Chapter 369 Fate (1)
He closed his eyes and wanted to end his life.

Hu Juan stood there in a daze, not understanding why the man in front of him told him his experience.A second ago, he was still swearing that he would be his master, and such a reversal made her a little unbearable.

The man opposite, Erfa blinked, and asked Hu Jun in the mood, "Do you know what I went through afterwards?"

Of course Hu Jun knew, because she had carefully studied the materials on drug research later, but she shook her head unconsciously, as if she could feel that this man was so eager to share his experience with others, even if it was so painful , It was like swallowing sulfuric acid, which made him so painful that he couldn't breathe.

"Oh." He sighed softly, his eyes lowered, but he couldn't hide the endless grief and lamentation, his voice was as gentle as ever, "They didn't let me die, they tied me up."

"You know that feeling? Can't eat anything, can't drink, can't move, every day is like a piece of raw meat, being handled by them, blood drawn, tested, cut, oh yes, and a lot of pain The training. The feeling is too uncomfortable, but it is not the most unacceptable. They actually use my flesh and blood to create monsters. Every time they look at those monsters, their eyes shine, but they are not Me, after all, they will turn their excitement into grief and anger, and all their emotions will lean on me."

He paused, as if he was recalling something, and he seemed to be hesitating. After waiting for a while, he continued, "So, I ran away."

Escaped, such a light word, but brought such a great tribulation to this world.

It can be said that he is the beginning of all destruction. If he does not leave the village, he will not be discovered or studied. If he does not flee, he will not release a large number of zombies, and there will be no doomsday.

Hu Jun asked Yi Zheng what to say, but he still couldn't open his mouth.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the human heart, which cannot be satisfied.

Why have there been one, two or three industrial revolutions? Each technological innovation brings a qualitative leap and changes people’s lives. People 100 years ago may never have imagined that people today use electricity every day. I can't even live, and I never imagined that there are such advanced gadgets as mobile phones and computers.

Only because there is creativity and research motivation can new items be produced.

If their research is really successful, maybe people will have supernatural powers and live like a superman, maybe, human beings will enter a new chapter.

It's a pity that there is no possibility, no new chapter, only the real doomsday, and the place like purgatory is the planet they are on.

Success and Xiao He defeated Xiao He, probably this is what it means.

Hu Jun looked at Erfa for a long time, his eyes were very beautiful, not brown, but a deep dark green with a hint of emerald green, his eyes were very calm, like the surface of a lake, looking clear to the bottom, she finally said, "Go back, After all, this place is not suitable for you to live in."

Erfa showed a questioning and amused expression, Hu Jun shook his head, and just repeated, "It's not the world that's dangerous outside, but the human heart."

She actually felt a little hurt in her heart, and she didn't know how to comfort the man in front of her who was riddled with holes. He had a crystal glass heart, but it was crushed and crushed by others. Even though it was covered with ashes, his essence never changed.

However, he was obviously wrong.

This kind of fact made Hu Juan feel sad and inexplicably uncomfortable, like being thrown into a five-flavored bottle, he couldn't express it, he couldn't understand it, but it made people want to cry.

Since the end of the world, her emotions have always been passive, like a puppet in advance, forced to do many things, in fact, many things are not what she wants.

At first, it was a matter of the uncle's house, then it was the matter of the city A base, and then it was the escape, the New Hope base.

Her life after the end of the world, or after her rebirth, is very busy, making decisions of one kind or another every day for other people's affairs.

Before the end of the world, I endured it, hoarding supplies like a hamster, and didn't enjoy the last good time.

When the end of the world happened, she was afraid that her parents would suffer, so she huddled in that house until those people appeared, and she was forced to leave there and started a life of escape.

Even saving Xu Langyu and the other three had evil intentions. She was lacking in ability, so she hoped to rely on others to make up for it.Then came the matter of the uncle's family. In fact, she shouldn't care about it. No matter what the ending is, she should have let go of the matter at the beginning.

Uncle, Hu Qian, Hu Yue, Niu Yong, and even Hu Dong.

In fact, none of them brought her hardships. Uncle’s stubbornness killed her, Hu Qian’s selfishness hurt her, Hu Yue’s ignorance broke his heart, and Niu Yong made her understand that people are cheap. As for Hu Dong, he is obedient, but this is not her responsibility at all, nor is it the parents' obligation. To take care of such a young child, to make him have no worries about food and clothing, and to make him understand the society in different ways.

In addition, there are many scattered things, such as going out to look for steel this time, and small to the relationship between the neighbors of the base. Although she looks like nothing, she has long been worried about these things.

No one wants to take care of so much shit, but she can't let it go, because she understands that if she doesn't take care of it, no one will take care of it. Now her heart is made of stone bumps, and she can't cover it with heat.

Even now, she has been passive all the time because she can't let these children be alone in her heart, otherwise she would have known many things long ago.

Hu Jun's life is always unclear, and she doesn't know what the future will hold, she doesn't know what she should do in the future, so she can only say, "Then, what do you want to do in the future?"

Alpha smiled, a very sincere smile, "I want to leave."

Hu Juan was taken aback for a moment, and asked puzzledly, "Leave, where are you going?"

Erfa only smiled, but didn't speak, he walked slowly towards Hu Jun, only then did Hu Jun realize that he was really thin, like a paper man, a gust of wind could blow him away.

He walked really gracefully, with light steps and his own rhythm, but the road that was obviously tens of meters was walked out by him for a century. He stood at Hu Jun and looked at the girl in front of him. , Hu Juan looks very good, or in other words, he looks very much like a person, a person who lives deeply in his heart, for that person.

He sometimes thinks, if that person was still there, he wouldn't be where he is today, like a devil, but it's good to see him again.

He asked Hu Jun seriously, "You will take care of your base, right?"

This is natural, it was her hard work, Hu Jun nodded subconsciously.

Erfa looked a little happy. He looked at Hu Jun with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see a hole in her face. Even Hu Jun, who had been surrounded by people for a long time, couldn't stand the scorching heat.

(End of this chapter)

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