Chapter 354 Fear (2)
After some simple tidying up, everything was ready, temporarily bid farewell to Jinzhuo and others, and the 31 people rushed to the steelmaking plant without stopping.

Although the four-eyed boy is called four-eyed, he has a gentle name: Chen Bin.When the apocalypse happened, he was just a junior high school student, but now that he is so old, it can be said that he has grown up in the apocalypse.Chen Bin was careful all the way, and gradually approached the east while hiding XZ. The speed was very slow, but he didn't meet a single zombie.

At three o'clock in the morning, Fang Jia touched his sweat and asked, "How long will it be?" I had been on the road for several days, but I didn't even see the shadow of a city, did I bring the right one? road?
Chen Bin, who was carefully exploring the way ahead, suddenly turned his head. Fang Jia made a 'shh' gesture, suppressed his voice, and said cautiously and seriously: "Don't talk!"

Seeing his face that read: Talking will kill, Fang Jia silently didn't make a sound, only felt that the child was a little nervous, how could zombies be so scary, they had experienced the massacre of the city, so they didn't believe it There is something more scary.

Fang Jia's so-called conceited heart appears in the hearts of most people, not to say that he is arrogant and arrogant, but they have experienced a lot. It is really difficult for ordinary zombies to scare them. They only think that Chen Bin is still a child after all. , so I saw fewer zombies and less courage.

Soon, the sun and the moon will take over, and it's time to rest.

Everyone sat anywhere, and simply took out the prepared dry and hard food and ate it. The days outside were not as comfortable as the base.

They didn't say a word along the way, it was like suffocating people's rhythm, and now they all whispered in a low voice, which can be considered to relieve their inner irritability.

Fang Jia and Ding Ding finished their chatter, turned their heads to Chen Bin again, and asked aloud, "How far is it to the destination?"

The honest Chen Bin was eating obediently. After hearing the question, he swallowed his food and thought for a while before answering: "It's not far away."

Seeing the two murmuring, Ding Ding leaned over and asked curiously, "Is it really scary there?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Bin nodded violently, his face full of horror and fear.

Seeing his appearance, some of the others still didn't believe it, and asked casually, "Did you really see people eating zombies?"

This question was originally asked subconsciously, but it made Chen Bin tremble violently, shaking his head, as if he didn't want to recall at all.

Hu Juan couldn't see it, and said casually: "Forget it, don't scare him." I just don't understand how Jinzhuan sent such a timid guy, but I don't know, except Jinzhuan and Chen Bin, no one is willing to lead the way. Coming here, even though Hu Juan has helped them so much, the fear in the heart of this place has purely broken into a terrible physiological reaction. As long as they hear this, their limbs will become weak, their bodies will break out in cold sweat, and they will not even be able to walk. , let alone lead the way.

The BRICs wanted to stay and arrange things, so the heavy responsibility of leading the way could only be shouldered by Chen Bin.

Chen Bin couldn't express the fear in his heart, so he could only repeat blindly: "It's really scary, it's really scary."

The family's children have become like this, and Fang Jia couldn't say anything more, so he moved to Wei Tian's side and started gossiping with him: "Tell me, do people really eat zombies?"

Wei Tian rolled his eyes at him, completely in the rhythm of not wanting to speak.

Fang Jia didn't care if he answered, or didn't expect him to answer at all, and said cheerfully: "If it's really a human and dares to eat zombies, I can only say, a real man, the sour smell will kill them." You really don’t picky eaters.” As he spoke, Fang Jia himself laughed, as if he had thought of something funny.

"Hey, the point is not to be picky or not!" Ding Ding couldn't listen anymore.

Fang Jia glanced at her, "Then what's the point?"

"The point is that they eat zombies!"

"Cut, it's not a matter of being picky or not."

The two fought again, and Wei Tian watched from the side without making a sound.

After Fang Jia talked for a while, he felt bored and found other people to play with, leaving Wei Tian and Ding Ding behind. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Ding Ding and Wei Tian hadn't spoken for a long time. Wei Tian was not good at words, even at this moment I wanted to say a few words, but I held them in my stomach, and I had nothing to say at all.

Ding Ding looked at his profile, and finally got up and left, leaving him sitting on the ground with his head bowed, very lonely.

As for the dynamics of the two, Hu Juan saw in his eyes, but he had nothing to do. He only hoped that going out would let the two of them see through their sincerity, but what about herself?
She looked at her slender fingers, which were crystal clear, with round fingertips, and delicate and shiny skin. They were a pair of flawless hands, just like her face and body at the moment, tight and delicate, as if they had stopped at the last moment of life. Great moments, never a step forward.

She didn't understand why this happened, but she also knew in her heart that this was actually wrong, not the state that a normal person should have.

Before leaving the base, she once asked Xiaokong: "Will there be anything to do if you inherit the space?"

Xiaokong just tilted his head and thought for a while before answering: "Probably not."

Probably this word has a deep meaning, and Hu Jun doesn't want to think about it.

She knew that many people in the base admired her, whether it was because of her appearance, her strength, or other things. Her parents also hoped that she would marry and have children early, live a happy life, and live up to their expectations.

However, Hu Jun can't get married. Before she has figured out many things, she must be alone. Some secrets are so difficult to share with others.

She sighed deeply, and glanced at everyone who was gradually falling asleep. There were 2 people on duty in the distance. She leaned against the tree and gradually fell asleep.

Except for the 2 people on duty, only one person did not fall asleep, and that was Chen Bin. His body trembled slightly due to physiological instinct, and he couldn't restrain himself at all. He clasped his hands tightly, intending to calm himself down, and closed his eyes. The eyes, however, are full of images of people eating zombies, terrifying, bloody, and creepy.

Early the next morning, everyone continued on their journey. Compared with the previous two days, today Chen Bin's condition was extremely wrong. His face was sullen, as if he was going to die. , It seems that it is not consolation, but ridicule.

Looking at a grove in front of him, Chen Bin's voice began to tremble a little: "Walk around, just go around this grove."

When he was about to take the first step, Hu Jun said aloud: "You stay, Brother Qi, you arrange two more people to stay with him, we can just go in."

(End of this chapter)

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