Chapter 368
Suddenly a voice with a slight smile came in, and said with a strange warmth: "Don't lie to the children, Xiaobing, come here."

It was obviously a cheerful tone calling for the little girl Xiaobing, but she trembled all of a sudden, her whole body was terrified, her eyes were full of fear, panic, despair, and she even looked at Hu Jun unconsciously, with a sad expression on her face. help.

This look is undoubtedly telling Hu Jun that this is a real formidable enemy, even if he still doesn't know anything about him.

As soon as Hu Jun stretched out his hand, the little girl was caught by the vines. She asked hurriedly, "Tell me, what's going on, hurry up!" Her eyes kept on paying attention to her surroundings.

Maybe she was really scared, or maybe she was counting on Hu Jun to save her, anyway, she finally confessed the truth honestly.

The one who bit off the girl was a zombie, but a person, yes, a living person. The little girl thought she was going to die, but unexpectedly she survived. Since then, she has become the man's minion, looking for him all kinds of things. thing.

Whenever you can't finish it, you will suffer great pain. It is a feeling of being on the verge of death, but there is a critical feeling that you can't die, and it is also the most painful feeling.

She was afraid, that's why she watched others kill each other to satisfy herself.

In other words, she was tortured by the pervert, so the pervert tortured other people.

Hu Jun was a little surprised, what was he looking for, but when he asked, "Why didn't you run away?" Since he was afraid, why didn't he run away?

Before Xiaobing could answer, the voice rang again, "Xiaobing is not good, you actually talked so many things to outsiders, didn't you promise me, is this a secret between us?"

Finally, the person who came showed his appearance.

It was a lively young man with slender fingers and good-looking eyebrows. Except for some paleness on his face, he couldn't see any difference from others.

But the moment he came out, Hu Jun felt that the aura around him had changed, the little girl Xiao Bing was trembling, her face turned pale.

"you are?"

"Me?" The man smiled, his smile was gentle and delicate, like a weak scholar, he looked at the woman in front of him, and said calmly but firmly, "I will be your master."

Hearing this, Xiaobing's pupils constricted, and Hu Jun felt an inexplicable deterrent force for no reason.

Ji Jinjiang and the others continued on their way, but they did not expect to see the gold bricks coming towards them, and were a little surprised at their appearance, "You?"

Jinzhu didn't care about the small talk at all, and hurriedly asked, "Did you see a group of children?"

Sometimes, people live their lives for what they want and why they live.

Is it for glory and dedication, or to reach the pinnacle of career, or to have a happy and happy family? Why do some people donate when they are poor? The road of gambling is gone forever, why some people spend the cheated money with peace of mind, probably a hundred people have a hundred thoughts in their minds, but in the final analysis it is to make themselves happy.

Yes, people live a lifetime, and the picture is a word of joy.As long as the heart is happy, I am willing to do even the most bitter and tiring things, just like the saying that is a bit hypocritical, he is arsenic, and my honey is honey.

Since childhood, Erfa has had a dream, that is to go out, leave this small place, and see the outside world.He once secretly flipped through the books of outsiders, and only thought it was a strange but charming place. There were many things he had never seen before, such as discs that could sing, boxes that could make sounds, and big guys that could fly in the sky. .

But whenever he proposed to go out, whether it was his family or friends, they tried to dissuade him time and time again. He looked terrified, as if he had encountered a demon. Erfa knew that they didn't want him to go out at all. When asked why, they often said, It's too dangerous outside.

Is it dangerous outside?
he does not know.

He sat on the edge of the cliff at the back of the mountain, looking at the splashing waterfall on the opposite side, the sound of splashing water could not attract his attention, the flowers all over the mountains and plains also lost their luster, even the birds flying in the sky made him feel very boring .

He longed for the world in the book, singing and dancing, full of charm, but he was regarded as a strange person, and everyone pointed at him, saying that he was that strange boy.

Parents and sisters always persuade him to be safe and sound, and it makes sense for his grandparents to not let him go out for generations.Seeing their flustered faces, he could only swallow his thoughts silently, and gradually he didn't bring up this topic again, but he never forgot in his heart that going out would always be his dream.

Finally, when he became an adult, he fled the village, climbed mountains and ridges, and ran freely to the land of his dreams. Undoubtedly, his heart was excited, happy, and joyful.

All the beautiful words came overwhelmingly, and at that moment, he felt that his life was complete.

When he really stepped into this society, he realized that what makes people happier than satisfaction is surprise.

He has seen such a magical world, it is more wonderful than imagined, it makes people linger, he shuttles among the crowd, enjoys novelty gadgets, he reads books, understands the experience of this society, it is obviously a straightforward text , but he read it with gusto.

At the same time, he also found that he was different from others.

But so what?He knew this early on.

He started to travel in this brand new world. He traveled through many cities and streets, met all kinds of friends, felt their lives, their surging emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, joy and sorrow, no matter what kind of hot.

Obviously everything was so happy, and the happiness made him gradually forget what the villagers said—it was dangerous outside.

Until one day, he was caught.

Completely at a loss, he didn't know what was going on, and when they released the video, the corners of his mouth gradually flattened, and his eyes became condensed.

What he worked so hard to hide was finally discovered. All along, he comforted himself by saying, it's okay, it will definitely not be discovered.

No matter how others asked, he didn't open his mouth, he couldn't say anything, he liked this society, but the people in the village didn't like it, what they wanted was a peaceful life.

One day, two days, three days, when patience is exhausted, no one will fight with him psychologically, using soft or hard means to repeat the same question over and over again.

He sat blankly in the empty house, surrounded by white walls and no windows. Looking at the things tied to his hands, he couldn't help showing a self-deprecating smile.

Thinking of the cities, streets, people, animals, and things he has seen, it seems that this life is worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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