Chapter 358 I am a baby
"Hey, wouldn't you two be frightened by that dead man? He said that we are going to die if we die? It's ridiculous. He said at the beginning that we were going to die. Isn't he the one who died in the end? "Fang Jia felt that since we had won, there was nothing to be afraid of, and he didn't understand why we didn't pick the fruits of victory.

Soon, the 28 people were divided into two factions, one group supported the continuation, and the other group wanted to retreat. You couldn't tell me, and I couldn't tell you about your stalemate. Everyone looked at Hu Jun, waiting for her to make a decision.

Just after Hu Jun died without knowing what to do, he just felt that the sky was falling apart, the mighty sound was really too loud, the doors of the factory opened one after another, and a group of weird people who were the same as before came out of the room.

There are so many of them, almost hundreds of them, densely packed like ants. If the people before were just a small group, then they are definitely a large force now.

Fuck, don't let me live!

In everyone's mind, a group of grass mud horses galloped past, it was a mortal posture, if I knew it, I would have withdrawn it!I beg you to go back quickly!
In this hostile crowd, a space of about one meter was quickly left, and there was no way at all.I saw a little guy more than one meter tall holding a broken bear and slowly coming out of it. She was wearing a cute tutu skirt and her hair was combed high like a princess. Take a breath, how could this be!
Half of her face is intact, so cute and pink that I can't wait to pinch it, but the other side is rotten, really rotten, like a rotten eye, where there should be eyes, only the eyes are left The black hole looks very scary.

This makes people feel familiar, isn't it the half-zombie I met before?
But obviously the two were very surprised, "You guys look very interesting, do you want to stay and play with me?" The girl's voice was very cute, so tender that one wanted to pinch her.

It's not the hoarse voice of the half-zombie at all, except for the half-face, it's just a little loli, okay?

Everyone looked at this guy in shock. How could such a strange person appear? Even if there are scars on his face, it shouldn’t be bad all the time. It's too unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Hu Juan's heart was already occupied by surprise, "Who are you?" Could it be that she is also a test subject?But I always felt that something was wrong, could it be that Hu Juan opened it in the wrong way?Skip the plot, why does it feel like going to a horror movie...

No, zombie movies are actually horror movies, fuck me...

"Me?" The little girl cutely pointed to the tip of her nose with her little paw, and said happily, "I'm a baby."

No, she didn't ask her name, girl, you made a mistake, before Hu Jun could ask other questions, someone in the team said nonchalantly: "What's wrong with your face? They scratched, come here, they are dangerous!"

Although he had good intentions, the smile on the little guy's face disappeared instantly when he heard the words 'face rotten'.

"Hmph," the girl's tone changed, she hated such people the most, she wanted to keep them, but she was so ignorant, so she waved her hand and said softly, "Kill them!"

Is this a typical rhythm of fighting if you don't agree with each other? !If you have something to say, it’s okay!They just finished a game!

Although many people didn't do anything, but it's okay to be physically and mentally exhausted. The big deal is that we will praise you for being ashamed and ashamed.
Let's have a good chat!

But no matter how much everyone wanted to cry, how much they roared in their hearts, even if they turned into Roaring Emperors one by one, it would be difficult to resist this girl's capricious emotions, and it would be even more difficult to change her name to the big wave of zombies on the opposite side.

Looking at this large wave of enemies whose abilities have obviously increased by several levels, everyone really wants to cry, what kind of outrageous things did they do? Finding a steel factory has so many things to do, can they go back intact !

Come on, since there is no other way, let's do it. With the belief that we must die, everyone has to kill, no, it is to use housekeeping skills to strangle the other party.

The first one was naturally Hu Jun. If she hadn't carried the majority, she would have been KO'd directly.

Hu Jun threw the vine with one hand and crackled, shaking away wave after wave of enemies who tried to get close, leaving ample space for everyone to play freely without being stabbed in the back.After all, their greatest advantage is that they are as fast as the wind and as heavy as a mountain. As long as these two points are separated, there is always hope.

While flicking the right hand wildly, the ice and snow attack is almost full of horsepower, whether it is ice blades, ice blades, ice arrows, crazily strafing, no matter how fast you are, the number of people is there, you can always kill everyone without fear of death. The blind boy who came up.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the ice sculptures are listed one after another, which is really beautiful.

The tacit understanding of the Golden Triangle is still the same, and the skills of you coming and going are becoming more and more sophisticated. Even in such a situation of completely unfamiliar enemies, you can fight with ease.

Don't give them any chance to fight back at all, the only problem is that the speed is a bit slow.

And Ding Ding, as early as the beginning of the battle, was dragged over by Wei Tian and squeezed in the middle by them.Although Fang Jia and Xu Langyu glanced at the girl with some dissatisfaction, their brother's obvious apology made them endure it.

Back this place, not everyone can entrust it. Today's entrustment is a disguised form of trust, trust in the eyes of my brother.

Ding Ding moved desperately along with their steps, even if she couldn't help them, she couldn't hold back. Seeing Wei Tian charge again and again, colliding with those stone-like guys, she wanted to shout, be careful.

But every time she covered her mouth, she couldn't let them be distracted, the opponent was too strong, and she couldn't do anything, she used to think that the flying ability was very powerful, it was a cheating tool for self-protection, but just now, looking at Qi Zhejun fought with others, only to realize that she is nothing now, that's right, she is nothing, she is flying high, and she may not be safe, because maybe others can jump higher, and she has no courage to try.

Pan Zhan and Qi Zhejun can at least protect themselves against them. One is strong one-on-one, and the other has actual combat experience. You don't have to worry about it every minute, and sometimes you can even turn around to help others.

Even other people can fight reasonably. If you solve a few of them, isn't it just speed and power, so it's good to let you run?

Compared to the others, Ji Jinjiang could only dodge blindly. He really didn't want to do anything. He knew that his powers were basically cleared, and he was most afraid of encountering a strong enemy, so he really did.

(End of this chapter)

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