Chapter 446
However, everything was in vain, the sea water tightly imprisoned her body, blocked her thinking, and prevented her from breathing.

"Not good!" Seeing what happened to Hu Jun, Ran Tao's eyes widened, he couldn't help but take two quick steps forward, and looked anxiously at the sea.Where there is still Hu Jun's figure, only the huge body of the sea monster dances like crazy.

Xiao Kong, who was standing not far away, also entered the sea because of the huge waves. Compared with Hu Jun's inability to cope, he was like a fish in water, swimming in the torrent constantly, looking for Hu Jun.

The sea water is far from being crystal clear, and with the presence of sea monsters, the sea water is dirty, like black ink being splashed, making it hard to see clearly.He swam for a long time before he found Hu Jun's position. He grabbed Hu Jun who was struggling, held down her desperately dancing hands, and gestured vigorously, "Space!"

Being caught suddenly, Hu Jun was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to shoot, but after realizing it was Xiao Kong, a flash of inspiration flashed, and the two of them fell into the space at once.

Hu Jun lay on the ground, coughing several times, the sea water was spit out, and she burst into tears in pain.But after a while, she regained her strength.Pushing back his hair, he thought of a countermeasure because of this accident.

"You will return to the shore later, the farther the better." She told Xiao Kong truthfully.

Xiao Kong nodded, lowered his head hesitantly, and whispered, "Be careful."

Hu Jun smiled like a camellia in full bloom.He reached out and rubbed his wet hair. Yes, he grew up and knew how to care for himself.

As soon as they went out to sea, Hu Jun and Xiaokong swam to different directions.Now that he got into the water, if he didn't give the sea monster a fatal blow, how could he be worthy of it.

She submerged herself in the sea water, touched the sea water with her hands, and felt the attitude of the sea water.

Compared with rainwater, the seawater is more violent and uncontrollable because of the presence of sea monsters.One by one, they fled from Hu Jun's hands one after another, some violently confronted Hu Jun face to face, and had no good attitude at all.

She frowned, and after another thought, she grabbed a handful of water from the space and put it between her hands, gradually letting the sea water approach again.

A miracle happened. In front of the pool, the sea water was extraordinarily cute, as if they were not the ones who wished to kill Hu Jun just now.

They cuddled around the pool obediently, obeying their teachings and becoming docile.

She didn't have time to think about why, relying on the pool water to gradually control the sea water.

The sea water gathered more and more in her hand, until finally, she let go of her hand and let the water flow into the sea.At this moment, the whole sea gave her a familiar feeling.

Through the sea water, she also gradually figured out the location of the sea monster. The sea monster was a third bigger than imagined. Not only that, each bump seemed to contain countless toxins, which could be broken with a poke, quickly polluting the sea water.

Hu Jun took a deep breath, raised his arms sharply, and made a throwing motion to fit them above his head.

"go with!"

A sharp sword suddenly appeared in the depths of the vast sea. The sharp sword was long and narrow, with a sharp arrow, and it went straight to the eyes of the strange fish.

The sword was as sharp as lightning, and without giving the sea monster any chance to react, it directly pierced into the sea monster's left eye, and in an instant the left eye stabbed down fiercely, and finally, it was completely inserted into the sea monster's body in a daze.

"Roar!" The sea monster that was directly pierced let out a roar, the roar was full of hostility, sharp as if it was going to cut the surface of the sea, blood flowed in the sea water, and the sea water changed its color.

The sky gradually darkened with its rage, and the darkness like a big storm was really scary.

The eyes of the one-eyed sea monster became more and more gloomy, and the eyes were full of anger, as if it wanted to bite Hu Jun into pieces.Then, it disappeared.As if it should have died from that fatal blow, everyone thought it was dead.

It's just that the sky is still so dark, like a precursor to a storm.

Hu Juan had already crawled back to the road along the sea, panting heavily.I don't know if it's sweat or sea water dripping on the sand. If you look carefully, her hands are also bleeding.

Ran Tao rushed over in two or three steps, and grabbed Hu Jun's hand without saying a word.

He forgot that Hu Jun himself could heal himself, so with a sullen face, he healed Hu Jun's hands seriously, carefully, and piously.

His hands were not warm, even cold.

But Hu Jun's hands were even colder, like ice cubes, and he actually felt warmth in Ran Tao's hands.

"It's done?" Pan Zhan and A Yin looked at each other, their faces were full of surprise, but they were full of joy, and the smile on their faces was uncontrollable.

People in the laboratory cheered and jumped for joy, as if success was close at hand.

Just as everyone was drowning in the sea of ​​excitement, "Roar!" A bloody mouth rushed towards Hu Jun, and she was swallowed before she had time to react, but Ran Tao escaped because he had just left.

At this moment, the sea monster that was originally in the water stepped on the shore. It was blind in one eye, but it was even more brutal.Step by step approaching the city, the swinging giant tail destroyed all the buildings.

"This!" The people far behind the monitor were shocked, and their eyes could not wait to pop out.

Although they had guessed that they would fail, the moment of failure made them so desperate and helpless.Especially just now, everyone thought they were sure to win, but suddenly they lost... Such great joy and great sorrow are full of unspeakable despair and sadness.

Next, they must be the ones who sacrificed, they thought so.

The division commander looked back at the crowd and said with a serious expression, "Evacuate here immediately, notify the people at the base, and let them evacuate immediately."

"How about you, teacher?" Everyone looked at the teacher in panic. If they want to retreat, why don't they go together.

The teacher said calmly, "I want to buy you one last bit of time."

"No, teacher, if you don't leave, we won't leave either." Hearing this, Lao Gao would never agree. How could he abandon the teacher? Never give up.

"What are you still talking about at this time, if you can escape, it's only one." The teacher's expression was serious, as if he was full of vigor when he was young, his whole body was filled with a kind of light, as if he remembered something.

Then, after a pause, he said with a melancholy face, "I'm afraid that this sea monster will approach the inland, and I don't know how many people will be killed by then."

Everyone opened their mouths and said nothing.

Once such a monster enters the mainland, I am afraid that countless people will die.

At the same time, after seeing the sea monster land, Pan Zhan said decisively, "Let's go!"

It's definitely not that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but there are still so many innocent people in the base. According to the speed of the sea monster, they will arrive at the base in a short while, and more people will die by then. The most urgent task is to get everyone to move.

Xiaokong pursed his lips and was pulled by Ayin, but he didn't move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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