Chapter 352
After the people in the village saw this place, they tried to persuade them to join the village. Firstly, they wanted to increase their fighting power, and secondly, they took a fancy to the geographical location of this place, and wanted to have one more stronghold to connect them together.

But they had experienced life in other villages, and they didn't want to be restrained by others, so they politely refused.

Originally, it was all right, but who would have expected that a person on the farm would be rebellious, secretly took the precious medicine that was finally snatched from the city on the farm, and ran away, and went to seek refuge with the other party .

This is terrible, there is a child's asthma medicine in it, without it, the child will die.The contradiction quickly rushed to the ground. Jinzhu led people to look for it several times to no avail. He didn't mention where the medicine came from. He only said that he wanted the medicine. Now, so I have to exchange a high amount of food again, which is simply insane. What's even more insane is that a bottle of medicine actually costs a year's worth of food. Is this an attempt to starve them to death?

They were completely helpless, and wanted to go to the city, but failed to break through several times, and unfortunately ran out of medicine for Nannan. They planned to go again in the next two days, but unfortunately their asthma broke out early.

"You are not very united, how could such a thing happen?" Ding Ding interjected a little puzzled.

Xiao Jing, who happened to come up to look for Gold Brick, replied indignantly, "That's a white-eyed wolf. We kindly rescued him, but he repaid his kindness! He didn't care about my daughter's condition at all. If I knew this, I should have watched him die on the road. "

Cannibalism is soft-mouthed and short-handed, which is definitely a wise saying.

When Hu Jun heard this, he also understood that something should be done.

Hu Jun thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to get back the medicine, or do you want to deal with that village?"

"It's not easy for everyone to deal with, as long as we can get the medicine back, even if we don't give us anything else, we have to get the asthma medicine."

Hu Jun nodded. They seemed to be more kind-hearted. In this case, they should help this group of people. They can't say that they will never have future troubles, but at least they can live without worries.

The moon climbed up the hill slowly, Hu Juan didn't sleep, but came out, stood outside the farm to enjoy the cool, after a while he was chilled by the evening wind, touched the goose bumps on his arms, it was really hurt No, it's like turning around and going back, otherwise what can I do if I get sick, she doesn't want to be romantic.

Just thinking like this, a piece of clothing was draped over her shoulders, and when she looked up, it was Ji Jinjiang. He looked into the distance and asked, "Are you really going to go through this troubled water?"

Hu Jun grabbed his jacket a little embarrassedly, and replied seriously: "Of course, otherwise, what should I do. Besides, maybe there are other gains in that village."

"Other gains?" Ji Jinjiang smiled, turned his head, looked at her flushed face and asked, "You don't think there are necessary materials in the village, do you?"

Hu Juan nodded briskly, "Well, maybe there is."

Hearing this, Ji Jin laughed out loud, how could it be possible, what a naive idea this is.

Three black lines appeared on Hu Jun's head, is this funny? "I also have a basis."

Ji Jinjiang, who obviously didn't believe it, folded his arms and looked down at Hu Jun with a serious face, "For example?"

"For example, many rural areas have their own small factories to achieve self-sufficiency. Naturally, these production materials are indispensable."

Hearing this, Ji Jinjiang was dumbfounded, who told this, and why didn't he know it at all?Moreover, whoever said that rural areas must be self-sufficient, now that the transportation is convenient, just buy it.

Hu Jun didn't think there was anything wrong at all, and continued, "Since they can live there all the time, they naturally have all the daily necessities. Maybe we can take something back."

After she finished speaking, she nodded her head as she thought it was right. She really had an idea.

Ji Jinjiang didn't feel like complaining: "Do you still think that maybe there are pigs, sheep and cattle raised there, maybe you can have a good meal?"

Hu Juan didn't seem to understand the irony, and he glanced at Ji Jinjiang in surprise and said bluntly, "Hey, what you said makes sense."

Ji Jinjiang, who was completely helpless, thought to himself, is this because the wind has blown his mind silly? "What kind of reason, it's totally impossible, you stop thinking about it, since you agree to help them, you can help them, but don't have so many weird thoughts, you are delusional, it's a disease."

The two were chatting and laughing, very unhappy. It turned out that Ji Jinjiang was not only smart, but also very humorous, and chatting was not difficult. It's just that they didn't have free time before, and they mostly talked about things.

The long night is long, I don't know it, it has passed a little bit, and the time is already very late.

Hu Jun yawned, feeling his head was muddled, took off his coat and said, "Here, here are your clothes, I'll go to sleep first."

Ji Jinjiang nodded his head, and as a result put on his coat, he also walked back.

The two went back, but they didn't find a person standing in the corner all the time. His eyes were sad, his fists were clenched, and he was full of unspeakable pain. Why... the next morning, Hu Juan felt a little embarrassed Come, mainly because I went to bed late.

After finally struggling to get up, everyone had already finished their breakfast, and she was the only one born, and she was full after two bites of rice.

Jin Zhuan also came out with people. Last night, she agreed with Jin Zhuan that they would go to that village together to get back the medicine. Jin Zhuan didn't believe it at first, but after Hu Jun showed it for a while, well, he immediately believed it. And the confidence is soaring.

I walked briskly from the farm for half a day before I arrived at the village, which is why I had to go out early in the morning. It is shameful for you to hurry here at night.

Jin Zhuan stood at the door and shouted loudly: "Tell your boss to come out!" The voice was so loud that if you couldn't hear it, you would be deaf, but after a long time, someone slowly opened a small window and saw the guard Jin Zhuan actually sneered.

The guard at the gate laughed and said, "Haha, why, I can't take it anymore? I finally surrendered. Let me tell you, for people like you, the only way out is to join us. Tsk tsk, there are so many sins to suffer if you come early. How stupid to die."

Hu Juan's head hurt suddenly, he didn't like talking nonsense with someone, wasting time and energy, he repeated the words of Jin Zhuan in a cold voice: "Call your boss out."

"Tsk tsk, who are you, dare to look for our boss!" At this moment, people outside the door were looking for Hu Jun who was talking. The first impression it gives people is that it is scary.

The guard thought he would be fine inside, so he dared to tease and said, "Why, are you planning to bribe me with a beauty?" Before he could finish speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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