Chapter 392 The Sloppy Man (2)
He laughed, and his shoulders rose and fell, "Do you think you can still open that passage? Go try it, you can't go back, you can only stay here." His eyes were full of jokes, suddenly It is full of brilliance, not like the decadent state just now, as if I found something fun, very excited.

Hu Juan avoided talking about it, and asked calmly, "What is your purpose?"

The conversation this time was too wrong, let alone talking about it, there was no focus, and it didn't even look like the conversation the enemy had seen. He would be furious and excited at one moment, and the atmosphere was very weird.

He smiled brightly, and it was only then that Hu Juan faintly realized that this person was actually not very old, but because he hadn't taken care of him for a long time, he looked like an uncle in his thirties and forties. He had beautiful eyes, really They were beautiful and outrageous eyes, obviously so dark, but there seemed to be stars in his eyes, dazzling and gorgeous.

He didn't answer Hu Juan's question, but continued to say according to his own thoughts, "That channel has a mechanism, and I knew from the position you appeared in that you were deceived." His tone sounded a little happy, but also Somewhat annoyed, it was weird to make the hairs stand on end.

Hu Juan took half a step back and wanted to run away instinctively. It had nothing to do with his abilities, but a psychological problem. Being with a pervert is so scary!
"You think there are good people on the mountain, but they are all disgusting, cowardly, self-righteous parasites!" He continued to speak viciously, his eyes full of resentment.

Hu Jun coughed, trying to awaken his human consciousness, "Old Yang is dead, and now the monks in the temple are in charge." She meant that the mountain is much better now, and I hope he will not run away. Hu Jun always feels that the next second He will run away and become an Ultraman, no, it should be a little monster!

"Monk?" He sneered, turned to look at Hu Jun, as if he had heard some joke, and said sarcastically, "You actually believe them?"

Seeing the surprise in Hu Jun's eyes, he raised his head arrogantly, "Yes, they do love all living beings, but do you know what all living beings are in their eyes?" Hu Juan's eyes were reflected in his eyes, and Hu Jun could read resentment and anger from his eyes, "Only those who believe in them like dogs are all living beings, and the rest are all trash, all of them deserve to die! Damn it!"

The two were close to each other, his thick hair was tied on Hu Juan's face, but Hu Juan didn't move at all, and stared at him abruptly, as if to see through his strange heart at this moment.

"They are a group of people-eating devils. Hehehe, you have been deceived too. You thought you had won against Lao Yang, but ended up getting stuck here." The more he said, the happier he seemed, but his eyes were full of sadness and sadness. Depressed, like a wild animal trapped in a cage, howls that cannot be escaped.

Hu Jun didn't know what he had experienced, but it was obvious that his mind was a little deranged, "We will leave here, please tell me how to leave here."

"Leave here?" He sneered, strode back, thought for a while and said, "Zombies are not the biggest problem..."

Suddenly, he let go, and said quietly, "If you can go, go." He turned around and pushed Hu Juan out, and slammed the door shut.

This capricious character is comparable to Juneday, a woman's face.

Without explaining anything to others, Hu Juan frowned and hurried back to the exit. She tried to open it, but it was useless, and she couldn't open it at all.

"Earthquake!" All that remained were screams, and after a while, the vibration stopped without causing any casualties.

When he regained his composure, he realized that the passage had long been buried and covered by mud. Hu Juan swept his eyes behind him, and the tunnel he came from had actually disappeared like this.

How could this be?
Hu Jun was full of surprise, could it be an earthquake?

She suppressed the surprise in her heart, ignored everyone's surprised and curious expressions, took a deep breath, turned her head and said, "Assemble!"

Soon, a group of people gathered in an office, and there were also a group of strangers inside. They were all managers of these small factories. They were suppressed by force at the moment, and looked at Hu Jun honestly and flatteringly.

What they heard, saw, met, and their chiefs all admit defeat, let them fully recognize the reality, have no idea of ​​being brave and good at fighting, just think about being able to survive, and whoever they are with is in their hearts. the same.

The phrase "If you have milk, you are a mother" is really perfect to describe them.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

This question doesn't seem quite right, but think about it, people can say whatever they ask, and they are the boss, so it doesn't matter what they say.Everyone, you say it, I say it, the content is not bad, either you were assigned here after you escaped from a disaster by accident, or you were assigned here when you escaped to the mountain with a supernatural ability.

"Supervise production? Why supervise here?" Hu Jun continued to ask in a cold voice.

They look at me, I look at you, this question is strange, why can it be.Finally, the prisoner who followed all the way honestly said, "Because, because there is food to eat."

Everyone nodded, their eyes were full of sincerity, they were here to supervise because they had food to eat, otherwise why would they be here, they were full of zombies, risking their lives at all... Although, the zombies were isolated.

Hu Jun nodded, his face expressionless, which made them feel a little bit drummed. Could it be that the answer was wrong?But the fact is that it is for food.

After a long time, Hu Jun asked again, "Why did you leave here?"

"Leave here? We haven't left here." These words stunned them, but after they finished speaking, they reflected, hey, they never left.They eat well here, dress warmly, and have no other thoughts. Be prepared for danger in times of peace has never appeared in their minds, the simplicity is terrible.

Asking here and there, the answer was very bad, Hu Juan waved his hand to let them go down, rubbed between his brows, full of helplessness, silently wondering what he was thinking about.

Seeing this, everyone vaguely understood something in their hearts. Even a child like a kid at least understood that today he couldn't leave here, so he hurriedly took the initiative to help everyone cook.

That sloppy man is a monk in the temple. What does it have to do with the dead old man?
Hu Jun climbed to the top of the building in two or three steps. Looking down from the top, tsk tsk, it's still really spectacular, full of zombies, and this infrastructure project is covered by countless wall-climbing plants, which guarantees a certain degree of safety.

"What, what's that sound?" The kid shivered while cooking. Why did he feel that there were so many zombies around?Probably not.

(End of this chapter)

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