Chapter 436 Busy Work (1)
"We'll send someone in to have a look and make plans."

"But this man?"

"I'll go," a thin old man stood up. This old man is a speeder, but no matter how fast he can't escape the encirclement and interception, everyone shook their heads, he can't.

The old man saw that everyone was suspicious, and smiled mysteriously. Suddenly, his body changed, his bones creaked, like secondary growth, and his face also changed significantly.Even the originally bald head grew thick hair like oxytocin.

Soon, under everyone's amazed eyes, a short, middle-aged rough man with a strange face was replaced in front of him. No one knew him.

"I am a dual-line ability user, and one of them is disguise." The old man replied with some pride, even Hu Jun was a little scared by him.

Shen Jiacheng nodded, yes, that's why he insisted on taking the old man on the road.

"Can I change my appearance at will?" This is a question from members of the Appearance Association.

The old man nodded, "Generally, it's fine."

"You're so powerful, why don't you usually dress up?" Someone asked aloud, after all, the old man's usual state is really sloppy.

"I will last at most 5 days for this disguise technique, and I can rest for a long time after one time."

But it's definitely not enough for one person, so we have to make a pair.

Pan Mu silently stood up and said that he was going.

"You're too young." Shen Jiacheng shook his head. He probably also knew the level of Pan Mu's family in the base. Although he was just asking, he didn't want to take any risks.I'm afraid that he will break up because of an accident, and the loss outweighs the gain.

On the contrary, Pan Zhan put his hands on his son's shoulders and said firmly, "Let him go. It's easy to attract suspicion by himself. It's better to be older and younger."

Seeing this, You Yefeng agreed, "Yes, they must be very strict now, why don't you pretend to be a father and son."

Soon, the old man and He brought Pan Mu into the base.In order to match the characteristics of eating and sleeping in the open, some modifications were made to the appearance of the two.

The base had already changed its appearance, and the two looked like a homeless father and son, but they didn't attract anyone's attention. After some inspections, they easily got in.

The old man knew that there would be a total of five days, but he couldn't rush to start immediately. He pretended not to understand anything, first found a place at the base, and then started looking for a job, as if he really wanted to live in peace.

Pan Mu didn't speak, much less, and stayed at home honestly.

The old man has lived to such an advanced age and can survive in the last days. He naturally has his own way of dealing with people. He quickly got acquainted with his co-workers.

The mentality of ordinary people is very good. Although life has suffered a bit, but the inner thought is that they are good if they can survive. Even if they say that the leadership of the base has changed, no one shows dissatisfaction on their faces.Naturally, the old man would not foolishly say that he led them to turn over, but just listened happily to what they continued.

But the core problem, no one knows.

Zhou Musen stayed in the prison and was worried. He didn't know if they had escaped, but he didn't know that someone was busy looking for him outside.A group of supernatural beings were held in the prison, all of whom were prisoners of war captured after the invaders occupied the base.

They eat the lowest food every day, water-type abilities need to complete a certain amount of water, those with wood-type abilities need to continuously spawn plants, those with earth-type abilities need to build city walls, and those with fire-type abilities are responsible for heating.As for other useless abilities, they were killed early.

Some people say that they are actually raised not only for work, but also to prevent zombies from massacring the city so that they can die.As for whether it is true or not, no one knows, but it is true that no one wants to die.

Zhou Musen lived in a room of 20 people. As time went by, many people had actually succumbed and turned to embrace the enemy.

The old man walked around in a circle, but he couldn't find anyone to connect with at all.He was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He watched the days go by day by day, and the five-day deadline was close at hand.

On the fifth night, the 'father and son' came back.

The old man shook his head, looking very helpless, "No one was found, and the people at the base didn't seem to have any intention of resisting." When he said this, he couldn't express how he felt.

Maybe it's because I'm old, I can see it.In fact, the residents of the base accepted the reality honestly, and he understood it. If it was him, maybe he would make the same choice.

However, he is not.

He was the one who went over mountains and mountains to get back the base. Seeing this state, he felt uncomfortable and chilled.In the past, Shen Jiacheng was so kind to them. Although it was not as good as the food and clothing of the New Hope Base, it was much better than now.

One side fell silent, but the other side was 'in full swing', Hu Jun took Xiao Kong, and Ran Tao started to barbecue.

"It would be nice to just get in, it's still so troublesome." Xiaokong was a little bored, squatting on the ground waiting for dinner.

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the kill?" Hu Jun didn't let him talk nonsense, while busy with his hands.It turns out that I have barbecue tonight, don't ask why.It's just that Xiao Kong insisted on eating, and Hu Jun had no choice but to satisfy him.

For a second, Hu Jun felt like being a mother.

Seeing Hu Jun's secretive look, Xiao Kong thought about it, and honestly chose to shut up.

I remember the last time when she showed such an expression, she persisted for a while and was beaten.Later, Hu Dong told her that women have a period called menopause, which should not be messed with.

In the distance, Shen Jiacheng, Pan Zhan and others gathered together, talking for some reason.The others were drinking hot porridge and had no intention of joining in.On the contrary, Ayin felt sorry for her nephew, so she threw Pan Mu over, ate and drank, and went back to continue drinking porridge by herself.

Hu Jun held the grilled wings in his hand and ate with relish.He didn't forget to hand Pan Mu a bunch of chicken wings for him to eat.

"Haha." Hu Jun laughed out loud suddenly, it was really interesting for Ran Tao to eat barbecue in a non-human way.Ran Tao glanced at her and continued.

There were laughter and laughter here, while Shen Jiacheng frowned on the other side. He had no internal response, and the assault was courting death, but is there any good way?
You Yefeng glanced at Hu Jun who was in the distance, and he could take out barbecue utensils and meat at will. Presumably, she has many secrets that she doesn't know.

In fact, this is also normal, otherwise how could such a magnificent and domineering base be built.

The next day, everyone was busy with work early in the morning.

Shen Jiacheng was embarrassed to ask Hu Jun to contribute, so he didn't ask her to do anything.Of course, Hu Jun didn't intend to join him either, so he slept with Xiaokong until the sun was high, and woke up leisurely.

After eating some food, I watched everyone busy and packed their bags, as if they were about to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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