Chapter 393 Riot
Fang Jia glanced down at the soup in the pot, and said coldly, "It's a zombie, because the machine stopped working, so I heard the voice of the zombie." Moreover, the number of zombies should be many, many... …

The kid's legs trembled in fright, and he almost knocked over the pot.

Not only was he scared, but the workers who were bound together were even more scared. They knew that they might die someday, but the voice was too terrifying, as if it was urging them to die, and who were the newcomers? who?Is it necessary to deal with them?

They would rather work day and night than die.

At midnight, when the moon was in the sky, everyone was supposed to be sleeping, but everyone was sober. The roar of the zombies was getting louder and louder, as if they were close at hand. In fact, it was not special for "desperadoes" like them Difficulty sleeping peacefully.

It's just that it's all because of the roaring sound and the sobbing sound, and the mixture of these two sounds is annoying.

Those low sobbing sounds come from the factory where a large number of workers gather. The workers who have nothing to do but can’t sleep are full of cranky thoughts, as if they are going to feed the hordes of zombies outside in the next second. Fear makes them complain, Weeping, they were too timid to even curse out loud.

There are many people lying side by side in the big office, and the situation on the floor makes it easy for everyone to understand each other's movements. They should be snoring loudly, but they are extremely quiet, which means that no one of them is asleep at all.

Qi Zhejun sighed, stood up, and said to someone, "I'll go and have a look, I can't sleep if I go on like this." After speaking, he put on a coat and left.

I don't know what he said, anyway, the crying sound disappeared after a while, leaving only the howling of zombies, and everyone fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, everyone opened their eyes, and the sky was already bright. Maybe it was because it was too safe here, maybe it was because they hadn’t slept well before, or maybe it was because they slept too late last night. short.

Hearing what was being put on clothes inside, the kid knew that everyone was up. He poked his head to confirm that everyone was awake, and said happily, "The meal is ready, and we can eat it in a while."

Anyone who hears it can eat directly will be in a good mood. Fang Jia gave him a thumbs up while putting on his pants, "Not bad."

Shy, he ran away immediately after hearing the praise, his heart was full of happiness, he would be happy if he could do something for everyone, and it was also his happiest thing, as long as he was not trash, he would not be abandoned.

He hastily divided up the cooked porridge, steamed buns and pickles, and seeing that everyone had already got one, he hurriedly picked up another and went out.

Seeing him in a hurry, Fang Jia called out, "Why are you going?"

He turned around and replied seriously, "Go and deliver food to Miss Hu." At some point, he stopped calling sister Hu Juan, and followed everyone else to call Miss Hu.

Fang Jia nodded, thoughtfully, when he just got up, he really didn't see Hu Jun's figure, it was really not easy to get up so early.

Seeing Fang Jia nodding, the little devil ran away again.

"This kid is very sensible." Xu Langyu, who walked over from the side, glanced at the little ghost, and commented that he was really sensible. None of the children in the base at this age could cook, although they really studied hard and worked hard. Zombies are actually spoiled children who stretch out their clothes to eat and open their mouths.

Fang Jia nodded, and said casually, "It's normal for a newcomer."

Many people have already started to eat. Everyone eats what they should, and they feel at ease. They don’t feel that there is anything wrong with eating breakfast without working. In fact, sometimes, it is already a sign of acceptance for others to eat what you cook.

If the little ghost is not active and takes the initiative to undertake the labor, I am afraid that he will not have the opportunity to sleep with everyone now. Maybe when he encounters a zombie, everyone will forget about him and no one cares about him. At least for now, his performance is very good. will not be forgotten.

Sometimes this is the case. Opportunities not only need to be grasped by oneself, but also created by oneself.

As a result, Hu Jun said softly, "Thank you."

The little ghost blushed with excitement, and shook his head like a rattle. He didn't need to thank him at all, this was what he should do.

"Have you eaten?" Hu Jun glanced at him.

He lowered his head, and said in the same voice as a mosquito, "Eat it."

Hu Jun lowered his head and smiled, thought about something, broke off half of the steamed bun and handed it to him: "Eat it."

He shook his head a little flattered, but in the end Hu Jun stuffed the steamed bun into his hand, and he was actually quite happy in his heart.

"Are you scared?" Hu Jun took a bite of the steamed bun and looked at the densely packed zombies in the distance.

The little devil gritted his teeth, and answered honestly: "I'm afraid." The steamed buns smell so good, he was very happy when he learned yesterday that he ate the steamed buns today, and he was in a great mood when cooking, just smelling it smelled delicious.

However, there were so few steamed buns that he didn't eat them.Now that the mantou really bites down, I feel that it is [-] times more delicious than imagined.

Seeing his timid look, Hu Jun smiled. He was really scared. Yes, she was also afraid of zombies in the same way. Zombies seem to be at the top of the food chain when they appear. The relationship between predation and predation.

Soon, after finishing the food, she went down.

Everyone was already ready, even those who had been demoted from the leaders to become prisoners since they were young, stood aside obediently, obediently like Hu Jun's little soldiers, Hu Jun didn't care about them, after a glance, they were right Everyone said, "Count the number of people, and I will collect the equipment."

When passing by the door of the warehouse where the workers gathered, many people were cautiously looking out through the windows. They looked incompetent and ridiculous, and countless eyes watched Hu Jun leave.

By the way, Hu Jun didn't even look at those workers, because it wasn't necessary.

When passing through the sloppy man's house to go to the steel factory, the man didn't move at all, as if he didn't care, and seemed to silently allow her action.

There are indeed a lot of equipment here, which are tailor-made for the New Hope Base. Not only do they have the steel processing equipment they need, but there are even large tools for processing food, which is really profitable.

I don't think so, Hu Jun showed a bright smile, very happy in his heart.

At least this trip was not in vain. After returning, the base will definitely enter a new stage.

Just when Hu Jun was enjoying himself, Ding Ding rushed in with panic, grabbed Hu Jun and said, "It's not good, there's a riot!"

(End of this chapter)

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