Chapter 437 Busy Work (2)
Seeing that Hu Jun got up, Ah Yin remembered her mission, and hurried over to explain to Hu Jun, "Everyone is planning to enter the base by water, and is planning to retreat to the lake."


This method is quite new, Hu Jun thought for a while and asked, "By the drainage pipe or the water supply pipe?"

Ayin explained, "It is through the water supply pipeline. Most of the drinking water in the city is drawn into the lake we passed by. According to Lao Zhang, it seems that a new water supply route is being designed inside the base, but it has not been successful. We plan to take advantage of it. This plan, through this road, enters the base."

Xiao Kong and Ran Tao also leaned over to listen, with doubtful expressions on their faces, especially Xiao Kong said directly, "It's so cold, it's hard to get in."

He felt cold in his clothes, not to mention jumping into the water, he curled his lips, the person who came up with this method is really stupid.

Ayin didn't have much confidence on his face, and it was freezing cold. If there was a good way, they wouldn't make such a bad move. They could only use other people's clichés, "It is indeed difficult to enter the base by water, but this is the only There is no internal support, so I can only find the entrance by myself. Now the base is not cohesive, as long as the looters who have captured the base are captured, I believe the base can be taken back." Speaking of the looters, Ayin's eyes lit up.Indeed, this predator is none other than their family's enemy, Song Junbo.

Compared with the Pan family, Song Junbo really got better and better, and now he directly dominates the base.

After experiencing so many hardships, Pan Zhan's desire to dominate has disappeared, replaced by hatred. The reason why he must come is that he doesn't kill the enemy with his hands.

Hu Jun knew about the Pan family's affairs, so he agreed, but after listening to their plan, he shook his head, feeling unfavorable in his heart, "I'm afraid, the waterway is not as simple as you imagined. Besides, even if you can successfully enter the base, I'm afraid You can't kill Song Junbo either." Those who can frame their best friend and take away the base must not be mediocre, and it is impossible that they do not have any protective measures.

"We discussed it all night. Apart from this, there is no other good solution but to fight hard." Ayin's face had a kind of courage to regard death as home, and even Pan Mu's little man held his head up at this moment. , pursing his lips, as if he wanted to help everyone.

Although the momentum was very good, out of unwillingness to let them die in vain, Hu Jun still found Shen Jiacheng.

After hearing Hu Jun's question, Shen Jiacheng smiled heartily, "You're right, but there's nothing you can do about it. If you can't get in, everything in the base will be in vain. I have a few bases that I supervised to build. There are copper and iron walls around the base. Forcing in is the best way. As for whether we can kill Song Junbo, as long as we go in, there is always hope." He changed his previous frown, and seemed to be back to his previous full of vitality.

Sure enough, only when you have a goal can you be motivated.

Pan Mu had long followed his aunt to help, Xiao Kong didn't know what to do, Ran Tao, who was like a fairy, silently packed the things used by Hu Jun and others, and carried them behind his back, looking like Hu Jun There was nothing to do, so he continued to ask, "Didn't you prepare any secret passages when building the base?"

Shen Jiacheng was a little embarrassed to ask this topic, he paused before saying, "Yes, but unfortunately it has been used by others." It turned out that the gang of bandits came in through the secret passage of the base.That being said, the person who betrayed him must be a trusted aide.

Uh, what a tragedy, Hu Juan silently decided to add a few more layers of insurance to his base when he went back.

Everyone was ready to go, and soon returned to the lake. Going into the base from the icy lake was simply an extreme physical abuse.

Someone has already made a move, using supernatural powers to carve a hole in the ice.The swishing cold air rises upwards, which is daunting.Xiao Kong hugged Hu Jun with his arms folded, his mouth pursed.

100 people were selected out of 80 people. They took off their coats and began to do warm-up exercises. Someone else folded the clothes they took off and put them in bags. They couldn't run naked in the base after a while.

"Don't you need to help them?" Standing beside Hu Jun, Ran Tao asked in a soft voice with lowered eyebrows.

Although he didn't know what Ran Tao came here for, but since he was asking himself, Hu Juan said with certainty, "No, no need."

Ran Tao also remained silent, standing side by side with Hu Jun.

Soon, some people started jumping in, one, two, three, plopping in like dumplings. It's really courageous.

Hu Juan suddenly thought of the cold winter before, so cold that he almost wanted to cut off his hands and feet. Thinking about them, even people with supernatural powers might not be able to resist entering the icy water in the twelfth lunar month.

In fact, if she makes a move, it may be much better than their jumping into the lake.She bit her lip unconsciously, but should she make a move?
It's actually not good to go into battle because you feel sorry for others.

When she was thinking about it, Xiao Kong gave her a hand, and whispered in her ear, "Let's go over there and have a look, I think there are good things."

good stuff?
Hu Jun's attention was immediately taken away by Xiao Kong, and the two walked away.

Shen Jiacheng stripped off his clothes at once, stopped You Yefeng and only told him, "Be careful to respond." Regardless of the obstruction, he jumped down.You Yefeng, who was supposed to go down, couldn't make the stupid decision to jump out of consideration of the overall situation.

Pan Zhan also jumped into the ice water with Shen Jiacheng neatly, leaving his sister and son on the shore.

The water under the ice is so cold that it makes people feel numb all over. Even if they just patted their body with ice water, it is really painful to enter it for the first time.There is no air underwater at all, and it all depends on holding your breath. Everyone knows that even if they swim very fast, it will take 5 minutes to enter the base, not to mention that everyone can't swim at all.

It can be said that such an action is to die, but no one gives up, because this is their home, and they want to take back everything that belongs to them.

While swimming, some people would suffocate because they couldn't breathe. They kept waving their arms, and their bodies gradually sank.

Ayin, who came out of nowhere, swam forward and pressed the oxygen mask on the man's nose. He took a few deep breaths before recovering, his eyes full of gratitude.Afterwards, the oxygen cylinders were constantly rotated in everyone's hands, and Pan Zhan frowned and looked at his younger sister who was shuttling through the team.But he couldn't reprimand him, so he had to wait until he got out and ask again.

While swimming, the person who led the way killed the car and signaled that it could not move any more.

It turned out that they were already close to the exit, and as long as they swam through this tunnel again, they would fall into the reservoir downstream.

The reservoir is guarded by special personnel, one is to detect whether there are zombie fish, and the other is that it seems that someone has sneaked into the base along here.As soon as you go down the river, you will find it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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