Chapter 435 Perseverance
Hearing this, Hu Jun nodded naturally, there is nothing to stop things like revenge.

"Mumu, come with us too."

"He's going?" But then it became clear that Pan Mu's illness has never been better. The old man said that he was a demon, and he might have gone to solve the murderer, so he spoke spontaneously.So he nodded, one more is not too much, one less is not much, besides, he is not responsible for it, so go ahead.

Pan Zhan walked forward, but Xiao Kong appeared out of nowhere on his back foot, and Hu Jun somehow had an ominous premonition in his heart.Sure enough, the premonition was true, Xiao Kong said cheerfully, "Let's also go to Shen Jiacheng's base to see."

"What are you making trouble for?" Hu Juan rolled his eyes at him, not wanting to talk to him at all, why did everyone know that Shen Jiacheng was leaving, and wanted to follow him, thinking it was a trip!
"I always feel that something good will happen if I go there." Xiao Kong folded his hands behind his back, shaking his head like an old pedant, his eyes glistening.

Hu Juan held his forehead with one hand, knowing in his heart that even if he didn't agree, Xiao Kong would follow, so he nodded feebly, "Go, go."

Brother and sister Pan Zhan and Pan Mu all wanted to go, and Xiao Kong also asked to follow.

Hu Juan thought about it, and then followed.I don't have the idea of ​​bringing other people along. Anyway, it's not about my own base, so don't waste the people in my base. It's winter, everyone should keep fat at home.

Soon, the base knew that Hu Jun was going to help Shen Jiacheng, and many passionate young people wanted to go together.It was very touching to see that posture, but it's a pity that Hu Juan's two words 'no' extinguished their passionate flame.

She didn't raise them to work for others. If she had this thought, she might as well study hard. If she had too much energy, she would go to the training camp to stay.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became honest.Actually, I didn't want to go that much.

"I'm going out again." Mother Hu asked while helping Hu Jun pack up, she was somewhat reluctant, "Can we come back for the Spring Festival?"

"Not necessarily." Hu Jun didn't have a clue in his mind. If everything went well, it might be possible, but things like taking back the base would probably be difficult to go smoothly.

Mother Hu sighed, lowered her head, and continued to work.

She is very old, her black hair is getting less and less, and there are many age spots on her face, which is a bit sad.However, at least Hu Jun has allowed her and her father to live to this day, which is considered a success.

"Mom, if you and my dad are bored, we should go out more often."

"We don't like to move, it's good to be at home." There are many things going out, so it's better to relax at home.

Hearing this, Hu Jun understood something. After thinking about it, he finally said, "I heard that Hu Yue has a girlfriend. Let her come to your house to accompany you when you have time."

Mother Hu looked up at Hu Jun incredulously, she couldn't hide her surprised expression.

Hu Jun smiled slightly. The girl's family background is very clean, she is hardworking and capable, and has a sweet mouth. Thinking about it, it is perfect to accompany the old man.

The day before departure, Ran Tao came to find him and said, "I'll go too."

Hu Jun really wanted to reply without taste, fuck your sister.However, she was scruples about her image, so she asked reservedly, "What are you going to do?"

Ran Tao didn't ask any questions, but insisted rarely, as if he wouldn't leave if she didn't agree.

She had no choice but to nod her head, let's go, everyone, really, it's winter and you have to run outside, everyone is dishonest.

Early the next morning, everyone set off on the road. Shen Jiacheng brought 100 strong men, including You Yefeng.Yang Yi and Xiong Zhuang also wanted to go, but unfortunately they were not healthy, so they were pushed away by You Yefeng.

Hu Jun brought three members of the Pan family, Xiao Kong and Ran Tao, a total of six people.

Before leaving, Chen Lei handed her a small bag, and when she took a break, she saw that it was a warm patch invented by the base.

Hu Jun didn't know what to feel in his heart, it was a little numb and a little sour.

When it's cold, she seldom goes out on missions, every time she is surrounded by General Ji Jin, and only he knows that she is very afraid of the cold.It's not that the body is cold, but the heart is cold.But the two have basically had no contact outside of work since that incident.

She didn't know, or she didn't want to get too close to him, for fear that once they were together, it would be difficult to extricate themselves.

This walk lasted nearly ten days, eating and sleeping in the open.The two groups of people live in peace and harmony. On the road, they accidentally encountered the first snow of this winter.Goose feathers and heavy snow fluttered, making people's teeth chatter from the cold.

The further we walked, the colder the weather, and the deeper the snow on the road. It was really one step at a time, and it was useless to try to go faster.

Soon, they came to a lake.It is really a very large lake, which can't be seen at a glance.

Hu Jun didn't know the way, so he had no impression of this lake.Someone had a flash of inspiration and suggested, "It's frozen here, why don't we walk on the lake."

"It's too dangerous, what if you encounter a zombie fish." Some conservatives were very worried.

"What are you afraid of? The ice layer is very thick, and they will definitely not be able to get out. We can save a lot of time by going from here." It turns out that to reach the destination, it is reasonable to say that there is still a big circle, and even a mountain on the way. , but if you walk here, you can save a lot of time.

A lot of people are moved, and it's just like dying to climb the mountains in snowy weather.

"The zombie fish have sharp teeth, maybe they can crush the ice." A Yin kindly suggested that she had seen this kind of thing with her own eyes, but she couldn't say enough.After all, climbing the snow-capped mountains is not an easy task, and the degree of difficulty is not necessarily lower than here.

"It should be fine. The water here is from the same source as the reservoir built in my base, so it will be fine." Shen Jiacheng thought about it, and decided to take a shortcut.

Ah, it sounds like it's okay.Besides, he looks confident, so everyone has to believe it.

Hu Jun and the others had no objections, and they did what they said.

She has seen zombie fish and big octopus, and she can only hope that there are really no zombie fish here, and she can get through it safely.

However, Hu Jun found that Xiaokong was not interested in what was under the ice at all, and his eyes were fixed on the bottom, although he didn't look at anything.

"What did you find?" Hu Jun asked him in a low voice, Xiao Kong covered his mouth and laughed like a fox, "Of course it's a good thing."

Hearing this, Hu Juan's brain hurts. What Xiaokong said is a good thing is definitely not a good thing!

Everyone walked on the ice carefully, but unexpectedly nothing happened, so all worries were unnecessary, and everyone reached their destination smoothly.

Even in snowy weather, we arrived at the destination one-third faster than the scheduled time, which is really lucky.

Everyone believes that this is an excellent start and the base will surely be recaptured smoothly.Everyone's confidence soared, and they excitedly started to arrange plans.

(End of this chapter)

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