Chapter 361
For a moment, he didn't know how to choose, he was confused, he didn't know if he could hold on, because he was really hungry.

And the 30 people who were waiting to be selected were also stunned. What's going on, self-inflicted suicide?

"Don't be afraid, as long as you point out who to kill, I can help you kill them." The girl watched with relish, and she didn't forget to provide convenience for her four eyes. She likes to watch such scenes the most, it's really interesting.

Obviously already entangled in her heart, the girl picked up the delicious food and held the water glass in the other hand, and said temptingly: "How about it, it's delicious." and cherish.

The four eyes are really stunned, the brain is not functioning, the eyes are looking at the food in front of him without blinking, but he can't lift his fingers, he can't do such a thing.

After all, he shook his head, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, hey, were everyone afraid just now, afraid of dying?Yes, I'm afraid after all, I'm afraid that in a few days other people will make some cruel decisions because of hunger.

The girl curled her lips. Although she was a little annoyed that she didn't see the scene she wanted to see, she waved her hand boldly.

Once again, everyone was pressed down, and everyone's steps were light.

On the tenth day, all of them had different symptoms of tinnitus, dizziness, heart palpitations, and sweating. Many of them were pulled out by force.

It's the same drama again, food and water.

The girl was still standing in the same position, wearing new clothes, hugging the worn-out bear, surrounded by a group of bodyguards.Before the little girl could speak, Hu Juan took the lead and said coldly, "Do you think this is very interesting?"

The girl turned her head to look at Hu Jun, hugged the little bear and said affectionately, "Do you want to eat meat? Or drink water?"

With a sullen face, Hu Jun stared into the girl's eyes seriously and said, "You must be a supernatural being."

The girl hugged the bear and giggled, "What are you talking about, I..."

Hu Jun interrupted her and continued, "You are an abandoned supernatural being, so you like to see other people killing each other. Because you can't get happiness yourself, you want others to suffer the same pain, tsk tsk tsk , You are so psychopathic at such a young age, I really admire you personally. You like to watch people eat zombies, because zombies eat your face and make you inhuman, so you also You want the zombies to be eaten, and you want others to be like you, to become ugly and hideous, to satisfy your dark desires." Hu Jun said while using the words of contempt, dislike, disgust, and pointing at the little girl like a laser. In her heart, she seemed to be forced to admit it.

Such a thing has never happened before, and Hu Jun's team members were all stunned, not understanding what was going on at all, they looked at her blankly, reacted quickly, and moved their eyes to the little girl in an instant, not wanting to see her at all. See if it looks like this.

Those burly bodyguards were very calm and still did not move.

As the central figure in the incident, the girl was furious, and threw away her beloved bear doll. It was originally a beloved doll, but it was thrown far away at once. Scolding: "Shut up!" The voice is no longer like a child's delicate voice, but like a witch, the voice is sharp and piercing, like fingernails scratching through the glass, making a piercing sound.

Hu Jun's eyes became brighter and shinier, and he stared at the girl closely, like a wolf catching food, trying to swallow her in one gulp, and a contemptuous and proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Why did I hit the mark? Are you angry?"

She took a few steps forward, picked up the tattered bear, saw that it was covered in stains, felt afraid to hit it a few times, raised it up and signaled to the girl, "Didn't you always like it? Why did you just throw it away now?" So, you really are an ugly child with an evil heart. Because you are annoying, you were abandoned here. No one wants you, no one cares about your life, you can only be eaten by zombies Lose."

Looking at the expression of the woman in front of her, the little girl's face was completely gloomy, and she shouted in her heart, shut up, shut up, shut up!

But Hu Jun's mouth opened and closed, chattering like a duck, so annoying, really annoying.

Her eyes gradually changed from anger to hatred, as if she saw those damn things, if it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be what she is today.

They are dead, so the woman in front of him must die too.

The little girl rushed forward, eyes full of anger, "I'm going to kill you!"

Hu Juan was happy in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. He moved out almost at the same time as the girl, rushed to meet her, grabbed the girl with a vine at an extremely fast speed, and strangled her tightly.

The little girl's hand was still stretched out, making a gesture of pinching someone, and was dumbfounded by such a reversal of things, but Hu Jun leaned into her ear and continued to provoke, and said softly: "Not only is she an annoying child, but she is also an annoying child." Stupid kid."

"You!" The little girl was furious, but the next second her mouth was covered by Hu Jun.

Hu Jun dragged the little girl back to his camp with one hand, while looking at the group of bodyguards who were still looking forward to the target with high spirits, and sent me to tie up your boss, and refused to accept the arrogance of coming to fight.

Hu Juan's self-confidence is now soaring, and this unexpected approach is also a last-ditch effort. Since the group fight cannot be won, then capture the thief first and capture the king!
She believes that the girl's ability is not related to ability, otherwise why should she surround herself with people all the time, she is told to be imposing, and whenever there is an action here, the eyes of those bodyguards are so bright, as long as they can get away from her bodyguard, if you successfully master her, you should win.

Although the preset is very good, Hu Juan felt a little uneasy when he actually operated it. Who knows if her provocative words can pierce the little girl's heart, who knows what the little girl's strength is, and whether she will hide it. Who knows these things Will the bodyguards have sharp ears, eyesight, quick hands, retain the high IQ of human beings, and if they accidentally offend them, maybe they will die even worse.

She is quite adventurous. Now that she has won, her spirits are high, but her back is covered in cold sweat. If something happens, it will be very troublesome for her to escape by herself, and her group will probably die.

The most important thing is that it will never be clear what is going on with this girl, and if the secret is not revealed, I always feel that it will be a great regret for Hu Jun in his life.

It's okay, although these people are very powerful in combat, but they obviously have insufficient IQ balance. They watched the situation take a turn for the worse, and no one made any substantive actions. Well, I guess they were scared stupid.

Well, in fact, Hu Jun's teammates are also a bit stupid, what's the matter, it's so simple to get it done?I thought they would fight and fight together.

(End of this chapter)

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