Chapter 359 The price (1)
Soon, the color was hung on his body, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Suddenly, an enemy pounced on him, and he leaned on the wind to dodge the one to the left. Unexpectedly, another one popped out out of nowhere and came straight at him. When he wanted to turn around again, he found it was already too late.

It seemed that the only thing he could do was to fight head-on. Unexpectedly, a thin vine suddenly swept him away, and the moment he landed, the two enemies had been wiped out.

A female voice came from behind, "Be careful." Ji Jinjiang knew it was Hu Jun, and nodded slightly, only blaming himself for not having a complete plan.

The girl looked at this scene with a smile, tilted her head, and said with a pure and cute face: "They are so interesting."

And the person standing beside her heard this, and shouted knowingly: "Come on!"

Following this sound, there was a loud horn sound from somewhere, and everyone who was obviously enjoying the fight just now was stunned, while the enemies put on some malicious smiles on their lips, and the enemies gradually faded away.

"What's the matter, it shouldn't be scared away."

Of course it’s not to scare them away, if blowing a horn means ending the battle, that would be too contemptuous!Soon everyone understood that it turned out that another wave of stronger and more individual enemies was coming, and this wave appeared very...ingenious, some turned somersaults, some ran fast, and some swayed Shaking, it's not like attacking like a fierce ghost like just now, it has a sense of a picture of a gangster going out for a night out on the street.

"Tut tsk tsk..." One of them was full of disdainful auxiliary words, and he shot quickly. This speed is really fast, not only that, but also has special abilities. Didn't they say that they are all power and speed types? How did they appear? A supernatural person!
There was a loud bang, and a big hole exploded in the ground, which shocked everyone.But the little girl giggled and laughed, which was really interesting.Beside him was a strange person like a bodyguard, with a sullen face and no smile at all.

Is this a magical thing, a human, a zombie, or a supernatural being? Everyone is completely confused, and they don't understand what happened at all. What is this steel factory doing? There are so many wonderful creatures gathered.

If you panic, you will be beaten to the ground. Hu Juan is about to throw the vines out of the flowers. The afterimage looks like a huge green screen, which separates the inside from the outside. I can't stop, it's not just the soreness of my arms, but also the high nervousness, even if I pause for a second, a group of people will rush over.

Obviously, the group that this weird little girl belonged to already had signs of victory, and they were not at all unhappy when they went to see the little girl. They turned around and ordered a few words, only to see a few people leave.

After a while, something came back, and the girl clapped her hands. Although the enemies were all excited, they were obviously afraid of the girl, and their eyes were full of reluctance, like a hungry wolf that just bit the fat in its mouth. The meat, obviously so greedy, had to be withdrawn in an instant.

The girl said happily, "Who is this?"

It was the three who remained outside, who were now bound and still on the ground.

"Why are you here!" Everyone was relieved just now, but now they were shocked again, didn't they let them stay outside?
The three of them wanted to say something, but because their mouths were covered, they couldn't say anything.I can only look at everyone with pitiful eyes, intending to communicate with each other, but unfortunately, I can't receive radio waves at all.

They stared wide-eyed and didn't understand at all.

The girl blinked her eyes, pursed her lips and thought about it for a while, and finally seemed to think of something, she nodded and guessed to herself: "You guys stay and play with me."

Play with your sister!
"What is your purpose?" What is your purpose? You are victorious, but you are threatening others, you are obviously disgusted with yourself, but you want to save your life. What is your purpose?

Hearing Hu Jun's question, the girl thought about it seriously, looked at the little bear in her arms, and said very sweetly: "Because I like it." Because I like to do what I do, I will do it. There is no reason, just I just like it.

Compared to the girl's sweetness, Hu Jun's face was definitely frosty at the moment. She stared into the girl's eyes word by word and said, "What if we say no?"

The little girl didn't seem to understand, her eyes widened, and she asked in a puzzled voice: "Why say no, you can stay and have meat to eat, and you won't get hurt."

Why, she actually asked why, only crazy people are willing to stay!Let's eat meat if we don't stay!And it looks like you are very abnormal, you might be eaten if you stay.

Everyone looked at this little girl with reluctance and vigilance. She is really a vicious person who actually threatened others with a hostage.

Look, there is a starving ghost staring at everyone here, wondering which one is better to eat.

"If you're not obedient, you can't leave." The girl smiled sweetly, hugging the little bear, and turned sideways so she couldn't see the rotten face. It's actually cute, but what she said made people feel sinister. Bursts, too sinister.

A man next to the girl lowered his body and asked in a low voice, "Do you want it?" He also made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head. They are very interesting, so I should keep them for later.

"Since you don't want to stay, lock them up. It won't be long before they know the benefits of staying." The girl looked at the obviously flustered guys and smiled sweetly, ignoring the fight between the two. Calling someone, sweetly kissed the little bear's nose, then turned back without taking another look.

It seemed that she was sure of her victory.

Hu Jun looked at the door that was gradually closing, the girl's figure was very weak, but under the shadow it looked ferocious.The surrounding enemies are extremely strenuous. After fighting for a while, everyone is unable to do what they want. The mental strength is definitely 12 points of tension, but because of the excessive tension, they are gradually unable to do what they want. If this continues, they will definitely be captured alive. Will pass out directly.

She glanced at everyone and made a decision in her mind.

The people on the farm finally sorted out the affairs in the village, and many days passed in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Jing, who was rescued by them, was very concerned. It wasn't that Jin Zhuan had just rushed back from the village to rest and drink, so she leaned over and asked, "Sister Hu Juan, why haven't they come back yet?"

Jin Zhuan paused the hand holding the cup, that's right, why haven't he come back yet, some talking to himself, and some talking to Xiao Jing: "It's been a few days."

Xiao Jing nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's been a few days."

There are some gold bricks who don’t know why, and they can’t say why. The time should be back, but thinking that the things over there may be difficult to deal with, and maybe it’s delayed for a few days, so I’m not sure, so I comforted Xiao Jing: "Wait a little longer, maybe something happened on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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