Chapter 425 Really Understand
But if you ask yourself, they also care about their daughter. Not to mention food and clothing, they basically follow her wishes in everything, and buy whatever they want. Mom and Dad will spend time with her in order to avoid her having an opinion on her brother. , Whether it's heart-to-heart talk or communication, it doesn't matter whether you don't care about it.

Even for this training, they found acquaintances and even sent Lu Lechen in, hoping that she would pass the hard training and become more mature.

The old residents of the base already knew that the Lu family had a spoiled and spoiled young lady.

Now, even many new residents have learned that the Lu family has a girl who is not easy to mess with.

The reason why everyone knows it is because this group of people who came out of the training camp silently spread the word about Lu Lerao's behavior, not for anything else, at least their own children should not mess with her at school.

She is irritable, impatient, arrogant, and has a strong sense of hierarchy.

On the other hand, Lu Lechen, because of his outstanding performance in this training camp, has become more and more famous among the children, and has a faint reputation as the number one.

I really don't know if I should be happy or angry with this result.

Lele and Lu Jingsheng's lives are in a mess now, and their daughter's temper is getting worse and she gets angry at every turn. The teachers at the school have visited the house several times.

Even for Minister Lu Jingsheng's face, the teacher held back and kept silent. The more times he did it, the more annoying he became.He has complained countless times that Lu Jingsheng is proud of his career, but I don't know how many people secretly say that he only cares about work and doesn't know how to educate his daughter.

They have educated countless times, and the consequences are not good every time.

Soft and hard are useless, rewards are not good, and communication is not good.The couple even went to find Lu Lechen, hoping that he could communicate with his sister, but Lu Lechen just shook his head coolly, "No."

In any case, she was his own sister, the closest person in the world, but it seemed that something was deeply engraved in her mind, she was unwilling to die, and even fled to Hu Jun's house to avoid persuasion. one night.

Lu Lerao has become the biggest headache for the Lu couple.

On this day, Lele happened to get together with A Yin.

Unconsciously, the two talked about their own children.

"Mumu still doesn't like to talk, and stays gloomy in his room every day. I'm really worried that he will get sick." A Yin said to Lele with some complaints, "Although Mumu's personality is not cheerful enough, It's just shyness, who would have thought that it would look like this now."

"Don't like to talk, just grow up. But look at Rao Rao, what can I do with her temper?" Lele frowned, almost killing a mosquito.

The whole base knew about their family's affairs. There was a difficult child in the family, who was restless and noisy every day.

"Maybe it's because she is too pampered at home and doesn't know the hardships of life, so why not let her move out and live here?" A Yin tentatively suggested to Lele.

Lele hesitated, "Well, she's so young, can't she?" She doesn't even know how to wash socks, so how can she go out.

"Yes, many orphans live by themselves, and the base has different degrees of preferential policies for those under the age of 18, under the age of 16, and under the age of 10. Besides, we can also secretly Help her. After all, she has successfully stayed in the training camp for a month, and she has the courage, but what she lacks is to deal with real problems." A Yin kept persuading.

Lele thinks about it, it seems to be the same.

In terms of living conditions, I dote on my daughter too much, so that she doesn't know the hardships of life.The two Xiaoxia brothers grew up alone, and now they are like little adults, with a good appearance and their own jobs.

Xiao Xia has become Hu Jun's right-hand man. Thinking about it this way, it seems that her own daughter can do the same.

This topic was quickly turned over, but Lele kept it in mind, and wanted to go back and have a good chat with her husband.

Soon, the couple reached a consensus to let their daughter go out independently.

She has to rely on herself for all living expenses, and the school curriculum is naturally changed to part-time work-study.

"I don't want it." When Lu Lerao heard that he had moved out, his face collapsed immediately.

"Now the children are independent and obedient. Since you are disobedient, you make trouble in class every day, and you don't want to go to school. Since you don't want to go to school, you should go out to work and contribute to the base. Naturally, parents will not support you anymore. , we only raise children who need to study." Lele said to her daughter solemnly.

I thought it would take a long time to persuade, but the unexpected daughter readily agreed, "Okay, then you give me points, and I will go out."

"You have to earn the points by yourself. Mom and Dad can help you rent the house for the first month, but you have to rely on yourself for the points for eating, okay?" Lele was a little proud, and unexpectedly thought that her daughter was actually a sensible and obedient person. Good boy.

Unexpectedly, Lele said surprisingly, "Why, you think you can get rid of me so easily, no way! Divorce still needs points, not to mention that I am underage, you must give me points, otherwise don't expect me to leave!" She He folded his arms, looking like a rogue.

Unexpectedly, the daughter turned out to be in such a posture.

Lele always thought that the only reason why her daughter didn't leave must be because she couldn't bear her parents, but she didn't expect that she couldn't bear her points. Could it be that points are more important than parents?
She is so young, how can she be so utilitarian!
Lele's eyes are full of hurt, and her heart is full of pain. How did she raise her daughter like this.

The previous Rao Rao was lively, cheerful, optimistic, a weird girl, but she grew up to be so mundane, she lowered her head, her heart was sour, what was wrong.

No matter what, in the end it was Lu Jingsheng who was cruel and directly packed up his daughter and sent her out.As everyone knows, every child has a different personality, just like some children are born to love beauty, some are born to love to eat, and some are born to love to cry, all of which must be guided slowly.

For the first time, Lu Jingsheng clearly realized that his daughter's thinking was deformed and must be controlled!

Lu Lerao cursed, cried, and kicked wildly.

Nothing stopped her from leaving the house, and when she was thrown into a small house, she was left with enough raw food for a week.She wanted to go back, but was stopped outside her community.

"Let go of me! That's my home!" she screamed, kicking the security guard like crazy, but the security guard turned a blind eye and refused to open the door.

Enough crying and enough fuss, seeing it was getting dark, she had no choice but to go back to her home.

Ayin and Lele stood aside, watching Lu Lerao's actions.

Lele cried and covered her mouth, her heart was so bitter, tears were streaming down her face, she really wanted to take her daughter back, but she couldn't.

A Yin only patted her on the back, "It's okay, the president." But he couldn't bear it.And the reason why she dared to persuade her boldly was because Chen Lei had approached her. Chen Lei's words might be what Hu Jun meant, and A Yin could only obey.

(End of this chapter)

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