Chapter 353 Fear (1)
With a bang, the guard who spoke rudely was killed immediately. The speed was so fast that the others didn't react at the first time. When they saw his cold body that seemed to be moved out of the cold storage, they realized later that the big thing was wrong. Wonderful, this is prepared!
Shaking the alarm bell of the base frantically, BRIC found a helper this time, but the person who came was not kind.

Hu Juan waved his hand, "Come in!"

I saw that the silent Wei Tian smashed the gate all at once, and everyone walked into the base in a mighty manner. There was no defense in the base, and a crowd of people fleeing in a panic could be seen.

Jinzhu and the others originally carried all kinds of weapons, but when they saw this group of people who had only known each other for a day sweeping the place, they realized that they were really useless at all, and even the strongest supernatural beings seemed to be completely different from others. Not at the same level, no, it should be said that it was dumped 18 streets.

It was completely crushing, without giving the other party any room to look back, all of them were captured alive, and no one slipped through the net.

The boss who stayed here was also tied up into rice dumplings and thrown aside.

Such a reversal of the plot made the people brought by the BRICS a little incomprehensible for a while. What is the situation so simple, what about gang fights, and bloody battles?
The blood tank is still full, and the battle is over. Could it be that this is for practicing race walking?They didn't do anything, the victory came so suddenly, this kind of beauty is unbelievable.

Poor boss, he didn't even have a domineering appearance, so he was overturned to the ground and thrown aside. This kind of aggrieved, depressed, and humiliated is simply unbearable. At least I have to shout: "Who are you!" Well, I don't pay much attention to the treatment of leaders.

In fact, it's not that they don't think they won't give them the opportunity to show it, but why let them show it, and with their clumsy abilities, they really have no fighting power. Besides, time is tight, who has nothing to do to tease them.

Ding Dingfei was in the air, and after seeing the location, he flew to Hu Jun and said, "There seems to be a factory here."

"Huh?" Hu Juan looked back at her and asked, "Where is it?"

After Ding Ding pointed out the direction, Hu Jun said to Qi Zhejun: "Take care of them, Brother BRIC, go and take away the things you need." And he planned to visit the factory.

Although the factory building is not made of steel, it is indeed a small workshop that produces cement. Not to mention whether there is a lot of inventory, it is already very gratifying to produce machines in the first place.

Hu Juan leaned forward and checked them one by one, only to think it was worth the trip.

Ji Jinjiang also went with her. It was really unexpected that Hu Juan's guess was right, there really was a factory building!

This kind of happy and weird mood was too tangled, Ji Jinjiang sighed silently.

Hu Jun didn't shy away from Ji Jinjiang and Ding Ding taking all the things away with a wave. Anyway, it's useless for them to keep them. She told herself that only in the base would it be of great use.

Hu Juan happily walked back, suddenly felt a chill behind his back, a bad premonition surged up, subconsciously looked back, and saw a bullet flying towards him, the speed was completely unresponsive Hu Juan's mouth twitched into a sneer, and a thin layer of water had appeared in front of him, which could barely sink the bullet into it.

As the water fell to the ground, the bullets also fell to the ground. The murderer wanted to leave, but Ji Jin's wind had already swept him over, and the pistol had already arrived in Hu Jun's hand.

Hu Juan, who was almost assassinated, didn't speak, but wrapped him up with vines, and dragged him back by the vines, repeatedly accidentally knocking the man's head onto the stone, causing the man to groan in pain.

Before reaching the door, I saw the four-eyed boy standing at the door, suddenly saw the person behind Hu Jun, and rushed up angrily, "It's you!" Without saying a few words, he slapped him in the face. It's as if he can't wait to peel him and eat meat.

Obviously, this person also knew what was going on. Although he was wrapped into a silkworm chrysalis, he still tried his best to cry and said, "Forgive me, forgive me! I didn't mean it! They forced me!"

"Fart, why are they forcing you, you greedy villain who is afraid of death, white-eyed wolf, I saved you back then, so I should beat you to death today!" The four-eyed boy was furious, and he punched and kicked him until The meat, feet and feet are bleeding, it must have exerted more than [-]% of the skills, and there is no mercy.

The man could only curl up and shouted: "Help, you are killing someone!" But no matter how hoarse he shouted, the people who gradually surrounded him were indifferent and did not discourage them at all.

The people at the New Hope Base naturally wouldn't take action with good intentions, and everyone in the countryside, with eyes full of anger, would not take action to save them. Instead, they wished they could punch themselves twice to enjoy themselves.

This directly caused the man's nose and face to be bruised and swollen, and he almost lost his human appearance. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he was dying.

"Enough." Jin Zhuan stopped him, and he walked forward deeply, looked at the huddled people, suppressed his anger, and asked him in disappointment: "If you want to leave, I won't deliberately stop you, but you Do, never think about the consequences? Didn't think about possibly killing a child?"

He wanted to say something, but the severe pain made him unable to say anything, maybe even if he said it, it would not be the truth, a person like him could no longer tell the truth from the false.

The man was taken away by the gold brick, and no one asked how it ended.

If he had known today, why would he have taken other people's life-saving medicine to go here, but in the end it was nothing, but if you think about it differently, you don't blame her. Look, this place is much better than the farm, both in terms of defense and living conditions.Moreover, there are so many supernatural beings.

It's a pity, it's a pity to meet Hu Jun.If the BRICs send someone, the scruples must be the ones who will be destroyed.In fact, hey, there are not many supernatural beings in the countryside, and their strength is not strong. If the two armies confront each other, they will undoubtedly lose.

The reason why the village has been slow to take action is probably that it is not worthwhile to go to war, resulting in a situation where both sides will suffer. In addition, the countryside is out of medicine, and it will be a matter of time before they surrender. Such consumption is also the best way.

The people brought by BRIC searched for medicines in a hurry, and after eating the food here for dinner, BRIC sincerely thanked Hu and others with emotion at the dinner table: "This time, thank you very much."

The people around him all looked excited, feeling like they were willing to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire to repay their kindness.

Hu Jun shook his head and smiled faintly, "Where is it, you are too polite." She also got what she needed, didn't she?
Early the next morning, Golden Brick threw the four-eyed boy to Hu Jun, and said apologetically, "He knows the terrain, so he can take you there. I still have to deal with some things here, so I can't go."

Hu Jun nodded, originally he just wanted to find someone to lead the way, it didn't matter who went.

(End of this chapter)

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