Chapter 438
Soon, a poisonous supernatural user approached quietly, and released poison from his hand, which was thin and slowly approached several guards.The guards were standing upright, but after a while they fell down one by one.But within 10 minutes, all the guards died, and none survived.

Everyone escaped from the waterway smoothly, dealt with the guards neatly, and entered the base smoothly.

It was difficult to find their previous residence, but fortunately, the old man had already prepared a place when he entered the base, so everyone had a place to stay.

"Why are you here?" Pan Zhan called his sister aside and asked with a bad face.

A Yin lifted the oxygen bottle and said with a smile, "Of course it's for you. Miss Hu gave me the oxygen bottle, and I'll bring it down to find you. Otherwise, everyone won't be able to persist."

She spoke with confidence, but Pan Zhan didn't see a smile on his face. This oxygen cylinder can't be given to anyone, maybe it must be her.Last night, my younger sister asked to come, but I was decisively denied it. Now it's all right, and I will follow if I have an excuse.

He said with a straight face, "Don't you know how dangerous it is here?"

A Yin's ingratiating smile gradually disappeared, and she said seriously, "I know, you are doing it for my own good. But I'm not young anymore, and I want to avenge my family. Although I don't have supernatural powers, I have mind reading skills. Sometimes it will be more useful than you."

Pan Zhan opened his mouth, and in the end he just stroked A Yin's hair, and said in a low voice, "A Yin, I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Brother, I know, but you should also understand how you feel." A Yin understood that her brother didn't want to see her family members die again, but likewise, she didn't want to see her brother take risks alone.

One loves his sister, and the other is eager to take revenge. Now that he is here, this is the only way to go.

Soon, A Yin went out to hang around, and read everyone's thoughts along the way.

But because Song Junbo knew her, she put on a disguise.The journey went smoothly, and when I came back, I accidentally saw two brothers and sisters, A Pang and A Ling.

The two seemed to be having a good time, hugging each other like an emperor on tour.

"Who are they?" Ayin asked the spectators around while supporting her fake stomach with one hand.

The aunt glanced at A Yin, then chirped, "You don't know her, she is A Ling. I heard that she is Mayor Song's wife, and the man next to her is her brother."

It turned out that Song Junbo called himself the mayor, and A Ling became his wife.But this woman had no impression of Song Junbo's real wife and daughter Niuniu in her mind.This surprised A Yin a little, but most people don't know the reason.She didn't delve into it, and turned to inquire about other things.

After a busy day, I went back to my room.Only then did A Yin tell everyone the situation, such as Song Junbo's address, places he frequented, and so on.

Afterwards, everyone began to monitor the Song family in shifts. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles, and it is better to have comprehensive intelligence.

Although there were few people and heavy tasks, but because of Ayin, the result was half the effort, and the terrain was quickly found out and the time to start was confirmed.

Today, Song Junbo had just finished a meeting, and felt relieved for a while.

The matter of the four people in the reservoir has been investigated clearly. The squad leader on duty had a grudge against a poisonous supernatural person. It was a revenge incident. As a result, people on both sides died.

Although there were few people mentioned, it was better than outsiders entering. After repeated inspections, no one got involved, and he was relieved.The base has already prepared food for the winter, and they can sit back and relax after the waterway diversion is completed.Thinking of this, he felt very happy.

When I got home, I had already prepared a sumptuous meal. A Ling was wearing a very beautiful red dress, and she looked very good.

Young, smart, knowledgeable about current affairs and a person with supernatural powers, Song Junbo would be happy to let her be a big house for such a woman.

The servant helped Song Junbo take off his coat, and after washing his hands briefly, A Ling said to Song Junbo with a smile, "You are hungry, just in time for dinner. I ordered them to stew the meat today. You can taste it."

The slim and handsome A Ling has gradually replaced the dead wife's position in Song Junbo's heart.Tigress and lamb, such multiple-choice questions are too simple for men.

Song Junbo nodded, and after sitting down, the two began to think about a delicious dinner.

A Ling told Song Junbo anecdotes, paying attention to his expression from time to time, and said a few more words when he saw topics he liked, and simply ended the ones he didn't like.

Although it looks a bit tiring, but being able to enjoy the service of dozens of people and eating meat and vegetables is not something ordinary people can enjoy.Thinking of this, the smile on her face became brighter again.

No matter what, she has earned her current position through untold hardships. As long as she gives birth to a child, this base will belong to her, and all the hard work will be worthwhile.

At six o'clock, the two of them were enjoying their meal, and the base was in the process of changing shifts in the afternoon and night, and everything was not on the right track. Even the security guards at Song Junbo's house went out to eat, or the shift was in progress. The loosest moment of the day.

A maid at the door fell to the ground with a bang, her face blackened.

The hand that was originally holding the vegetables stopped immediately. Song Junbo followed his eyes, and with a wave of his right hand, a huge ice arrow hit the gate. At the same time as the gate was blown away, a "heavy rain" fell from the sky like rain.

He didn't panic. With his great power, he easily raised the dining table above his head with one hand, and at the same time, a layer of frost was already spread around him, creating a natural protective layer for himself.

A Ling beside Song Junbo had long been silently standing beside Song Junbo. Although she also had supernatural powers, she obviously couldn't cope with such a situation, so she might as well obediently hide behind the man.

In an instant, the servants in the house were already dead.

Song Junbo squinted his eyes and looked at the gate. Who is it?

The first one to walk in was Shen Jiacheng, the original owner of the base. He had a sullen face and was very serious. Obviously, he came this time to take back the base.When Song Junbo saw him, he was actually prepared in his heart, and he was not panicked.

The second person made his pupils constrict, "Long time no see, Jun Bo." Pan Zhan walked in and greeted him with a smile, but it was a pity that there was a knife hidden in his smile and his eyes were full of coldness.

"You!" Song Junbo turned pale with shock, he never expected to meet Pan Zhan and Shen Jiacheng and get mixed up.He was not afraid of anyone alone, and he had tens of thousands of ways to kill them in his mind.But the combination of the two of them made him feel a little terrified.

After all, the two biggest enemies in my life are probably Shen Jiacheng and Pan Zhan.

One plus one is definitely greater than two.

Soon, Song Junbo's house was surrounded by people. As long as Song Junbo was killed, the big head was solved, and the rest of the mob could be crushed into slag in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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