Chapter 447
"Let's go!" Ayin was extremely anxious, Hu Jun died in the hands of this sea monster, how could they resist.

He waved his hands, but ran towards the sea monster instead, A Yin stomped his feet angrily, and ran away with his brother after all.

Ran Tao, who ran over from a distance, grabbed him, grabbed his arm with his fingers, and said sharply, "You are not allowed to go!"

Xiaokong ignored him, still wanted to rush forward, but couldn't get rid of him.

"Miss Hu has ordered that if something happens to her, you will never be allowed to get close to the sea monster." The reason Ran Tao exists is to stop everyone, including Xiao Kong.Hu Jun was being devoured by sea monsters before his eyes. If he was sad, he was more distressed than anyone else. How much he wished that his abilities were not healing and control. It would be great if it was something else.

However, there was nothing he could do.

The only thing that can be done is to follow Hu Jun's arrangement to do well.He gritted his teeth, wishing he could break Xiao Kong's arm.

He is absolutely not allowed to come close, absolutely not!
Xiao Kong who was stopped suddenly threw his arm down, turned around and yelled, "Get out!" Looking at Ran Tao's eyes, there was a hint of hostility. Ran Tao could clearly read from his eyes that if he didn't let go, Xiao Kong might I will do it to myself in the next second!
However, he still didn't let go.Looking at him with a cold expression, expressing his firmness.

The sea monster walked forward step by step. Obviously, it was not yet suitable for life with its feet, and it staggered a bit when it walked, but it did not prevent it from destroying anything it saw.

The sea monster was getting closer and closer to the two of them, and the sea in the distance was like boiling water, gurgling and rolling black waves.

The others had long since disappeared, and they all went to the base to report.

The swallowed Hu Jun was wrapped in a thick layer of ice and bumped in the sea monster's stomach.

The sea monster's appetite is really good, quickly corroding the ice layer that even supernatural powers can't penetrate, Hu Jun kept defending, and even observed the internal weaknesses of the sea monster with supernatural eyes.

The enraged sea monster soon discovered the stalemate between the two, and opened its mouth to devour them.

Sooner or later, Xiao Kong jumped up in the air and kicked at it.And Ran Tao was also ready to die, since Hu Jun was dead anyway, so what was the point of his life.

At this moment, the sea monster suddenly raised its forelegs, roared crazily, and threw its body wildly, looking like it was dying of pain.

The sudden change caught everyone's attention, and they simply forgot to act.

The sea monster suddenly had a big hole in its stomach, and Xiao Kong was overjoyed.At this time, he was not afraid of getting dirty, so he threw himself into the sea monster's body and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as he entered, the sea monster swayed its body crazily and wailed endlessly. The huge shaking body directly crushed countless buildings.

"What, what's going on here?" No one knew what happened, but was shocked by the fury of the sea monster. It was fine just now, but it changed in a blink of an eye.

Gradually, the sea monster became silent and lay there quietly, as if dead.

Compared to others who dared not move, Ran Tao ran forward quickly, and hurriedly began to search for the sea monster's body.

He searched and searched, but he couldn't find Hu Jun's figure no matter what. The more anxious he was, the more he couldn't find him.A pair of fair hands had already been turned purple-black by the severe poison of the sea monster's body, but he didn't care about it at all, and inserted his hands into the sea monster's body, looking for it.

"Give me a hand." An ethereal voice came from the sea monster's head. Ran Tao was startled at first, and then quickly rolled and crawled on the sea monster's head.

He reached in with his hand, dug out for a long time, grabbed a hand, and pulled Hu Jun out with a satisfied smile.

Fortunately, she is fine.

Hu Jun was covered in blood at the moment, and she fell down on the sea monster's corpse. She wiped off her sweat, glanced at Ran Tao's hand, and patted his shoulder, "Cure yourself."

After speaking, he took a deep breath, stood up, and looked into the distance.

Xiaokong crawled out from the tail of the fish by himself, with a happy look on his face.

At this moment, a group of people hurried over with anxious faces.

"Miss Hu, are you okay?" Pan Zhan asked quickly, followed by a group of people.They wanted to evacuate, but seeing the situation of the gang, they really wanted to come here, so they sent some people out.

Hu Jun shook his head, and began to order in a low voice, "The sea monster is dead, but its body is very poisonous, find some fire-type supernatural powers to burn it, and don't touch its corpse."

Although he didn't know what was going on, Shen Jiacheng nodded and started to organize people to burn the sea monster.

The teacher watched everything on the monitor, and when he saw that the sea monster was really dead, he sat down on the chair with sweat dripping down his forehead.

For the first time in his life, he didn't sit in a sitting position, and he was still grinning silly.

The logistics work did not need Hu Jun's supervision, so she returned to the base.Anyway, the soldiers guarding the seaside had already picked up their heads at the base, so they didn't need to explain everything, just said something I remembered, "Promise me something." Then they found a room at random, and fell asleep.

She was almost exhausted just now, the sea monster's stomach is full of iron walls, it took her a lot of effort to kill it, now her whole body is sore, her head hurts, and she wished she could pass out.

It was already noon the next day when she woke up, and she slept for nearly 20 hours, which scared others into thinking she was dying.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Kong, smiling like a cat that was stealing fish.

"Found it?" Hu Jun's voice was hoarse.

Xiaokong grinned happily, "Well, I found it." The thing was already in his stomach.

Hu Jun nodded and said nothing.

On the third day, Hu Jun embarked on a journey back to the city.

"Miss Hu's kindness to our base will never be forgotten. In the future, our base will definitely go through fire and water, no matter how wrong it is." Shen Jiacheng said to Hu Jun at the gate of the city.

Hu Jun nodded and said nothing more, the advanced equipment by the sea lay quietly in her space.

Hurry up slowly, and arrive at the base smoothly before the Spring Festival.

At this time, the base was already in a lively state, and every household was festive with lanterns and festoons, celebrating another smooth passing of the year.

A batch of advanced scientific research facilities brought by Hu Jun have been highly praised by experts in the scientific research building. They have repeatedly said that this is the best Spring Festival gift and look forward to Hu Jun's better performance next year.

The corners of Hu Jun's mouth twitched when he heard this, these people are really pushing an inch.She ignored their words and took a long vacation for herself.

Compared with Hu Juan's relaxation, the people who came to pick him up had a long way to go.

After staying at the New Hope Base, many people simply don't want to go back.They hid one by one, unwilling to meet the people who came to meet them.

(End of this chapter)

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