Chapter 505 Explosives (1)
I won't regret everything I've given, but looking back now, I've been so useless in my whole life.

He laughed, lowered his head, laughed smugly, shrugged his shoulders, and at the end, he actually laughed out loud, laughing loudly, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

Even, laughed a lot of tears.

"You..." Hu Juan was taken aback, and wanted to say something more, but was stopped by General Ji Jin.

After leaving Ji's house, Hu Jun was worried, how could this happen.

At night in the dungeon, the lights were all turned off, and it was like a dark night. She walked in the dark, feeling very heavy and uneasy.

The next day, Ji Jin handed in his resignation letter.

Many of his subordinates have already married and had children here, so naturally he did not force them to leave.

But most of his subordinates firmly followed him, even though they knew in their hearts that they would never find the life like this.

Ji Jin was about to leave. At first everyone thought he was going out to do a mission, but soon, news spread that he had left the base.

Hu Jun sat in the spacious office, his heart was empty.

"Miss Hu?" Chen Lei came in with a glass of fruit juice, but saw Hu Jun was in a daze again.

Hu Jun nodded, told her to put it down, and did not speak.

As soon as Ji Jin left, she gradually realized how important he was to the base.With the sudden departure, Hu Jun was caught off guard by many things, but so what?
She couldn't imprison him in the name of love and let him work for her for nothing.This is respect for General Ji Jin and respect for himself.

It doesn't matter if he leaves, there will be a better sky, instead of following Hu Jun toil like an old woman like now.He should have left a long time ago, only blame Hu Jun himself for being too selfish, too sensible to be together, and also vague, not explicit, taking advantage of his feelings.

Although Hu Jun is busy now, it's good to be busy.

The only problem was that Hu Jun's plan had to be shelved again.

General Ji Jin's departure left many vacancies in the base, and a large number of cadres had to be promoted.Many people even have to wear several jobs to maintain the operation of the base.

This side has not yet adapted to the new mode of operation, especially Xiaoxia has not been able to successfully take over the work of supervising the trial.

An unfortunate incident came.

Someone actually took the opportunity to launch an attack on the base!
I don't know whether they regard General Ji Jin as too important, or Hu Jun as too incompetent, or they think that during the turmoil in the New Hope base, they can take the opportunity to get their own benefits.

All in all, a group of people who ran out from nowhere launched an attack on the base.

The most amazing thing is that someone inside the base actually responded!

Hu Jun's first reaction was that it was funny!
How could she be installed again so soon after searching for so long?It wasn't that she was prepared, she didn't believe it herself.But, who is it?
Hu Jun looked at the list in his hand, who is so courageous?

Hu Jun sat in the office with his head down, looking at the city defense map and listening to Pan Zhan's report.

"The enemy seems to know where the base's weakness is. The attack time is always stuck at the time of the base shift. Every time the shift time is changed, it is always the moment for them to attack. There are very few exceptions. Although everyone resists vigorously, they must be repulsed. But it's very tricky." Pan Zhan shook his head, feeling very helpless.

The shift is when the base is the most chaotic and the defense is weakest. They often make short-term raids and run away after fighting, making it difficult to catch the tail.

Hu Jun nodded, looking at the number and time of each attack, it was very subtle.Although the base organized their attacks relying on strong walls and complete defense equipment, they still couldn't be wiped out.

Pan Zhan, it seems, rarely let the supernatural beings in the base go out to fight.

"I see, you go out first." Hu Jun continued to lower his head and said in a muffled voice.

Pan Zhan glanced at her, turned and left.

As soon as he went out, he saw Chen Lei stand up, as if she had something to say, but walked in front of him.

The two were not familiar with each other, but Pan Zhan still walked behind her.

Chen Lei kept bringing him to a small conference room, making sure that no one could hear their conversation before stopping.

Actually, Chen Lei didn't want to say these words to Pan Zhan, but no one else was suitable for him, and these words had to be said.

"Miss Hu's situation is very bad recently." She said worriedly.

Pan Zhan nodded. The base was under siege, and Ji Jin would leave again. Everything was chaotic, and she was in a normal state.

Chen Lei obviously understood that Pan Zhan didn't take it seriously, and she said Hu Jun's new secret cruelly, "Miss Hu has never had a rest in recent days, and she is working every day, and." She was a little bit embarrassed, and paused Then he continued, "I think she seems to have a mental problem."

Mental problems?

Pan Zhan felt that Chen Lei was the only one with mental problems, and Hu Jun was quick thinking and decisive in dealing with things, both of which were good.Moreover, in the war, can the commander of the base still live a leisurely life every day?
"You think too much." Pan Zhan was rare, and gently reminded Chen Lei that Hu Jun was not ill. "Miss Hu is just worried about the safety of the base. Once the enemy is dealt with, everything will be fine."

Chen Lei shook her head, that's not the case.

"You have little contact with Ms. Hu, and I am her secretary, and my job is to serve her every day. You should know that Ms. Hu is a person. She is actually very cold, but no matter how cold she is, she is very kind in her heart. I understand that in In the eyes of many people, Ms. Hu doesn't seem to be that kind, but everything she does is for the development of the base."

Pan Zhan nodded, that was indeed the case.

"However, she seems to have changed recently and has become very strange. To put it mildly, every time I gave her water and juice before, she would always drink it, but now she often puts them aside. To the big Said that in the past, when there were battles, she was also anxious and worried, but when did she not go into battle in person and fight the enemy bravely?"

Chen Lei looked anxious, and seemed really worried about Hu Jun.

But Pan Zhan didn't think there was any connection between the two, but he just couldn't drink and couldn't fight.If she doesn't drink, maybe she just doesn't want to drink. What does it matter if she doesn't go to battle? With so many people in the base, does she always have to rely on her to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy to survive?

"What are you trying to say?" He asked impatiently.

"I think she's punishing herself."

"Oh?" This statement is very new, Pan Zhan raised his eyebrows and waited.

Seeing Pan Zhan's expression of disbelief, Chen Lei had no choice but to explain, "She gave up what she should or wanted to do and turned to other things. Isn't that a punishment for her heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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