Chapter 424
Let's grow up, the children in the base now are not as willful as her.

After hearing this statement, Lele covered his face and wept. Why did his pair of sons and daughters look like this? They should be the closest people in the world.

"Why do we have to grow up? The points we left behind will allow her to live a good life." Lele sobbed and said, no matter how much she disagreed with her daughter, it was the flesh that fell from her body, and she felt sorry for her.

"Don't cry, you must be able to protect yourself in order to survive in the last days."

Lu Jingsheng sighed. Compared with the affairs of the base, his own affairs made him more worried.

Every family has its cupboard.

Lu Leluo was sent to a closed training camp in just two days. It was different from the school, where closed teaching was carried out, and it was very hard and exhausting.

The one who entered with her was his younger brother, Lu Lechen.

The training camp has a small class system, and there are not many people in it, only 100 people, ten people per class.

The two are the two youngest students in this period, and the oldest student is 30 years old. There are more men than women.

They will receive extreme physical training, and the reason is that in order to have better physical fitness, they can well accept the blessing of the medicine god.That's right, this training camp is for those unqualified base residents who want to inject drugs.Of course, there are also a small number of people who enter voluntarily to enhance their physique.

Few people have vitality, because the intensity is so great, it is like training a superhuman who can fight against small monsters.Without a strong heart and strong spiritual support, one definitely thinks that one is living in hell, unable to survive or die every day.

"I'm so exhausted." Lu Lerao complained after training all day.When I got back to the dormitory, it was dirty and smelly, and it was clearly written on my face, I was so annoying.

But no matter how much she complained, no one paid any attention to it. Everyone was so tired that they were all busy, and they were about to turn off the lights and go to sleep. Everyone came here with a clear purpose, especially women, who cherished the opportunity. ignore her.

Due to physical innate conditions, very few women are selected to become supernatural beings by injecting drugs.

For this reason, many people specially came to the training camp, hoping to have the opportunity. After all, if women do not become supernatural beings, it is very difficult for women to have the opportunity to become civil servants at the base.

There are very few administrative positions, and most positions are still reserved for people who have the status of supernatural beings as a prerequisite.

Now that he clearly knew his purpose of coming here, he naturally had no time to comfort this angry Miss Jiao.

On the third day of training, Lu Lerao was completely enraged.

"I can't run down! I want to go home!" In the afternoon, Lu Leluo already had countless blisters on his feet, and when he heard that he was going to run 10 laps with a load, he quit and turned his back.

The instructor put on a coffin face, "Immediately carry out weight-bearing running training!" It looked like you would die if you didn't run.

"It's just common people, what's so great about it, what's the prestige." Lu Lerao didn't like this, she knew in her heart that these people didn't dare to do anything to her, and her father was the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The instructor's face turned pale. He had never seen such a stubborn student. He acted according to the rules, but it was really unreasonable to be said so!
"Since you are in the training camp, you must abide by all the regulations here and accept all the training! Now, immediately, run 10 laps with a load!" The instructor shouted, his veins were exposed, and he was really angry.

Since taking this class, it has never been better.

This kind of battle quickly attracted the attention of many people on the playground. The members of Lu Lerao's class naturally watched while running.

"Lu Lerao is your sister, hey, are you two really different?"

In the end, Lu Lerao was crying, complaining, complaining, and running with a heavy load, and the people in the training camp also kept her at arm's length.

On the contrary, Lu Lechen actively participated in the training. Even though he was young and not very active, he was surprisingly popular.

The two are like the north and south poles, with different miracles, and most importantly, there is little or no intersection, just like now, the elder sister is obviously crying, but the younger brother is running obediently, completely ignoring it.

Lu Lechen had a sullen face and didn't speak. The man thought he was angry, so he stopped talking embarrassingly.

He may not know, but in fact Lu Lechen is speechless, such a sister, don't mind.

After Chen Lei reported the work, Hu Jun asked, "How are the two of the Lu family doing there?"

Although Chen Lei didn't understand why Hu Juan cared so much about the two of them, she quickly replied, "Lu Lechen is fine, he adapted to the training very quickly, but Lu Lerao is very uncomfortable and always wants to leave. I want to see my daughter, but according to your instructions, I didn't agree, and I didn't disclose the inside information."

Hu Jun nodded appreciatively, and said with a smile, "Children, there is always a period of rebellion. Let the instructors in the training camp take care of her and restrain her more. I believe that she will definitely shine after coming out of the training camp. "

Listening to Hu Jun's words, Chen Lei trembled unconsciously. It seemed that she had to educate her son well when she got home, and never become a playboy.

Hence, no matter how angry and scolding Lu Lerao was, he still couldn't escape the training camp.

On the contrary, the instructor became more and more severe to her. Even if she stood still, the demon instructor had ten thousand ways to make her complete the training.

When Lu Lerao came out from the inside, she had evolved from a fair and lovely girl to a dark, muscular and violent girl.

"Why did you let me go there!" She put her hands on the coffee table and stared at her parents angrily.

Like a bomb that was about to explode, Lele looked at her daughter in surprise. After only a month, why did her daughter become like this, and she felt distressed and wanted to touch her face.

Before she touched her hand, she was beaten flying by her daughter, Lu Lerao was impatient.

At this time, Lu Lechen happened to be back home. He was carrying a bag, and after slowly opening the door, he looked at the three people who were in a stalemate. atmosphere of.

Anyway, you can tell at a glance that Lu Lerao is looking for trouble, scoff.

The parents looked at each other, why the relationship between the two had gone through hellish training, and the relationship still hadn't improved. The daughter became more and more irritable, and felt that everything was ineffective.

Before his parents could say anything, Lu Lechen had already returned to the room.

"I know you don't like me at all, you only like Lu Lechen, why didn't you strangle me back then!"

"Send me to such a place, I will die!"

After Lu Lerao lost his temper, he also returned to the room.

Every word of the daughter's words pierced the heart. Apart from being chilled, the couple was also chilled. They knew that they were partial because their son was well-behaved and knew how to share.

(End of this chapter)

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