Chapter 362
Ji Jinjiang was the first to understand, and when he looked back, someone with a high IQ started to make small moves, um, for example, let everyone form a circle instead of sprawling on the ground with a half-dead look.

"This?" The four eyes were clearly confused, and the lip was cleft to the point of bleeding, but he did not forget to gossip.

Ding Ding gave him a chestnut, and his eyes signaled him to shut up. The weak man immediately shut up honestly. Anyway, it was like this, so he just followed them. His four eyes comforted himself, and he was thrown in the middle. He couldn't help sighing, this is the gap, if Brother Jin came, he would definitely not have the ability.

The gold brick in the distance suddenly sneezed a lot, and muttered unconsciously, "Who missed me? Could it be that something happened in the countryside?" For a long time, although the sneezing and the incident were not linked, something happened in the countryside.

I just hope that he can treat it calmly and don't want the volcano to erupt.

Well, let's switch back.The two sides were in such a stalemate, the little girl kicked desperately, trying to escape, but how could Hu Jun let her do what she wanted, and trampled this restless bear to death.

It was not an option for Hu Juan to stare at him like this, so he said loudly, "Why are you standing still, why don't you let him go!"

The bodyguards who are TOP1 in physical fitness, TOP1 in speed, TOP1 in reaction, and TOP[-] in reaction, now finally react with hindsight, and the reflex arc of the brain can completely circle the earth.

He wanted to rush up, but when he looked at the little girl who was trampled by Hu Jun, he obviously didn't dare to make a move. They looked at me and I looked at you, and finally a person stood up and asked, "What do you want?"

Hu Jun shrugged, with a look that you should understand, "We don't violate the river, it's very simple, we leave here, you continue to stay and occupy the mountain as king, just pretend that nothing happened."

If you say this, no one will believe it. It is so difficult to gain the initiative to win. If you really let the tiger go back to the mountain, you will be looking for death.How could Hu Jun not understand this truth.Where would they continue to stay, such a monster would be a scourge and must be killed.

It's just that you need to test something before you can make your next step more secure.

The bodyguard looked at the little girl, and the little girl shook her head desperately. The bodyguard obviously didn't dare to make decisions on her own, and stared at Hu Jun without answering.

This further confirmed Hu Juan's inner guess. This ugly and sinister little girl is indeed the king, and she must have mastered someone. To make these people 100% sincerely bow their heads and surrender, there is no intention of rebellion at all, even if the timing is so good now. good.

Hu Jun let go of the vines binding the girl's mouth and asked, "Why, do you really want to die?"

The little girl went crazy and shouted, "Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" The sound became more and more piercing, revealing that she was getting more and more angry in her heart. She struggled desperately to break free, wishing to poke those eyes blind, But Naihe couldn't move at all, these disgusting things seemed to be locked on his body.

Ever since she became capable, she had never been subjected to such humiliation. She stared at Hu Jun viciously, determined to make this woman unable to survive or die.

Hu Jun looked at her crazy appearance, with a slight smile in his eyes, he was really innocent, no, just stupid.

Hearing the rumbling sound, there was no sign of a large number of things gradually approaching. Hu Jun turned his head and glanced, it was the girl's random soldiers. Unexpectedly, the bodyguards in front of him didn't do anything, but the people outside heard the movement and wanted to rush over.

If it is opened, this group will definitely not work, but since there is such a good weight in hand, it would be a pity not to use it.

Hu Jun kicked the little girl hard, "Tell them to stop." The pain caused the girl to convulse suddenly, it hurt so much, the girl couldn't bear any pain at all, so she had no choice but to say, "Don't come here."

She hates it so much, why they are like this, obviously, they should be toys for her to play with, but she doesn't want to lie here today and get beaten.

Hu Jun threatened the little girl, "Why, do you want your subordinates to send us out obediently? I don't want to make this half of your face bloom." On half of her face, thin burrs gently stroked the girl's cheeks. Such a creepy behavior filled the child with fear. The whole face is scratched, so ugly!
After a fierce psychological struggle, she finally nodded as if to admit defeat, and Hu Jun let go of her mouth again. She pursed her mouth and paused, seeing Hu Juan's expression that seemed to be a smile, and secretly scolded this vicious man in her heart. But the old woman had no choice but to say, "Back off and let them get out of here."

Hearing this, those impregnable bodyguards withdrew like a tide, without any lingering or nostalgia.

Even the head of the bodyguard who always thought he was guarding the little girl and who could occasionally intervene left, leaving only these 32 people.

The little girl looked at the warehouse that soon became empty, and when she thought that there was no one around her now, she felt a little uneasy, but she still pretended to be strong with a dark face, raised her head and said to Hu Jun, "Well, you can let me go .”

Hu Jun shook his head, turned to the people beside him and said, "Leave first, the farther the better, don't stay."

"then you?"

Hu Jun turned his head, stared at them and said one word firmly, "Let's go!"

After all, it was Qi Zhejun who spoke first, "Let's go!" He drew some hesitant people and gradually walked out, staying here would be a burden.

In the end, they walked outside with the help of twos and threes. Some people were worried and looked back from time to time, trying to persuade Hu Juan to come along, but they didn't have the guts to speak.

Obviously, you can take this girl and leave together, why should you stay?They didn't understand, but they didn't have time to ask.

Ji Jinjiang was at the end, and when he was about to go out, he turned his head and glanced at Hu Jun. As if he understood, Hu Jun didn't turn his head, but just raised his hand and waved it from a distance.

The sunshine outside was very bright, which was in stark contrast to the darkness inside. Hu Juan stood alone in that dirty place, his body was straight, standing upright like a green pine, and he didn't feel that he was a weak woman at all. A bit of a rare arrogance.

Ji Jinjiang finally turned around and followed the large army to the outside.

There were many enemies surrounded outside, and they were blocked there, obviously looking unprepared, but watching them come out, they were extremely conscious and quickly made a way silently, winding straight to the gate.

"This?" Someone had no idea, looked left and right, but didn't dare to take a big step.

It was Pan Zhan who strode forward and became the leader. He believed that they would not make a move.

Only then did everyone catch up. Walking on such a small road, you can feel the warm breath of the enemies that are close at hand. As long as they make a light move, they can strangle them to death, making people feel nervous and trembling , Afraid of accidents, the sweat reached his face and he didn't know how to wipe it off. He only had one thought, which was to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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