here, and it looks like a normal ordinary family. No trace of any so-called battle could be found.

When everyone stood up, the living room was already packed to the brim.

The big man who looked like the black boss introduced himself a little shyly: "My name is Jin Zhuan, I don't know how you call it?" Jin Zhuan!Such a unique and ingenious name made everyone feel extremely anxious.

Hu Jun chuckled, "My name is Hu Jun, and these are my friends. We are from New Hope Base."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Jin Zhuan shyly shook hands with Hu Jun lightly, no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little pretentious.

At this moment, strangers appeared one after another, poking their heads from behind. They were curious, vigilant, and kind. They obviously wanted to see the true face of these strangers.

Jin Zhuang hurriedly waved his hand, and introduced quite proudly: "These are all our members."

After that, there was a long nodding and introduction session between the two sides. Of course, the main players will be fine.

"I've heard about the New Hope Base, and said that the welfare there is very good." A four-eyed boy came over after the introduction and asked curiously.

Hu Jun, who was the ambassador for the speech, didn't mean to say anything, but said in agreement: "However, it's really good. We came out this time to find suitable steel for the base and build the base. I don't know, do you know? Are there any steel mills near here?"

After listening to Jinzhu, he sighed and said, "Steel? There are, but it's not easy to get in there."

Hu Juan thought for a while, and asked bluntly, "Is it because there are zombies?"

Gold Brick shook his head, and replied sadly: "No, it's not that simple."

Just as he was talking, a woman ran out and whispered in Jin Zhuan's ear, "Dinner is ready."

Jinzhu nodded, looked at the huge lineup of 30 people, and finally began to speak: "It's just time for dinner, let's stay and have dinner together."

"No, no need, we still have some food, Fang Jia, take out the food." Hu Jun didn't want to take advantage of others for nothing, she knew the truth very well.

Fang Jia nodded and went to the back.

Seeing this, BRIC quickly stopped him and said, "Hey, there's no need to do this. This is your first time as a guest, and we invite you to taste some fresh food." Xiao Jing was brought back, and he didn't do anything bad. Instead, he gave Xiao Jing instant noodles , I didn't even treat myself to a meal, I feel so inauthentic, it's too bad.

After several excuses, in the end, he still ate the food prepared by the gold bricks. The food was not rich, but the amount was large, and it was considered the highest courtesy in the last days. It was completely treating you as a friend.

After the meal, Jinzhu simply arranged an area for the strangers to rest and sit in the living room. The number of people dropped sharply, and only five children were born. Everyone sat on the sofa and brought up the topic again, and Hu Jun finally understood that it was true. what a trouble.

Gold Brick shook his head helplessly and said: "Originally it was easy to enter, although it is not far from the city, but because of obstructions, it can be said that it is inaccessible to the original workers. However, we passed by there one time and found that I don't know who broke the gate, and a large number of zombies poured in. I'm afraid it's not easy. Not only that, but more importantly, we discovered a frightening thing later, where a group of terrifying things gathered, we are not sure They are people, or zombies, because they eat the flesh of zombies."

Eating the flesh of zombies, what kind of creature is this?

Full of doubts, everyone prepared to go to sleep after resting, and went to find out tomorrow.

Jinzhu also stood up, patted his clothes, and was about to say goodbye and go back to sleep.

At this moment, a boy ran over quickly and shouted loudly: "Brother, it's not good, my daughter has another asthma attack."

"Damn it!" Gold Brick knocked on the table violently, frowning together, how could it be this time.

When Hu Juan heard this, he probably understood the meaning. It was a lack of medicine. Thinking of the many things in his own space, and thinking of the fate of human beings, and the need for these people to lead the way, anyway, the best result is the combination of complex thoughts. Just give them a vial.

Jin Zhuo, who received the medicine, was stunned. Holding the small bottle of medicine, he was very excited, "This!"

"Save people first."

Hearing this, Jin Zhuan was not polite, turned around and handed it to the boy, "Hurry up and send it over!"

No matter what happened between the two of them, the boy snatched the medicine anyway, as if he was afraid of being snatched back again, he ran away quickly.

"Really, thank you very much, we happen to have a little grain left here..." BRIC was embarrassed, and planned to use the grain to buy medicine.

Hu Juan waved his hand, "No, it's just a bottle of medicine."

Fang Jia came over and asked curiously: "But then again, since you are sick, why didn't you prepare the medicine?"

"Hey, it's because we didn't prepare, but, hey, it's a long story." BRIC said helplessly.

Not far from here, there is a small village where a group of people are also stationed.

However, due to various reasons, the relationship between the two parties is not good, it can even be said to be very bad, and the main reason is all because of one person.

Because the people on the farm have experienced many things, and most of them are acquaintances since they came out of the city early in the morning, the relationship between them is naturally more harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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